Chun was able to spam fireballs lol thanks God they didn't go with that she is a pain in the ass even without that.
Chun was able to spam fireballs lol thanks God they didn't go with that she is a pain in the ass even without that.
They completely remade Chun after that. It's kind of crazy. Like they didn't know what kind of game they wanted to make at that point or something. And that was what? 6 months before the first beta?
Man, I love the game as it is and understand why some of that stuff was removed but the early builds looked SO hype to me.
Wish Chun still had some of those moves left in.
Wasn't it reduced to her being able to do double fireballs in V trigger before being reduced to one? Wish she could still do doubles.
Air combos and OTG's. looking mad marvel tbh
E.Honda the only character that can combo in the air cause he pretty much flys anyway, why not make him float.they decided to save that shit for Urien
and all characters after him
Air combos and OTG's. looking mad marvel tbh
Fair enough I suppose. Don't really get to meet that many Balrogs so I was a bit surprised by that bit of frame can get counter hits a lot but it's mostly to punish fireballs/reset during v trigger. once you're in there even if they don't press a button after hit it's still good because well you're in there now which is most of his struggle.
I still don't fully get WHY Balrog's V-skill > P is -4 on Block. On hit, it's +2 which is advantageous sure but not amazingly so. It can't be comboed into anything. He doesn't have a command grab.
-2 or even -3 would be adequate.
good lord the colors in the first version of SF5 there...hurts my eyes b
Wonder if Capcom would ever consider doing Omega Mode again?
Wonder if Capcom would ever consider doing Omega Mode again?
Omega Mode isn't that interesting as a concept (specifically a mode that's separate from the main game so no one will really play it). They should throw some more crazy shit into SFV, though. I want more mechanics, some air combos, OTGs, wall bounces, ground bounces, etc.
Just turn SF into an anime fighter, everyone wants that.
What the fuck is the secret with Bison's buttons? I'm having more problens against him now than ever. Everything he hits me with stuffs me or ends up a crush counter.
What the fuck is the secret with Bison's buttons? I'm having more problens against him now than ever. Everything he hits me with stuffs me or ends up a crush counter.
I want that win pose at 2:42 back. I wonder how many extra moves and animations are floating around in the ether somewhere...
Hope they find their way in someday.
Nothing like playing a balrog which uses his vskill to lock you down the entire match.
Nothing like playing a balrog which uses his vskill to lock you down the entire match.
Ggs flux...always a pleasure my friend
Anyone wanna play? CFN EdziPC
are you constantly throwing fireballs?
GGs. You started off way too aggressive for your own good, and got destroyed for it (seriously, I think I had a 100% success rate on wakeup DPs for the first 2 sets). But then I made the mistake of picking random chars and you figured out that I can't deal with throws/tick throws.Your light attack /throw game with Juri was strong, I don't even want to think about how much of my total health lost was just from raw throws.