According to all OG Balrog mains, on day 4 Balrog was deemed "bad".
Like Ibuki, and Guile, and Alex, and soon Urien, Juri, etc...
Joke aside, he is not beginner friendly anymore as he lost invincible headbutt, you have to be solid on defense now.
Just fought my first balrog as gief.
You know what, all DLC characters seem to be shit at this rate...
GGs Flux.That was amazing.
I still stick by Ibuki being op. Hard to play, but op.
If Mika isn't OP neither is Ibuki
How are you liking Balrog so far?
Just beat skisonic's F.A.N.G online haha.
I guess he's cool; he's pretty fun, but I'm having a lot of difficulty adjusting to him right now so it's hard to really say.
Gratz. You still playing Chun?
The next step is to stop ragequitting to get to diamond
J/K. I don't know you.
I just laughed
I'm definitely moving up the ranks a little bit now with my Mika, but my training has just begun...
PR_Balrog finding out Balrog's st.MK is too good. Character is not bad anymore.
Nice fight. That over the poison wall of FANG in the second round was pretty great... then he gets out of the corner and you throw him right back in. Good shit.
I'm thinking about switching my main from Rashid to Ibuki but my friend is telling to go for a different kind of character since both ibuki and Rashid are weak damage wise any suggestions?
That's what i was thinking i have more fun with fast paced characters.Play what is most fun. Unless you are a pro player, everything else is irrelevant
Yo godDAMN, this is a great costume.
Goddamn, I am just learning setups by tuning in to PR Rog's stream.
neatApparently this happens if you win on Shadaloo Base with any of the Four Kings (M. Bison, F.A.N.G, Vega, or Balrog).
The down play is real. You get a secret ring too?
Damn PR Rog putting in that work on stream.
Apparently this happens if you win on Shadaloo Base with any of the Four Kings (M. Bison, F.A.N.G, Vega, or Balrog).
That's because the lady & the kid up front are Dhalsim's wife & son respectively.Yeah it's been apparent for a while now. Very nice feature. Also if anyone notices, the Indian lady in Dhalsim's stage jumps up and down when he only gets a win. Love these little nuances in the stages and it just shows how much Capcom have worked on the design and presentation of this game.
Yeah it's been apparent for a while now. Very nice feature. Also if anyone notices, the Indian lady in Dhalsim's stage jumps up and down when he only gets a win. Love these little nuances in the stages and it just shows how much Capcom have worked on the design and presentation of this game.