I'm slowly losing my mind because of the stupid/awesome stuff in jojo. In a good way of course.11 hours and 3 minutes.
What's going on?
I hate playing as Olimar so goddamn muchSure, but the fact that he was in bottom tier was ridiculous already. People seem to be basing their opinions on his 3DS version and the fact that he was better in Brawl. I've already been seeing more and more people say Olimar is in Top or High and the fact that he came in second says quite a bit as well. His placement is an improvement, but he's not where he belongs yet.
You all up in the kool aid breh , and have no idea its actually cyanide. There was no real orginal argument I just presented a case for why people might like , actually he person who defaulted to the " well I was just saying this is my opinion thing " was the other person. I only argued the definition of objective, the other person saying and I quote
Which was the person trying to present their subjective opinions as objective. I don't give a shit if people think yosuke is bad. He's not naoto , what i was arguing whether that was objective. Which it isn't by definition of the word.
But please, please tell me more about the situation you weren't paying attention to
The argument, we were having wasn't about whether you were right or wrong. I never said you were right or wrong.
I never actually argued you . I just presented a case for why people might like yosuke. The only argument that happened was when you decided that your opinion could be objective. Which is just a language argument. And which is again, not really an argument because words mean things
Sounds good, what's it for? And by 'like it' does that mean you can make some frankenstein gundam? I did that with some of my gundam models so that's totally in my wheelhouse.
Is that available on vita or PS3? Also, hows the combat? Has it aged well?
Nope, lost your chance, now your fate/zero set can sit happily next to myforever in peacesailor moon set
It's how long since he left last night.Persona stuff.I don't know what you're talking about.
I still can't get over how Ghostrider did it first.
Hey, if I misread that situation, that's on me and I'm sorry. I just assumed that it was the same thing as you've done the last both times I argued with you in the past.You all up in the kool aid breh , and have no idea its actually cyanide. There was no real orginal argument I just presented a case for why people might like , actually he person who defaulted to the " well I was just saying this is my opinion thing " was the other person. I only argued the definition of objective, the other person saying and I quote
Which was the person trying to present their subjective opinions as objective. I don't give a shit if people think yosuke is bad. He's not naoto , what i was arguing whether that was objective. Which it isn't by definition of the word.
How is xenogears combat anything like barkley???THE COMBAT IS FUCKING SICK HYPE IS WHAT IT IS
Aww yeahI'm slowly losing my mind because of the stupid/awesome stuff in jojo. In a good way of course.
Oh you gave up on convincing people it's not that?This calls for Korra doing lewd stuff to someone while she stares at you.
Aw shit this might be cause to get excitedNo, but
was teased.
Aww yeah
Oh you gave up on convincing people it's not that?
Aw shit this might be cause to get excited
Is your avatar Rise in a hat?
Not pictured in this gif isThis calls for Korra doing lewd stuff to someone while she stares at you.
I just hate him because all of his attacks- ALL OF THEM- do variable damage. I prefer my fighting game characters to do the same thing when I press the buttons every time unless explicitly determined otherwise by me, I.e. Shulk.Playing as or playing against? He's more difficult and poke-y than your average character.
Not pictured in this gif isAsami ahegao face.
No but we got a super good song that is now on my phone so I can watch it whenever.
Remember kids, eye contact is important. Don't forget itAlf and I agree that it's her eyes that make it. SHE LOVES IT.
This works I suppose.No but we got a super good song that is now on my phone so I can watch it whenever.
Sure, but the fact that he was in bottom tier was ridiculous already. People seem to be basing their opinions on his 3DS version and the fact that he was better in Brawl. I've already been seeing more and more people say Olimar is in Top or High and the fact that he came in second says quite a bit as well. His placement is an improvement, but he's not where he belongs yet. I'd be content with B+
A bit of an exaggeration there don't you think? Guess micromanaging in the middle of a fight isn't everyone's cup of tea.I just hate him because all of his attacks- ALL OF THEM- do variable damage. I prefer my fighting game characters to do the same thing when I press the buttons every time unless explicitly determined otherwise by me, I.e. Shulk.
"Honey, I think your cousin murdered several girls-"![]()
You should make it your ringtone.
Let's all just dance instead
Pretty sure teddy makes the glasses with magic
Just say "it's a weird Japanese thing that's really funny"
Or stand on a desk and start yelling about shameless, either one
Also, do you see the school psychologist regularly? Cause if so, good on you. They do good work.
The tier list will probably change in the future anyways so this isn't all concrete and where would you put him within the B+ tier?
Btw Jack, may I ask you where you got the tier list from?
I didn't even argue you, I was just like I can see why people may disagree. I never said I disagree. I just presented why i felt those people who voted him up there might disagree. Like i said before he ain't naoto or kanji I ain't going to do much defending him. But I can understand why people disagree and think he's good enough to vote for number 1That was never my argument, sure I misused the word objective but my argument was that Yosuke was a bad character, not whether he was likable or not.
Also I don't think SWC was ever trying to be a part of this argument. I'm pretty sure he was just talking about you in general.
Hey, if I misread that situation, that's on me and I'm sorry. I just assumed that it was the same thing as you've done the last both times I argued with you in the past.
You should make it your ringtone.
This works I suppose.I'm staying away from everything that isn't text announcements until I beat Golden in like a year
when is Zone gonna make a Korra flash, did the kill la kill one come out yet?
when is Zone gonna make a Korra flash, did the kill la kill one come out yet?
"Honey, I think your cousin murdered several girls-"
Let's all just dance instead
Discussion is not arguing and I will when the OST is available for purchase.
The video is just text with pictures of Yu, Teddie, Rise, and Kanamin.
Already downloaded that song*slaps him on the ass*
Safety dance?
I know, i just wanted to use the nanako picture and remind people to keep it to just discussion.what's wrong with terrible youtube rip quality?
The video is just text with pictures of Yu, Teddie, Rise, and Kanamin.
I know, i just wanted to use the nanako picture and remind people to keep it to just discussion.what's wrong with terrible youtube rip quality?
Zone is making a flash game/animation where you fuck Ryuko.
Already downloaded that song
Its great
Music spoilers.Yes I am a crazy person.
when is Zone gonna make a Korra flash, did the kill la kill one come out yet?
It's an original Dancing all Night song, but its P3/4 styleMusic spoilers.Yes I am a crazy person.
I don't know how to feel about that
Looks good, seems like a gundam fighters game should be. Any news of it coming stateside?it's on ps3 it came out in japan last december
You'd love it.
Yosuke doesn't deserve to be argued over, I think that's about all that can be said.
I don't think Dancing all Night even has a release date for the EU and the 3DS is region locked, so I don't give a fuck about the game.
I don't think Dancing all Night even has a release date for the EU and the 3DS is region locked, so I don't give a fuck about the game.
Vita game yo. There's no NA release date yet either.I don't think Dancing all Night even has a release date for the EU and the 3DS is region locked, so I don't give a fuck about the game.
Sex scenes in video games are usually cringe worthy.