Raging makes me want to draw again
Raging Spaniard said:Sketchbook Pro + Cintiq, the guy has always been an absolute freak about clean lineart though, so if he had used Photoshop and a tablet it would be comparable.
I've only expereinced the music cutting out, but the other thing sounds par for the course.cj_iwakura said:Does anyone else have the game randomly freeze up on PSN? Also music cutting out?
zlatko said:You could try using the GAF buy sell trade thread to paypal someone the 20 bucks and them give you the PSN code card, then use the card to buy it off psn.
SlaughterX said:I could just a code off Amazon or go to Wal-Mart and buy a card... but that's not the problem. The problem is that the game is $15 and I don't want to spend $20 on a card just to have the extra $5 sitting in my account forever. Sucks most PS games are $6.
BadWolf said:Ah, thanks man.
corkscrewblow said:This game is so good.
I'm seeing a lot of comments like this lately.StickyFingers said:Get this ggpo shit out of mine SF3, capcom and put backbone on it. That'll fix the rank matchmaking system. That way, I can get my last achievement.
corkscrewblow said:This game is so good.
LieKadey said:But online sucks.
Indeed. Lots of fun offline though.Kadey said:But online sucks.
Nah he's just not blinded by fanboyism.corkscrewblow said:Lie
It pained me being banned and seeing people *cough dementia cough* talk shit on this glorious game.
SF4 fanboy?Solune said:Nah he's just not blinded by fanboyism.
Kadey said:Online is the worst in a fighter this gen and that includes prepatch Tekken 6. I can't even play games against my hubby.![]()
and MK9 pre-patchzlatko said:Someone didn't play KoF12 or SC4. KoF12 takes the cake, and only loses to other SNK games that came out on XBLA. Truly pieces of shit on another level when it came to online.
corkscrewblow said:and MK9 pre-patch
completely unplayable
and MK Kollection too (lol)
LeMaximilian said:Has the first costume pack been fixed for 360 yet? Been waiting to do an episode about it.
corkscrewblow said:and MK9 pre-patch
completely unplayable
and MK Kollection too (lol)
Projectjustice said:Online is pretty good but you are always got some idiots going online while their torrents are active in the background or are on wifi.
What i want is my original intro song back. Dont get me wrong the new stuff is good but Capcom shouldnt of replaced the original. Its a classic.
Got amazing for me after I got my new connection as well. If I get any lag it's because a gaffer shows up yellow or red instead of me.corkscrewblow said:The online has been amazing for me. Even better than SSF4. I just play with friends though, no randoms.
The Take Out Bandit said:That's pretty much true of any fighter not named BlazBlue. I don't know how many virgins they had to sacrifice, but I once played BB against a friend, then switched to SF4 and the matches were garbage - then he's like, "Oh, I forgot to pause my torrents."
Projectjustice said:This another misinformation on torrents, pausing torrents doesnt help much as much as people think it does. You are still connected to all those IP addresses taking up bandwidth. Always tell your friends to shut the torrent program down.
Projectjustice said:Online is pretty good but you are always got some idiots going online while their torrents are active in the background or are on wifi. What i want is my original intro song back. Dont get me wrong the new stuff is good but Capcom shouldnt of replaced the original. Its a classic.
You can unlock the original theme AND character select music from the vault. You know that, right?The Take Out Bandit said:Never did I think I'd miss SF3's atrocious raps, but yes - I do. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
oracrest said:You know that you can unlock and set the original menu music almost immediately, right?
corkscrewblow said:You can unlock the original theme AND character select music from the vault. You know that, right?
The Take Out Bandit said:Yes, I've unlocked them.
IIRC though the new theme song loops until you hit Start on the main menu. Once you hit start then the old music plays. Unless I'm doing something wrong.
I like the new music, it's just after you've heard it the third time on repeat it gets a little stale.
corkscrewblow said:select it in the vault and hit square or triangle or something
Projectjustice said:Do I need to unlock the vault cause I dont see any option named vault?
Projectjustice said:God I love you!
How do I do that? Im looking for it in settings and I dont see any options.
Projectjustice said:Thanks for the help guys I got it.
I would like to add that I love beating Gill users. It gives me such a thrill to destroy a scrub that paid to unlock him. LOL!
If any of you guys want to play someone with some kind of knowledge on the game and want some training just hit me up on XBL. Gamertag Projectjustice.
zlatko said:You don't have to pay to unlock him.
Projectjustice said:Yea you do with points you get in the game. Since I didnt know about it, I had just over 4000 VPs.
zlatko said:PS3 peeps auto got him if they pre ordered the game. I have more points than I know what to do with and my vault is already 100% clear, so it's not actually paying for him. Paying for him would be the people who went on the marketplace/PSN and paid $ for him.