Is there some document case of this? Like some digital foundry shit?
Yes DF posted a video about Netcode causing fps drop.
People really are clueless about what they are defending.
Is there some document case of this? Like some digital foundry shit?
Yes DF posted a video about Netcode causing fps drop.
People really are clueless about what they are defending.
Yes DF posted a video about Netcode causing fps drop.
People really are clueless about what they are defending.
Offline performance is great on PS4, but online can see frame-rate drops appear. In fact, replay footage from Street Fighter 5 compared to the same action captured during actual gameplay highlights a difference - suggesting that the netcode is causing issues for console gamers. Now, the funny thing is that on PC, we don't see these problems. Well, thanks to Charles Roman of Radiant Entertainment, we may well have an explanation.
"I work as a software engineer on Rising Thunder, using GGPO, a rollback based netcode solution similar to what SF5 does (we also use Unreal Engine 4)," he says. "The thing about online performance is that it is dependent on the ping, due to the fact that rollback netcode solutions will take input from a frame that has previously happened (up to some predetermined limit, in our case eight frames) and re-simulate those frames in between. This can possibly be taxing on the CPU as it has to re-simulate multiple frames, in a frame usually dedicated to only one frame in the case of say a replay. If they have not done a good job of optimising this code path, it can cause this difference between online/offline play, and will even be more significant in a higher latency game."
That video was posted one day after the game launched. Has there been any systematic testing done more recently? I'm not doubting DF's methodology, but obviously a lot has changed in the last 11 months.
Like? They failed to get the RQ system to work and maintenance has done nothing to fix match results from to upload. Trying to view matches in prifile is a pain as it fails to load half the time. Some of the features in the player profile doesn't work.
What make you think Capcom fixed anything other than gameplay balance. All we get is an announcement at Evo this year.
Isn't that the same for everyone?Why is my offensive defensive bar maxed out to offense?
So both Tekken and Injustice are about 5 months away, Capcom better get their shit together and fix their servers, or they will start losing many of their long time players to those games.
Isn't that the same for everyone?
I might move lol since i live in the middle of nowhere and online is my only way to play SFV, but with the current issues with the servers I'm losing interest in this gameI honestly kind of doubt this. SF is fairly unique, and I wouldn't consider any of the upcoming fighters to be true alternatives. Casuals (who Capcom have already lost until MvCi) might move on to those games, but the hardcore competitive group who's already playing SFV likely isn't going anywhere.
Ucchedavāda;228938082 said:Capcom could easily have tweaked any part of the game, including the netcode, without you knowing. Remember that this is the company that fixed disconnects kicking you out of survival, but never mentioned that they had done so, despite this being a frequently cited flaw with the game.
"Easily" How long it took Capcom to fix that?
So both Tekken and Injustice are about 5 months away, Capcom better get their shit together and fix their servers, or they will start losing many of their long time players to those games.
Fighting game fans might move on to a different game (I know I will) but Capcom fans as Skilletor said, will either play SF5 or they play nothing at all.
I look forward to T7 and I2. SFV could easily be a better game if everyone had tits.
Every fighting game series should aspire to be DoA.
I look forward to T7 and I2. SFV could easily be a better game if everyone had tits.
I look forward to T7 and I2. SFV could easily be a better game if everyone had tits.
Ucchedavāda;228942166 said:![]()
What woman wouldn't kill for a man who can put his head between his legs.Give Dhalsim a beard = Hot Dhalsim
Nah nah the real money is in beards. Everyone looks better with a beard.
Give Ryu a beard = Hot Ryu
Give Dhalsim a beard = Hot Dhalsim
Give Bison a white goatee = Super Evil Bison
Facial hair is the key.
People need to stop seeing fighting games as something you leave forever. You can always swing back around once things get better or just outright play multiple fighters. I really wish people would have at least three games under their belt, even if the other two are just mashing for the fun of it, because at least maybe sometime in the future they could get serious in it.
