I'm too cool
Cool sword
I'm too cool
I'm too cool
Holy shit I want/NEED Dat Sword.
Yeah you have to play the game using constant traversal, so if you dont enjoy that you wont like the game. Its a disappointing to me since I like to explore and really take in the sights vs constantly bouncing around and grinding and shooting enemies so far away they are hardly recognizable being so small.
How do I get that hammer weapon that came with my copy?
You can get it the story mission. Probably my favorite mission in the game right now.
It's not that I'm against traversal, it's just that the traversal isn't really clicking with me and as you said, shooting enemies that run on the ground while grinding is possibly one of the least satisfying shooter mechanics I've encountered.
It's a weird design where enemies can very easily overwhelm you if you're on the ground but if you're on rails then they pose no threat whatsoever. And enemies being able to move freely on the ground while you're encouraged to either grind rails or jump on jump pads feels limiting instead of empowering. And the enemies that do pose a threat to you on the rails just break up your rhythm and frustrate you instead of challenging you.
Wasn't there a code insert in your box?
It's not that I'm against traversal, it's just that the traversal isn't really clicking with me and as you said, shooting enemies that run on the ground while grinding is possibly one of the least satisfying shooter mechanics I've encountered.
It's a weird design where enemies can very easily overwhelm you if you're on the ground but if you're on rails then they pose no threat whatsoever. And enemies being able to move freely on the ground while you're encouraged to either grind rails or jump on jump pads feels limiting instead of empowering. And the enemies that do pose a threat to you on the rails just break up your rhythm and frustrate you instead of challenging you.
Wasn't there a code insert in your box?
It's too bad you don't enjoy the challenge as I find it absolutely exciting. The weapons are bad early one, though, and I wonder if that's part of the problem with initial impressions. How far are you into the game?
Yeah the game is a disappointment to me too. I agree fully. Dont get all these GOTY comments at all. Its a great game, but its flawed. You have to be traversing at all times, and thats clumsy depending on the environment.
It's not that I'm against traversal, it's just that the traversal isn't really clicking with me and as you said, shooting enemies that run on the ground while grinding is possibly one of the least satisfying shooter mechanics I've encountered.
It's a weird design where enemies can very easily overwhelm you if you're on the ground but if you're on rails then they pose no threat whatsoever. And enemies being able to move freely on the ground while you're encouraged to either grind rails or jump on jump pads feels limiting instead of empowering. And the enemies that do pose a threat to you on the rails just break up your rhythm and frustrate you instead of challenging you.
Wasn't there a code insert in your box?
It's a weird design where enemies can very easily overwhelm you if you're on the ground but if you're on rails then they pose no threat whatsoever. And enemies being able to move freely on the ground while you're encouraged to either grind rails or jump on jump pads feels limiting instead of empowering. And the enemies that do pose a threat to you on the rails just break up your rhythm and frustrate you instead of challenging you.
Yeah its not a bad thing. I was kind of concerned it would be this way from developer comments, sicne personally I would prefer it to be less frenetic since I enjoy take my time with a slower pace and enjoying the environments.
This is why I think this game is not for everybody. The kind of game it is is very rare nowadays, so I hope it does well in order to keep diversity (vs say yearly COD, AC, sports game etc which are narrow in their gameplay mechanics and visuals)
Everything's been redeemed. I just don't see it in my inventory or anything
it says locked, but doesnt say what I need to do to unlock them (unlike mordor which told you what you needed to do to unlock)
also one badge was reduce damage by 1%/ WTF why even have such a useless upgrade.
So what's everyones favorite weapon so far? I have a decent amount of overcharge saved up but not sure what I want to buy.
The Roman Candle.
- Burn, Baby Lv2 Amp
- Sacrifice
- High Style
- Ammo Capacity
- Weapon Damage
- Glass Cannon
- Health
It's like having a fully automatic TNTeddy that never runs out of ammo and maxes your style meter super, super fast. I don't even bother switching weapons anymore unless I get bored.
It f*cking laughs at the 2-star rating the game gives it for Fizzco and Elites.
About a couple hours as I said. I did some "story" missions, got some amps, fought some humans and OD, and then started scouring the open world to get a hang for the mechanics and earn some upgrades like I usually do in this type of game.
I don't understand complaints about traversal either. So you enjoy staying on the ground?
Hello. Don't know if you'll catch my reply, but I thought I'd help.
I'm sorry if anything about it was confusing or hard to parse. I was the primary designer on the Overdrive system, so I can try and help explain anything else about it.
On the bottom right side you can see what badges are required to unlock the Overdrive. Also, if you press Y (or /\ for you PS4 users), you can see how many of each badge you have.
Additionally, I tried to be VERY consistent about the pairing of bonus and badge. If the Overdrive has to do with OD, then it requires you to kill OD. If it gives a bonus to your grind, it requires grind Badges. You shouldn't even really need to know, as you can guess the badge based on the Overdrive bonus.
