Fright Zone
So why the maintenance today, is anything being added?
Not necessarily. If Chun does her 3f jab as well after then they should trade with your 3f.
I was including her own 3-frame jab as "interrupt," since a trade is better than the opponent having the advantage. I dunno how V-Trigger cancels specifically affect frame advantage, though, so if it depends on a specific frame of her cr.MP, that's something to keep in mind.
About 1 second for me.How long does it take for this tweet stats thing to work? Been waiting 20 minutes now.
CFNDamn. Do you post your CFN name or PSN name?
Edit: Tried both. Nothing for either :/
About 1 second for me.
Now I see why bigbird doesn't win anything these days. He just shimmys and DPs in odd and unexpected situations.
Something a genuinely good player can not only handle but punish.
I still think it's such bullshit btw that Ken can V-trigger cancel off his Dp.
Everyone with a 3 bar trigger can cancel unsafe moves like this.
But how many of those moves are meterless,invincible reversals?Everyone with a 3 bar trigger can cancel unsafe moves like this.
Pretty sure Necalli can't DP > V-Trigger.
Well yeah, but he's fucked if he gets hit with a successful meaty. Still not a 100% risk free move like the dp cancel.Huh yeah I guess I never noticed. But he can wake up jab v trigger to death in return lol.
playing for money could make online that much more exciting.
Well yeah, but he's fucked if he gets hit with a successful meaty. Still not a 100% risk free move like the dp cancel.
"wasted"Well I don't mind too much since it's still negative. It's annoying to not get the crush counter but they wasted their activation on the bad dp.
It's true, though. V-Trigger activation is a damage and combo extender in this game. Blocking one helps you."wasted"
Mobile is a whole different arena but, even then, from the games you mentioned that were talked about in the Kinda Funny show, are players actually facing each other simultaneously?
"Good" is not the best metric lol
To me it would probably start at 10,000 LP right now (since the numbers keep going up). That's what? Top 5,000 players?
It's just the point where you're actually using everything the game and your character has to offer, can adept and execute. I don't think players below that are doing all of it.
That's why I said "to me". I would be in your described category and I don't think I'm good at this game.
Grinding gets you XP and levels in this game, but not LP. You can grind as long as you want. If you don't get better, you won't get those. And winning matches is not a sign of skill? I'm confused.Basing skill off an amount of points for the online component in a fighting game is asinine IMO. It just shows how much a person grinded and the fact that they're good enough to be winning a majority of those matches.
Basing skill off an amount of points for the online component in a fighting game is asinine IMO. It just shows how much a person grinded and the fact that they're good enough to be winning a majority of those matches.
It's why I think adding an online component to the CPT was a stupid decision, even if the netcode was better.
Threw together my Fake Official SFV Guile TE2 Fightstick yesterday:
Focus Attack sent me the wrong balltop color (dark blue instead of royal blue...a little hard to tell in the pic, though) so it's not quite complete yet until I get the right one, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out overall.
Not murican' enough.Threw together my Fake Official SFV Guile TE2 Fightstick yesterday:
Focus Attack sent me the wrong balltop color (dark blue instead of royal blue...a little hard to tell in the pic, though) so it's not quite complete yet until I get the right one, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out overall.
The bot is fairly new and prone to bugs. Maybe some other data tracking site could help you for now.That SFV bot can't find my profile. I think any with underscores in the CFN aren't find as I saw someone else's with an underscore also come back 'Not Found'.
a lot of people don't know how to deal with random play that's how they get so far.
That SFV bot can't find my profile. I think any with underscores in the CFN aren't find as I saw someone else's with an underscore also come back 'Not Found'.
To be fair, Ken's special moves are pretty op. vid of me playing juri vs a ken)Man this game stresses me out so much sometimes.
So I just lost twice to a Ken that uses frame trap DPs in ranked. He didn't do anything a normal Ken would, but he would sometimes end his blockstrings in frametrap DPs, and sometimes interupt my blockstrings with a DP.
Not all the time though, just sometimes.
I should have beaten him, blocked and punished, but when I did block, those were the times he did nothing, then as soon as I think he's stopped doing it, here I go, up in the air with his DP animation.
I feel as though I'm still losing to people that aren't even trying to get better and that's what bugs me more than anything. It makes me feel bad at the game (which I clearly am) but it also makes me feel as though if you can do better without trying then why try. The other day I lost to a Rashid player that was sitting on 6,500 LP (a good 3,500 more than my Rashid) who would end his blockstrings with, and generally spam unsafe eagle spikes.
How do these players get so far? It's not that I don't know how to punish them it's just I don't execute it consistently and they don't stop. They get punished out of it and I assume that they'll stop but they just do it again, and again, when it's completely unexpected, and I struggle to react to that. I guess I just need to play more, but matches like these really kill any sense of progress.
Nawp, it got mine and both my usernames have underscores. Skillzilla81_PC/_PS4
Basing skill off an amount of points for the online component in a fighting game is absurd IMO. It just shows how much a person grinded and the fact that they're good enough to be winning a majority of those matches.
It's why I think adding an online component to the CPT was a stupid decision, even if the netcode was better.
Not enough red for 'MURRICA.
jk jk
Looks super nice.![]()
Not murican' enough.
Looks absolutely fantastic, good one!
It's a great feeling when you almost beat someone a couple ranks above you and they don't rematch because they know next game they'll a million points.
It's a great feeling when you almost beat someone a couple ranks above you and they don't rematch because they know next game they'll a million points.
And it's the worst when they just barely beat you in a nail-bitter, and then don't rematch. Jerks, they know! They know what was gonna happen.