I'm right there with you. I think I let the hype get to me just a bit too much, especially considering I had no intention of buying the game before I read all the glowing reviews and praise in this thread.
Hopefully my feelings change. I am still pretty early on. But as it stands I'm kind of scratching my head at all the GOTY talk.
You are "still pretty early on". There's more missions outside of tower defense as you move along in the game.
I might actually buy the season pass. Wish we had a preview of what was coming...and if the rumored JSR content is real then OMG.
I want that white controller now!!!
Well, Insomniac devs have talked about contacting Sega in order to work out JSR DLC in the future. So we have no clue if it will happen, but it would be awesome if it does.Rumored JSR content.... Link please?
I'm about as far as you, only 2 night defense missions so far.I played 5 hours so far and I only had to play night defense 2 times so far. Don't know if it does occur more often.
I'm about as far as you, only 2 night defense missions so far.
I will say the second one was a lot more fun than the first now that I knew what the hell I was doing. Plus I had better weapons and you could place your own defenses.
I'm about as far as you, only 2 night defense missions so far.
I will say the second one was a lot more fun than the first now that I knew what the hell I was doing. Plus I had better weapons and you could place your own defenses.
Rumored JSR content.... Link please?
Agreed. With all the traps and enemies the style meter gets really high and that's when the awesome crazy shit from all the amps starts happening. It's pretty wild and a lot of fun. I've only done 2 in the 5 hours or so I've played as well, so it's not even close to being a major part of the game. BTW, anyone out there just not fast traveling? I have so much fun going from place to place that fast travel just seems wrong.
Played my first Chaos Squad last night.
Game of the forever.
Holy moly.
We failed all of the mission bonuses leading up to night defense, and only got the chaos up to about 30% or so.
My guess is everyone was pretty under powered at this point to do much more than that. One mission in particular that was really fun was to kill a regenerating Hurker. All 5 of us were just lobbing everything we had at the guy for 20 minutes before he finally went down and everyone was shouting expletives when it finally happened.
No one had traps, so it's probably a good thing that we didn't get much more in the way of chaos going, but we made it through ok.
I can't say for sure that it held 30 FPS exactly the whole time, but it felt like it did. And good god, I don't know how it did. The amount of stuff happening on screen at once during the night defense was crazy town.
I got a spin. I don't know what that means yet.
Played my first Chaos Squad last night.
Game of the forever.
Holy moly.
We failed all of the mission bonuses leading up to night defense, and only got the chaos up to about 30% or so.
My guess is everyone was pretty under powered at this point to do much more than that. One mission in particular that was really fun was to kill a regenerating Hurker. All 5 of us were just lobbing everything we had at the guy for 20 minutes before he finally went down and everyone was shouting expletives when it finally happened.
Is there voice communication in chaos squad? Or were you in a party?
Here to say that I'm another person with the bundle on the way. What download size am I looking at when it arrives?
22gb give or take a mb
You can talk to people, it's open chat though so sometimes you get an extra dose of game sound from some people.
Since I got stuck at the bottom of the page, this is what the nuke amp looks like.
Haha. If onlyBoom
I played for about an hour or two last night and honestly I'm feeling kinda "meh" about it.
It controls fine, the traversal is neat and the characters/dialog is clever, but if those overcharge fountain thingy defense segments happen frequently throughout the game, I'm really going to be unhappy... I know they're completely different styles and settings, but it gave me a Brutal Legend vibe; I expected nothing but running, jumping, grinding and shooting, and they force me to play a trimed game of tower defense?
I played for about an hour or two last night and honestly I'm feeling kinda "meh" about it.
It controls fine, the traversal is neat and the characters/dialog is clever, but if those overcharge fountain thingy defense segments happen frequently throughout the game, I'm really going to be unhappy... I know they're completely different styles and settings, but it gave me a Brutal Legend vibe; I expected nothing but running, jumping, grinding and shooting, and they force me to play a timed game of tower defense?
Keep playing man, I was put off a bit by the first night defense but by the time the second one rolls around it'll all make a little more sense.
Gore is not even what I would call it in this game, everything just explodes with orange goo. When vulgarity is turned off it just bleeps the curse words but it's not too effective, you can still tell what they are saying.My kids keep asking me to play this game. What is it like if if gore/vulgarity is turned off. I guess really I mean are there questionable cut scenes that still happen? I don't mind the actual action itself.
I am not very far in to it and they saw me play for a few minutes (and in that time way too much language for them).
Oh boy, that's probably at least most of the morning then haha. Good job our Sky package has an unlimited download limit.
I'm in camp crickets right now after about an hour, although I'm going to keep chugging along tonight. When does this game get good? I've heard the Bombcast impressions.
I knew I shouldn't of come in this thread. Wasnt planning on getting this yet due to having Mordor, Evil Within and Last of Us to play and Halo Mcc being out in a couple of weeks.
But I've just ordereded this for delivery tomorrow. My willpower is none existent at this time of year with all the new releases
Man I love this game. SO might be the first open world game where I love doing all the little missions and challenges just because the traversal is so fun and the weapons are so enjoyable to use and power up. I am especially loving the teddy bear launcher so far.
You can just tell that Insomniac prioritized fun over everything else. Weapons don't have to be reloaded. Ammo is easy to come by. You aren't punished very much for dying. The timings and positioning for grinding/wall-running/bouncing are very forgiving.
Gore is not even what I would call it in this game, everything just explodes with orange goo. When vulgarity is turned off it just bleeps the curse words but it's not too effective, you can still tell what they are saying.
Yeah the actual gore didn't seem that bad. Thanks sounds like it is a no go for them though. Beeping is pretty much a joke![]()
Scabbers right? I think I remember blood when you fight them. They are also much more of a pain than the ODs since they have an actual AI pattern.There is real gore when you fight human enemies though. It's red and everything.
I'm gonna try to put 4-6 hours in today, can't get enough and I'm off work soooooo
I am at work struggling to function due to staying up until 2am playing.
I am at work struggling to function due to staying up until 2am playing.
Ive just done the helicopter mission. I have not made any amp yet, should I buy the collectable maps or invest the cans in new weapons?
They need to make a Over Charge for people playing the game where you stop Over Charge.
Does Chaos Squad have matchmaking?