Dafeetlee on stream
not playing Laura

not playing Laura
Guile's Premium Costume: President Guile
Guidance looks sexy as hell in V-Trigger though. It isn't a charge when you're combining normals before it, right?
I'm guessing normal DG is only good in the x/MK combo?
GGs! Man, that was incredibly overwhelming, you are FAR above my level. Forced me to play in a way I never have before; I guess that obscenely deliberate pace is how real matches are fought. Was pretty hard to adapt, though I got into the flow of it a bit... ended up spamming the cr.HP and drop kick a bit more than I would have liked, though for once I did hold back.
I have a whole lot more left to learn. I couldn't even really tell in the moment just what I had to do more of or less of, you were just outplaying me. Nice Karin!
G-string, going as commando as possible without actually showing the troops.
Thanks for the kind words but we're all still learning. You had some good runs when you were spacing me out with her hop kick. Then when I'd look for that, you'd catch me with either the roll or charge hk. I think taking more notice of what i'm looking for in the neutral and use that to get in before I get V-Reversal is key. Between those three and jumps it gets a bit hard for me to keep Mika out, and you did pretty okay at that for the most part. If your anti air game was on point as well I'd have lost a lot more matches. You've got the mixup down, once you stop people from jumping at you then you'll be a wall.
Dafeetlee on stream
not playing Laura
Laura needs help. Woshige please!Patrick Lee ‏@DaFeetLee 3m3 minutes ago
Ken is braindead lol. Why did I do this well when it was my first time using him in tournament? 😂
Dafeetlee on stream
not playing Laura
Laura needs help. Woshige please!
Alucard needs to stop playing anything but Necalli. He dominates with that character.
Ya lots of pros are dropping her.Dafeetlee on stream
not playing Laura
That's not how you spell NuckleDu.Best Guile to watch in USF4 was Tsuyoshiyuga, aka Upside-down Kick. Incredible how many times he caught his opponents with that shit, lol.
CPT will resume next Tuesday once I get back from PAX. Sorry for the delays this week. I'll make it up to you!
My impressions of Guile...he's Guile.
Nothing seems different lol
Is Street Fighter: Resurrection supposed to be a prologue for Street Fighter V's Cinematic Story Mode? If so,it more-or-less confirmed that it was the Illuminati who brought Charlie back from the dead, with it being hinted that their purpose for resurrecting Charlie was to have him kill Bison.
Pretty muchSo as we thought
Is Street Fighter: Resurrection supposed to be a prologue for Street Fighter V's Cinematic Story Mode? If so,it more-or-less confirmed that it was the Illuminati that brought Charlie back from the dead, with it being hinted that their purpose for resurrecting Charlie was to have him kill Bison (Kolin said "Remember why we brought you back" to the recently-revived Charlie).
The Life & Death(s) of Charlie Nash, I assume.There's a comic that came with the Collector's Edition for SFV and it pretty much said that.... Oh! I remember reading the comic and thinking, "The blonde woman in the business suit that's talking to Charlie is pretty hot." Lol
Wait guile is available to play now? No way it's this fast right?
The Life & Death(s) of Charlie Nash, I assume.
So...that means Guile won't be out by next Tuesday?
He's so done tho...
You always knew it was going to be the last possible date to be released. Deep down you knew.
Except Alex was the 30th. The patch was the 28th.April 28th, last Thursday of the month, just like Alex, I'd bet.
But we didn't want to believeYou always knew it was going to be the last possible date to be released. Deep down you knew.
Except Alex was the 30th. The patch was the 28th.
I see what you didYou always knew it was going to be the last possible date to be released. Deep Down you knew.
April 28th, last Thursday of the month, just like Alex, I'd bet.
He seems to be ready go atleast. Unlike Alex where it felt like they waited till the last minute. Even the trailer came out after. So hopefully it means they're getting their bearings and things are starting to run smoothly.
More worrying than that is the fact that all this free stuff still isn't helping sales. I mean, anyone who owns the game right now has free access to the DLC characters, their trials, challenges, story modes, survival modes and all the fight money that accompanies this access, but people still aren't buying. I don't even see how the inevitable (and rightful to be fair) locking of content is supposed to improve things.Yeah, releasing the trailer probably a week or so before he's released seems to be a better model for doing things, for sure.
Apparently they still don't have zenny worked out though; what a clusterfuck that's turning out to be. No premium costumes for anyone, all DLC characters for free so far, free Zenny for people who want to get what they can with them and then not bother "buying" them when they do actually release.
I just bought the HRAP 4, as I've been meaning to graduate from the Hori 6-button pad for awhile. Now, after watching this I'm realizing I've been using a stick incorrectly my entire life. Has anyone else gone through this realization and had to adjust? How has that gone for you? Would it even be worth trying to change now?
I have my hands on the buttons as follows: thumb on LK, index finger on LP, middle finger on MP, and my pinky on HP (which will also go down to HK when needed).
Oh yeah, I actually watched this same video and now I hold the stick the same way and it dramatically improved my execution. Learning a stick is a process. It's definitely worth learning how to use it and adapting to whatever feels most comfortable for you.
The Alex reveal must have been one of the worst character reveal processes ever. So strange that they'd miss two near 100K viewer reveals and they'd get beaten to the punch by fan trailers.
More worrying than that is the fact that all this free stuff still isn't helping sales. I mean, anyone who owns the game right now has free access to the DLC characters, their trials, challenges, story modes, survival modes and all the fight money that accompanies this access, but people still aren't buying. I don't even see how the inevitable (and rightful to be fair) locking of content is supposed to improve things.
I'd imagine adding things like Story mode, fixing the online,adding new characters and adding new single player modes will help.The game launched for $60 with barely any content. Still paltry even with the current "free" content. Capcom is going to have to do something drastic if it wants people to buy it.
I'd imagine adding things like Story mode, fixing the online,adding new characters and adding new single player modes will help.
Most of which they will have done by September.
I think both those things are a given at this point, the only variable is when they'll release it.The only SP mode they've confirmed to be doing is the Story Mode. Not Arcade Mode, not Offline Versus CPU.
And considering how slow they're putting stuff out right now, it's going to be at least until next March that they put something out that'd get new people interested.
I think both those things are a given at this point, the only variable is when they'll release it.
After June would be the safest assumption since that's the only Single player content they already had planned.
I'm still guessing Oct - Dec 2016 for those.The only SP mode they've confirmed to be doing is the Story Mode. Not Arcade Mode, not Offline Versus CPU.
And considering how slow they're putting stuff out right now, it's going to be at least until next March that they put something out that'd get new people interested.