Anyone down to play?
CFN HanksB
Still playing? I'll send you an invite.
Anyone down to play?
CFN HanksB
Still playing? I'll send you an invite.
May I join ya? Skab__Still playing? I'll send you an invite.
People are so bizarre online. Dude beats my Balrog first set with a gimmicky Ryu and the help of lag. Second set, lag clears up and I shut down his tricks for a decisive win. He quits out. Smh.
Or even better, the "I am so much better than you I will quit out after just one win even though our match was close" player. Yeesh.
Only 20 characters left for hard survival.
are the Ibuki and Cammy beach outfits available on the PS4 version yet?
May I join ya? Skab__
Got dc'd from server. Reinvite when you can
Could someone post that updated page with all the colors on it? Trying to find one of bisons battle costume with color 15
Just a heads up that I'll probably have to go in 20-30 mins. I'll be back on later tonight though.
Camy is no longer cold
I'll probably be on in a half hour or so. If y'all still got a room going I'll join!
sixteenbit, thanks
Apparently Capcom did some modifications to Cammy's model as of the previous Ibuki/Balrog update.
Apparently Capcom did some modifications to Cammy's model as of the previous Ibuki/Balrog update.
One step closer to wearing pants.Cammy is finally wearing a bra.
Jesus. I just can't play when the wife and kids are awake. Bad enough playing against someone good (for me) online where I need all my concentration, but here comes my wife yelling at me in the middle of a match about some fucking Terminix contract, asking all type of nonsense questions. Meanwhile dude is messing my shit up with Ryu and his damn meaty MP's.
Anyway, I did okay overall I guess for so little play time. High Silver players still generally beat me so guess not much has changed. Sigh. At least Balrog remains fun. At least.
One step closer to wearing pants.
Apparently Capcom did some modifications to Cammy's model as of the previous Ibuki/Balrog update.
GGsDc'd again![]()
Weird cause the match connections are fine. Well ggs guys I'm taking a break.
Nah, they definitely changed the normal map.The only thing that changed is lighting and shading.
Probably just a part of the larger shift w/ this update to "Attractive and tasteful" from the previous "This was designed by a pack of horny 13yos".I don't understand why Capcom changed the nipples but I don't think it's a big deal either
Capcom is spineless.
Lmao one can dream. Although tbh, the new costumes are generally quite good. Nobody can use the "but I like my fighting game characters attractive!" excuse as a reason for tiddy cus the new costumes are still super attractive despite showing less skin.Probably just a part of the larger shift w/ this update to "Attractive and tasteful" from the previous "This was designed by a pack of horny 13yos".
So if anyone wants to do OTV now would be the time to PM meif not I was planning on re-doing the whole OP - text based rather than image based this time so as to allow for more information, easy links, better viewing on mobile and easy updating.
I was thinking of doing it like most other OTs, so there would be banner images and header images for each section, that way we can still keep the fun things and make it look pretty while also making it much more functional. New sections would include available characters, available DLC stages and costumes, data mined stuff, and a little section for the latest news regarding updates from Capcom. The header images would be the usual, either cute or funny character shots.
Anyway, if someone else wants to do it that's fine too, but if not I'll get started tomorrow.![]()
I'll spare you the disappointment now then.I'm expecting nothing less than interactive gifs for each character complete with all their movesets, frame data, and combos. Don't let me down.![]()