Vespa said:Akuma's theme's pretty good, nice to have the option of other tracks.
Gentleman Jack said:Too tall/wrong proportions to get this artwork avatared? I always liked this perspective on Hugo.
Vespa said:Akuma's theme's pretty good, nice to have the option of other tracks.
Fersis said:
Great work dood. And tonz of love to SKill of course.God's Beard said:
RS4- said:Lol Sirlin
Day 1 lobbies will be delicious..la1n said:Most of the remixed versions grew on me but I still love dat original. We need more hype in here. Can't wait until we get some tournament play going between GAF.
Doesn't he always have problems with fighting games not named Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix?ThatCrazyGuy said:What's so "lol" about it? He brings up great points.
Fersis said:
Aren't you the guy who single-handedly killed Super Turbo?
I wanted a viable Sean darn it!God's Beard said:
spindashing said:Day 1 lobbies will be delicious.
Doesn't he always have problems with fighting games not named Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix?
DatBreh said:People keep saying that people wont take to a rebalanced version. I guarantee if Capcom threw some money behind it at big tournaments people would play.
DatBreh said:I agree with Sirlin, the game is pretty unbalanced and there are obvious things they could change that everyone agrees that should be done (like lengthening Yuns super bar and toning down some of Chuns normals) . I dont know why anyone here was hoping this game would make a return at Evo. Cant get enough Chun and Yun on youtube? Such awful balancing wouldnt be tolerated in any other genre of game but for some reason its great for fighters.
People keep saying that people wont take to a rebalanced version. I guarantee if Capcom threw some money behind it at big tournaments people would play.
spindashing said:Doesn't he always have problems with fighting games not named Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix?
I think after HD Remix, anything Sirlin has to say about...anything will forever be taken with a gigantic lump of salt. Besides, without the original group of developers doing the rebalancing, I wouldn't trust anyone else with it. I mean, who the hell else should do the rebalance? Sirlin? Ono? Who would you trust at that company to get a rebalance right?
Gentleman Jack said:How much development time and money did Capcom throw at Super Street Figher II HD Remix? History is not on your side of the argument here. I don't fault Capcom for not taking the 'change the game in prominent places' route a second time.
DatBreh said:I agree with Sirlin, the game is pretty unbalanced and there are obvious things they could change that everyone agrees that should be done (like lengthening Yuns super bar and toning down some of Chuns normals) . I dont know why anyone here was hoping this game would make a return at Evo. Cant get enough Chun and Yun on youtube? Such awful balancing wouldnt be tolerated in any other genre of game but for some reason its great for fighters.
People keep saying that people wont take to a rebalanced version. I guarantee if Capcom threw some money behind it at big tournaments people would play.
obonicus said:He always gives VF as an example when talking about yomi, and he's used GG as well. He didn't like BB or SF4, though, for different reasons.
Why would you trust the original developers? Their third try at balance was 3S.
Vespa said:Err nobody in this thread asked for this to come to Evo. You're like the millionth person to come in and preach the truth (and it is the truth) that this is unbalanced, message received.
3S OE was just meant to be 3S plus an online component, fans are happy. Rebalance mode would be great as an additional mode and maybe there's a possibility down the line if this sells but who knows (Currently ruled out). Personally I wouldn't know who to trust to rebalance this anyway it's not like this is the same Capcom that released this in 1999.
Gentleman Jack said:And what a coincidence, Sirlin doesn't like the other two major fighting games that came out in 2008.
obonicus said:Why would you trust the original developers? Their third try at balance was 3S.
DatBreh said:If you have been on SRK for a while you know there have been countless threads about changes to improve the game. But for some reason when someone in the gaming media says it, you want all hands off.
DatBreh said:Go back and read the thread from when the game was first shown. Plenty of people said they hoped this would bring the game back into the spotlight and back into Evo.
Kintaro said:At this point, why would you trust anyone at Capcom then? Ono's third shot at SF4? AE. Marvell vs. Capcom 2 wasn't balanced by players played the shit out it. MvC3 isn't balanced. Who knows about Ultimate MvC3 (going on history? Doubtful). SF X Tekken? Doubt it.
So, who WOULD you trust?
Leave the game as is. It is fine. Imagine the outcry if they rebalanced MvC2 after 10 years. lol Also, HD Remix didn't work so there goes that...
Kintaro said:At this point, why would you trust anyone at Capcom then? Ono's third shot at SF4? AE. Marvell vs. Capcom 2 wasn't balanced by players played the shit out it. MvC3 isn't balanced. Who knows about Ultimate MvC3 (going on history? Doubtful). SF X Tekken? Doubt it.
the releases are the betas for the next releasesobonicus said:They study this stuff and actively seek out ways to break the game for their own advantage -- better they do it in beta than after release.
Slamtastic said:the releases are the betas for the next releases
Kintaro said:Imagine the outcry if they rebalanced MvC2 after 10 years.
God's Beard said: