Haha, the face is perfect. Only two more weeks for us Vita-class citizens.
Edit: New PV for the Vita version, focused on the characters in the story.
Good pv.
I can imagine when the game is out folks are going to have serious issues deciding which faction to side with lol. Since the special abilities gained varies between them but they all seem useful. Once you move down a path that its too.
I'm probably going to go with the knights since according to the site they get defensive skills, and that's usually how I play. Probably even more in this game because of the life points.
the hp regen and protection against magic attack are good. and the max hp one is also very good hehe.
Do you get different story stuff or endings depending on who you choose or is it only skills? I think in the achievement list there is only one for getting the ending, but that doesn't mean much.
Yeah depending on who you side with the endings change I do believe also story.
If you think of the 3 factions its like Law, Neutral, Chaos
I always got stuck staring at the screens over what to take lol.
btw for those if you who are watching this thread and plan on importing highly suggest you preorder now as quantities are limited with how much of the physical version of the title got pressed.
Amiami link
Nippon-Yasan link (normal ver)
Nippon-Yasan Ebten ver (game + soundtrack)
*Update got a reply from Chikami-san the producer, he said if folks are not in a huge rush to get a physical copy then it should not be an issue. Which must mean that the initial print run will be low, but more will be made is what it seems. No idea on what kind of wait would be expected if folks miss out on the initial run though.
But good to know that we have confirmation that it will not just be a one shot deal with the initial run.
After Amiami ran out of Operation Abyss LEs and canceled my order because I ordered kind of late, I made sure to place my order for this right away even though it's not a special edition or anything.
Those swimsuit character portraits were fantastic lol. Used them all for my 2nd team in the game.
I actually think I have a 2nd OA LE around here somewhere. I dont even know where my first one went. think might have packed it up in a box.
Sometimes I think about buying a second Vita so I can have a Japanese PSN account to use all the extra DLC I'm sitting on all the time without it being a hassle. For this game it won't be such a big deal since I think the only extra portraits are the NPC portraits, but Operation Abyss had a lot of unique ones that I wanted to use :<
You should.
Since the DLC tickets usually have exp dates on them too which is another issue. Such as for example how my LE version of Tears to Tiara II the DLC ticket was useless as I picked up the game quite some time later in its life.
I have a Japanese account that I redeem all the codes on, but then never bother to download them for Vita stuff because switching memory cards is too big of a pain. That way if someday they allow multiple accounts I'll be good to go, haha.
Thats good then at least you have them in storage so to speak.
Id imagine used Vitas would be pretty cheap over there no?
Then again I have multiple due to the OG and 2K units. Almost wound up with another as was staring at the other God Eater 2 RB LE version.
I'd probably import one of the colored 2000 models and switch my 1000 over to the import system. Maybe after February and March when there haven't been many other games to buy I'll go ahead and get one.
Sounds like a plan. You can raid the PSN store too for tons of stuff thats not out in the US also. One of my 64GB cards is literally all PSP / PS1 titles.
Am currently messing with 円卓の生徒 Students of Round
I've thought about buying a copy of that, mostly just to have it as a collection thing. And I might even play it if their new game ends up being tied to it somehow (Samurai of the Round I think they called it on that livestream a while back).
A buddy of mine that is on the same level of insane skills with Wiz. titles as Dorarnae was the one who initially introduced me to Exp Inc via Generation Xth. Id imagine if he spoke english him and Dorarnae would be best friends lol
I am replaying Wizardry xth1 atm. I need to replay Student of Round someday![]()
Id like to go through busin and busin 0 again some day. loved those games.
yeah they're good, I replayed the first one recently, will do the sequel again later.
I prefer the second game, more challenging and they fixed a few things that were annoying, like making stone one by one in the first game hehe.
I guess the good thing about my new channel is it gives me a reason to replay these game hehe.
I still need to find elminage 2 on ds.
yeah seems pretty rare.
Even in like non-amazon in used stores Ive seen the price high since am pretty sure these days owners watch the market shifts with titles and raise the prices etc.
since sometimes I go through still looking for a psp copy of Wizardry Empires which is literally IMPOSSIBLE to find.
New copies now run around 400 I think...
is there more stuff in the psp version for wizardry empire 3?
the pc version for 1 & 2 seems rare too.
Not sure actually. Dont think so though, its more of a collectors piece than anything. My buddy told me its pretty much like vanilla vanilla wizardry as in real old with the design and thinks most folks wouldnt play it.
That and it was during the time too when Starfish seriously made like super limited print of their titles which drove the price up also.
hehe ok. the third game wasn't too hard, it's actually the easiest of the 3. first game wasnt too bad too. second game was a pain in the butt tho lol.
Im pretty sure empires was on the PS2 also, but am unsure what the diff between that ver and the PSP one is.
I was searching for some wallpaper or something on google for stranger of sword city and is it me or some people were able to change their character picture(kinda like elminage)?
How is this game compared to Demon Gaze? Reading the replies and some info gathered on Asian forums I came to the conclusion that there is a MC that represents the player (like the Gazer in Demon Gaze).
Correct or incorrect?
Which brings me to the next question, is this going to be similar to DG in the way that there is some kind of romantic chemistry between the MC and the lead heroine? Or is there zero romance at all in this?
How is this game compared to Demon Gaze? Reading the replies and some info gathered on Asian forums I came to the conclusion that there is a MC that represents the player (like the Gazer in Demon Gaze).
Correct or incorrect?
Which brings me to the next question, is this going to be similar to DG in the way that there is some kind of romantic chemistry between the MC and the lead heroine? Or is there zero romance at all in this?
thanks kor and para, i will try hunting around for more answers
10 days, not that I'm counting or anything.
I'm counting.
Which reminds me I need to do a new product info page for the Vita ver. Everything else will be pretty much an exact replica of this thread lol. They didnt really update their HP either for the Vita ver. so its not like there are new resources for me to use anyways.
Better get that done ahead of time since its just a single piece. No more doing 2 OTs the night before release... I still dont know how I pulled that shit off with EO Untold 2 and Phantasy Star Nova at the same time lol.
I'm not sure I even know what all the additions for the Vita release are. New dungeon, new 血統種 enemies, and the time ranking or whatever that is, I think? I don't know if the NPC portraits are being released for the other versions.
10 days, not that I'm counting or anything.
I'm counting.
Is much of the dialogue voiced in this game?