I haven't played in a long time, but I could join
what's that cfn
I haven't played in a long time, but I could join
Sorry I bailed as soon as you joined. Super tired.
GGs Brett, ilybro
Also, this'll be my last set. Late here on east coast.
Sorry I bailed as soon as you joined. Super tired.
GGs Brett, ilybro
np, ggs brett, was a bit teleporty on my end but manageable.
Lol <3
Apparently all of SFVGAF is in FloeChat right now. I see you Edgeward and skLa
His stream's so good now that he's actually playing street fighter
Yeah I rarely watch his stream unless he's either playing SFV or he's talking over tournaments.
Lol <3
Apparently all of SFVGAF is in FloeChat right now. I see you Edgeward and skLa
I don't disagree with you, not a huge fan of his channel outside of SFV... but I'd sell out in a heartbeat if I could play stupid shit all day and have ~2k viewers giving me money to do so... I definitely don't blame him for it.
Yo so what pc monitor should I buy for this game (or fighting games in general.)
I got a 40in TV right now but I can size down to something thats good enough for onthecouch gaming as well, not planning on setting close to the monitor.
It's only during SFV where he gets that many views. Otherwise it usually ranges from about 400-600 and can get as low as 200 when he plays the same game for a while (like the Grim Dawn days).
They went the traditional route of giving faster characters lower health. Which makes sense and always has, except even the slowest characters in this game have amazing dashes. You can't outfootsie Nash with Rashid for example, which kind of turns the whole concept on its head.Rashid also has 950 hp and stun as well and I don't understand that either. For instance Necalli has generally better normals, more damage, a better v trigger, a meterless reversal, jab anti airs and plenty of tricks that place him at a greater advantage when placing pressure (dive kick, command grab), yet he gets 1000 health / stun.
It's pretty obvious Rashid got the short end of the stick as far as 'rush down' characters go. That's why I'm going to sub Rashid and play Necalli soon. Rashid is still good for matchups like Gief, Birdy, Laura, Alex, Dhalsim etc... y'know, the characters you never see online, but it's rough against some of the stronger and more popular members of the cast.
Platinum = 7,500 LPIs there a chart for how many points you need for each rank guys?
Platinum = 7,500 LP
Ultra Gold = 6,500-7,499 LP
Super Gold = 5,500-6,499 LP
Gold = 4,000-5,499 LP
Ultra Silver = 3,500-3,999 LP
Super Silver = 3,000-3,499 LP
Silver = 2,000-2,999 LP
Ultra Bronze = 1,500-1,999 LP
Super Bronze = 1,000-1,499 LP
Bronze = 500-999 LP
Rookie= 0-499 LP
You mean the bot? He's gone. Pretty sure Wolfkrone cracked 20k already, though.And to think Infiltration isn't that far off 20,000 LP. =S
You and l truly live on different planets. Guile died a death in battle lounge. I still see a good amount Alex players which is good for his weak SFV incarnation and Laura only loses to Karin and Cammy in terms of popularity. Balrogs are pretty common and EVERYONE is using Ibuki. Urien will probably the second most played DLC character after Ibuki if Capcom doesn't nerf him to hell before release.Rashid also has 950 hp and stun as well and I don't understand that either. For instance Necalli has generally better normals, more damage, a better v trigger, a meterless reversal, jab anti airs and plenty of tricks that place him at a greater advantage when placing pressure (dive kick, command grab), yet he gets 1000 health / stun.
It's pretty obvious Rashid got the short end of the stick as far as 'rush down' characters go. That's why I'm going to sub Rashid and play Necalli soon. Rashid is still good for matchups like Gief, Birdy, Laura, Alex, Dhalsim etc... y'know, the characters you never see online, but it's rough against some of the stronger and more popular members of the cast.
But for Guile, it seems like for some characters it might be hard to get in, so they wanted it to be more rewarding when they do get there. Guile's super popular now and is generally considered to have favourable matchups against much of the cast, so I think the health drop helps balance him out a little.
Exactly my problem with Rashid. I run into more Giefs than him which is ridiculous. Can't learn a matchup for a character no one plays lol.Fuck Rashid. Not because he's good or bad but because he's so freaking rare that I have no practice against him.
Do counter hits have more pushback in general? Didn't know this was a thing.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPSLGiRvd-Y
Just saw this.
Is there really a way to mess your opponent combo by mashing ?
Tell me it's not what I'm seeing there.
EDIT : Ok, It's just the move being countered at wake up shifting the hitbox.
Do counter hits have more pushback in general? Didn't know this was a thing.
Yeah, I found this list now: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OS3eLrp6rtcqXTYET5SC4fyXQU7Tkhf8w1rGBU4HBf8/pubFrom what I saw from a SRK poster, it's more some moves are shifting the hitbox, not the counter hit itself.
I know what you mean. Lots of Rashid's like to press light buttons after a blocked mixer, and for whatever reason it usually beats my light even though they're at the disadvantage. It must have a weird timing to it.Dafuq is up with Rashid's spinning mixer? It's fucking -2 oB yet online, that shit is practically unpunishable.
So close to plat-tin-i-umm.
let me guess, not enough money?
I forgot about this asinine trophy for 1m FM. What a fucking load of bullshit.
not enough skills.
Can you just buy your way there with FM packs?
I forgot about this asinine trophy for 1m FM. What a fucking load of bullshit.
It's not that bad, really. If there are dailies implemented it should be easy over time.
The gold ranked one and survival hell mode one are way worse.
I hope the dailies actually give a reasonable amount of FM.
Man, I don't know why I do it but I keep punishing myself with Normal Survival. It has become a daily routine at this point for me to go up to level 28-30 and then die at one of them.
I've only managed to finish Normal with Ryu, Ken and Alex. Those last few levels are really brutal![]()
for base costumes i don't mind the whole survival thing.
even for fight money, MAYBE
real money costumes? capcom can fuck off. luckily im on pc so i just have 1 round survival but i thought it was dumb how i paid for Giefs costume and only had 2 colors.