I meant mid-screen lol
I meant mid-screen lol
Speaking of Gief players, what happened to Aquasilk that guy was leveling up so quick back in the day, is he playing SFV?
If I had video editing skills I would make a video highlighting how weird crossups can be in this game. Scenario 1 is the screen says "cross up" and you both stay on the same side. Okay.... Scenario 2: attack is clearly in front of you, limbs lower than your head, somehow decides to be a cross up. I know this happened sometimes in SF4 and was even part of some characters play styles (lol) but that was a dumb game with a lot of dumb things, like moves that randomly crossed up in identical scenarios.
Edit: there's a 3rd scenario but it's way more complicated to explain
He quit the fgc and fighting games basically after finding the community repellant
I've had opponents hit crossup but land in front, and vis versa. Once people figure out ways to consistently pull this off, things are going to get interesting.
They all look tired as hell.
Except Tokido.
Tokidos on dat dere Red Bull.
Finally made it to gold. Now there's no need to play ranked ever again.
Why doesn't tokido have a stream, he's clearly the greatest.
Why doesn't tokido have a stream, he's clearly the greatest.
Crab Milk's post should get you started crafting an effective strategy.
You can watch Topanga tv. The format just seemed strange today. They should have had Bonchan on there. You could tell Daigo was bored from not being able to communicate with the guests. That or he was just tired.Seriously, I'd watch the hell out of that.
You can watch Topanga tv. The format just seemed strange today. They should have had Bonchan on there. You could tell Daigo was bored from not being able to communicate with the guests. That or he was just tired.
Is down back to down forward not a valid input for back-forward charge moves? I always thought that was how charge characters were able to keep a down charge while doing a back charge move. Did this change in SF5?
Is down back to down forward not a valid input for back-forward charge moves? I always thought that was how charge characters were able to keep a down charge while doing a back charge move. Did this change in SF5?
Thought it might have been on me but we'll have to play again, sorry I was being so sloppy still getting used to transitioning to the pad.des, that wasn't a rage quit lol
Heh, might use my rare encounters with damdai as landmarks for my progress in SFV. Actually took a match this time.
I let go of my fear from last time, but that also meant I was too crazy. There's a good middle ground somewhere there, heh.
Going against him is nuts. Just by watching, it might seem that sometimes he's just throwing fireballs with no regards to safety, but it's insane how calculated it all feels when I'm in it. It's like I'm thinking, "surely you won't throw another fireball right now because you could suffer a lot from it" and then he throws a fireball. And if I'm thinking, "alright, he's just going to throw another fireball like last time," he doesn't. I seek that ability to constantly be in another player's head.
Couldn't really pull off the EX Peach punish this time, though I've been practising it. His pinpoint timing makes it real hard for me to pull off right now.
I am sure if you guys played each other more often you would probably do rather well against him. His use of v-reversal to negate nadehsiko is really smart.
Thought it might have been on me but we'll have to play again, sorry I was being so sloppy still getting used to transitioning to the pad.
Perfect timing lol![]()
sorry anti-taunt gaf
Ya but even Damdai will crack once she gets in.It looks like Mika has to work really hard to just get some hits in while Ryu just falls back on his great everything lol
sorry anti-taunt gaf
sorry anti-taunt gaf
Could you imagine if that happened to Sanford![]()
sorry anti-taunt gaf
Hardware filter seems broken. Selected ps4 only and kept getting pc players. I'm sure it's all mental but I do very poorly against PC players for some reason.
Man thank you so much. I just trashed a super gold Dhalsim 2-0. It's like I have the cheat code.