But that's wishful thinking![]()
Fighting games will be left in 2016
Blazblue and KoF is the games to be worried about (even now). Please play them.So both Tekken and Injustice are about 5 months away, Capcom better get their shit together and fix their servers, or they will start losing many of their long time players to those games.
People need to stop seeing fighting games as something you leave forever. You can always swing back around once things get better or just outright play multiple fighters. I really wish people would have at least three games under their belt, even if the other two are just mashing for the fun of it, because at least maybe sometime in the future they could get serious in it.
But that's wishful thinking![]()
On the PS4 alone I have KoF XIV, Guilty Gear, MKX and SF5. I'm gonna add I2 and T7 to that list too.People need to stop seeing fighting games as something you leave forever. You can always swing back around once things get better or just outright play multiple fighters. I really wish people would have at least three games under their belt, even if the other two are just mashing for the fun of it, because at least maybe sometime in the future they could get serious in it.
But that's wishful thinking![]()
Fighting games will be left in 2016
Same. I buy and play almost any fighting game without loli characters enough to understand the general mechanics.
Playing lots of Revelator now and really looking forward to Injustice.
On the PS4 alone I have KoF XIV, Guilty Gear, MKX and SF5. I'm gonna add I2 and T7 to that list too.
Out of those, KoF is the only game I don't even bother to boot up simply because I have literally no one to play with and even going online I'm not gonna find anybody.
Can't really play online with Guilty Gear either but the game is just so balls to the wall fun that even just going to training mode and doing cool shit is fun.
Haven't really played SF5 much since Season 2 cause I just don't find the game fun anymore. If any of the DLC characters this season don't click with me then I might not come back till Season 3 and that's assuming they fix stuff then.
Been playing a lot of MKXL and enjoying it heavily. The real reason I stopped playing it when it came out was the HORRIBLE netcode but the current one is SOOO GOOD.
Gonna spend a lot more time in I2 and T7 too. Though SF5 is the game that'll have a place in my heart cause it's the first fighting game that I actually decided to git gud at and not just memorize combos and then not play with anyone or exclusively play single player stuff.
BB didn't click with me and KoF i have it i played the single player mode and then didn't bother since online was pretty much a ghost town.Blazblue and KoF is the games to be worried about (even now). Please play them.
That Daigo quote does make some sense. When I played Dota 2, I stopped having fun when I started to surpass the group of friends that I played with. It started to become frustrating to play with them (no fault of theirs) because I felt like I was sandbagged and when I spend so much time learning something, I tend to become competitive and really want to win. Eventually the game just stopped being fun for me and I stopped playing.Ever since I read Daigo's quote I've been on a fighting spree as of late. He basically said that if a game is boring, it's because you aren't learning, and that if you continue to learn, you'll continue to have fun with what you love. I don't agree with that in every situation, but for me, personally, it does help my enjoyment of fighting games. I like learning about different characters in SFV and how it applies to different people's playstyles (in turn, learning about them as well, I guess), I'll love learning Tekken as a whole, and I just like seeing cool shit, and discovering cool shit.
I'm done with trying to always achieve a straight victory. I just wanna have fun and not worry about that stuff so long as I improve.
Anyway, Capcom, drop those DLC boyz on me. I'm ready.
And the ports weren't that great either, right?Because I own the originals (somewhere), and 30 bucks for both isn't worth it for me.
So both Tekken and Injustice are about 5 months away, Capcom better get their shit together and fix their servers, or they will start losing many of their long time players to those games.
Edit: Also saw this via Reddit. What's interesting to me about this clip is the purple eye tracker; I didn't know some streamers (or at least this one) had that kind of thing. It'd be an interesting thing to analyze where pro players are looking at on the screen and try to imitate that.
Yeah Stupendous has it and I believe Sako used it at one point, too.Neat, V-League player profiles got an update. Mine.
This stuff is really cool.
Edit: Also saw this via Reddit. What's interesting to me about this clip is the purple eye tracker; I didn't know some streamers (or at least this one) had that kind of thing. It'd be an interesting thing to analyze where pro players are looking at on the screen and try to imitate that.