Aren't you a platinum+ player?
If so what's your cfn/vleague?
cfn : Ca55hern
I am ultra platinum but i go through many long periods of inactivity and i am not sure where i stand now. I am in Europe btw.
Why do you ask?
Aren't you a platinum+ player?
If so what's your cfn/vleague?
There's actually some weird stuff going on if you can't constantly keep up 60 fps. I think the game gets stuttery, because it has to repeat frames since everything (frame delay in the netcode, input buffer, hurt- and hitboxes etc) is based around that framerate. Could totally explain some of your problems.
Fighting games are a little different in that regard.
cfn : Ca55hern
I am ultra platinum but i go through many long periods of inactivity and i am not sure where i stand now. I am in Europe btw.
Why do you ask?
Collecting data for OT6
I don't know if it is possible or a lot of work but i think it would be usefull to also be able to see the region of each player so that we know who we can play with.
I'll just add you all on CFN to see where you are from and what your favourite character is.
There's so many things that they could do with SFV but most of it is just wishful thinking that'll never come.
but at least we're guaranteed new DLC characters
I kind of want more mechanics and more frequent patches. They need to step away from the "one big patch per year" mentality and just let the game evolve naturally.
Alex smiling what garbage is thisA couple more alternate costume concepts:
Isn't waiting a year letting the game evolve naturally? lol
has ultra evolved yet?
Alex smiling what garbage is this
has ultra evolved yet?
Would you rather have a game where everyone plays DJ or a game where DJ is the unsung hero
What matters more? The idea of Deejay or deejay himself
why can't we have both
One thing I'd like to see more of is analysis of current standings in regards to Capcom Cup qualification. Maybe discuss things like how a specific upcoming tournament could affect the rankings, and whether or not there are well known people participating who are close to qualifying or might need to do particularly well in a specific tournament to qualify.
I feel like content would be a lot more engrossing if you made the Pro Tour feel more like a cohesive league or event with your coverage. A lot of sites that cover this sort of thing really treat every tournament or event as its own disconnected thing while I think some people might be more likely to stay interested if they can get a sense that this is an ongoing, interconnected event, and that all of the tournaments that are part of the tour lead directly to a larger whole.
Hopefully I was able to explain that well enough. Feel like I was rambling a bit. Sorry if I was unclear at all.
This game needs some classy fighters.
Gameplay analysis and breakdowns from pro fighters can be really interesting, Arturo did a video series about this for Injustice where he analyse tournament matches and I used to really love those despite them being badly produced and me not caring about Injustice.
Redundant content like news and tournament results wont bring clicks unless it's best source out there for such thing. Right now both SRK and Event Hubs are dropping the ball, another site can probably take their place by offering faster updates.
FGC youtube content will always bring less views than other e-sport stuff, but nicely produced unique content can still find big enough success to warrant its existence. Core-A-Gaming is a nice example of that.
a better social aspect
I'm pretty worried Season 2 is going to be really safe after the game's rough start. I'm starting to doubt we're going to see characters the likes of Alex and Urien (characters that haven't been seen in a while) in favour of safer characters that were just in SF4.
I'm pretty worried Season 2 is going to be really safe after the game's rough start. I'm starting to doubt we're going to see characters the likes of Alex and Urien (characters that haven't been seen in a while) in favour of safer characters that were just in SF4.
Awesome. Free Rufus!
Character creation takes a long time. They are not sitting down now and deciding who's going to be in it. That happened maybe even years ago.
I'm pretty worried Season 2 is going to be really safe after the game's rough start. I'm starting to doubt we're going to see characters the likes of Alex and Urien (characters that haven't been seen in a while) in favour of safer characters that were just in SF4.
Blanka, 100% guaranteed now..
Awesome. Free Rufus!
The worst thing that could happen is that they straight up cancel future plans they had, because the game isn't bringing in enough money. That's why I really want them to announce some type of new release or version, because that would show their commitment to not let that happen.
That current thread in Gaming makes me super sad, because apparently that would be a good thing.
Not even clicking that thread lol. Idk why you would ever root for a game to fail.
See, now I agree with all of those choices except Rufus.Rufus is awesome and I won't stand by and let his good name be tarnished here. I'm not in the majority but sagat, akuma, Hugo, rufus, Cody, and haggar would be a great season two for me.
The worst thing that could happen is that they straight up cancel future plans they had, because the game isn't bringing in enough money. That's why I really want them to announce some type of new release or version, because that would show their commitment to not let that happen.
That current thread in Gaming makes me super sad, because apparently that would be a good thing.
Not even clicking that thread lol. Idk why you would ever root for a game to fail.
I think someone said it best not too long ago, that we'll truly see who has it out for this game and Capcom when they add arcade mode. If people are still shitting on it once arcade mode comes out, then they never had any interest in actually playing the game.
I think it would review much better than that. The game is sitting at 77/100 on Metacritic with almost no extra content at launch. Like, not even lobbies for more than 2 players.Unfortunately I did, it was what I expected. And it has ballooned over 300 post so quickly. At this point I do want a re release of the game. Just make it a complete edition(without actually calling it that) with all the characters for $40 or $50. It'll come out with mostly 7's and up and will bring up how most of the issues have been fixed and so on. That won't turn things around but it will spread some positivity and actually increase the userbase somewhat.
Been saying that since Day 1! They were crazy to release it like that.But ya'll should have listened to me and Count, another year of USF4. SFV could have waited till early 2017![]()