The damage reduction Overdrives start out at 1%, but the level 4 versions max out at 10%. That's quite a bit in our game. But, more to explain the design philosophy here, I tended to create pairings. There is another Overdrive that increases your damage against OD by a large amount, but also increases the amount of damage you take form them. This damage reduction one is meant to counteract the "bad part" of that other Overdrive. If you want, of course. If you like to play risky, you can choose to run other Overdrives.
A guy on the team loves to use the Overdrive that slowly drains your health but gives you massive damage boost, and he just loves trying to stay alive only by collecting health orbs.
I don't understand complaints about traversal either. So you enjoy staying on the ground?
Thanks for the response, appreciate it.
Regarding badges, all of a sudden they seemed to unlock without any in game mention that I could earn badges. It seems that they are locked until some indeterminate time (some mission completes?), then they unlock since I went from unlocking nothing to unlocking one every few minutes. Would be nice if the quest mentioned badge unlock.
The map has a huge amount of icons and its hard to know which ones are important and which arent. WTF is toilet paper for?
Also WTF is Overdrive? The menu showed I could have "Overdrive" but what does that mean? Does it mean I have a high multiplier?
In terms of 10% damage resistance, is there any visual indication of this being applied? I dont think I would even notice a 10% difference to be honest.
Same with guns, do they have any visual differences when you level them up, like a different looking gun or ammo? Not that it HAS to do that, just that was a very cool concept in the ratchet games.
On Pro side. Love that you can upgrade the weapons. The concept of unlocking things based on how you like to play the game is an excellent idea also.
I wouldn't judge this game before you unlock air dash. Once you spend a little time with that, then if you still don't like it... Ok. but air dash makes the traversal more fun and easier to get huge combos/style points.
On the bottom right side you can see what badges are required to unlock the Overdrive. Also, if you press Y (or /\ for you PS4 users), you can see how many of each badge you have.
Overdrives are also really useful for maxing out your style meter.
I maxed out the grind and bounce since that's what I do 90% of the time anyway so I get a 50% style bonus on both which leads to mayhem more often and drives up getting all my amps going at once.
Very useful when your squad is really pushing up the chaos for night defense.
I need to get my health overdrive higher, but I find getting the fizco bot kill badges is taking a lot longer than others.
Can't wait to get back on this later.
How til the Roman candle becomes available?
I just realized how huge style bonuses are. I was focusing on weapons but style bonuses get you to amp land quicker aaaaaaaaaa
It's an on-rails grinding game. That's like complaining about Halo making you shoot or Gran Turismo for making you race.
Where I am conflicted here is that when I drop into the Badge menu, I am instantly overwhelmed as a new player. When I drop into the Amp system, I get the same feeling. And suddenly this fast paced action adventure game comes to a halt as I stare at the screen.
I can't help but wonder if this design could have or may be streamlined for future iterations/sequels. I look at all those badges, for example, and can't help but wonder if anyone, or I for that matter, will even experiment with them all much less level them up 4 levels.
Conceptually I am on board. I's just that...I don't know what I'm trying to say here, I guess I would say it is time consuming which I cannot reconcile with a game that is about "go go...GO!".
Any thoughts you can share about the system (teams intention, general advice, etc)?
Thanks in advance
Nice! Which ones are the hard ones?Getting close to 1000g. Only got a few hard ones left.
You unlock the Badge/Overdrive system at the start of the Boo-Boo Roverdrive mission. As soon as you step out of the Oxfords fort the game pauses and the Announcer gives a quick introduction. I will do better next time to make that more clear.
All collectibles that you can pickup (Shoes, Signs, Fizzies, TP, and Cameras) are also a Currency. They are used to purchase new AMPs from Floyd. (At the chamber that you pick up your amps from).
In the base game, you are probably not going to notice that 10% damage reduction. However, the area 4 chaos squad is designed very specifically to require a team of players that have maxed out Overdrives. They are necessary, and their impact is felt.
It could be just me, but I do find it overwhelming mixing up moving around and shooting at enemies. The auto-aim only works a fraction of the time. I sometimes get too focused on enemies and then I realize I ran out of rails and fell on the ground, panicking to get back to higher areas. I can understand the combat not being for everyone. This isn't Gears of War where you just have to focus on enemies. The worst ones are Scabbers that do not seem to die no matter how many times I shoot them. Maybe it is just being so early in the game and my weapons suck. But yeah Scabbers are really annoying.Yeah you have to play the game using constant traversal, so if you dont enjoy that you wont like the game.
So the different types of items all apply to the same currency? I'm a bit confused why I have both money and a soda based currency.
I still dont know what an overdrive is though. The menu screen shows the heading "Overdrive" with 6 slots, but what does that mean? Does that mean anything assigned to those slots is always active? Only active when I hit a certain multiplier?
You can purchase it fairly early...
I can't seem to get into online, my NAT is open but it never works. Also can't take invites![]()