Yoshi is the best "Mario" character! I'm always him in Mario Kart games. xD
Is there a way to switch characters without going back to the main menu? My main is Toad but sometimes the later levels/stars/stamps seem a better fit for Rosalina, Peach, and/or Luigi.
It probably says more about me than it does about the game, but I'm mid-way through the Mushroom world and I've just be demolishing everything that has come before (usually getting all the starts and the stamp in one run). The challenge is completely non-existent. I think I'm getting to the point where just completing a Mario course is completely trivial for me.
I miss the sense of place that the prior 3D Mario games had (even the Galaxy games). I no longer feel like I'm exploring a world. I liked that feeling because it made the experience of playing the game about more than just completing the course.
The sheer-creativity here is incredible, don't get me wrong. I suppose I'm just less interested in repeatedly showing that I can clear the obstacles (having done that in Mario games since I was born) and more interested in just moving through a space that I feel a part of. For example, seeing a distant ledge and wondering if I'll ever be able to reach it. 3D World rarely offers that feeling. When it does, it's usually fleeting. I will have reached that hidden ledge moments after realising it's there.
Minor quibbles. Extraordinarily creative, but maybe the first signs of EAD Tokyo-style Mario fatigue, on my part. It's becoming a little bit routine.
Super Mario World entered my view at the same time cutesy dinosaurs brought Barney to mind first and foremost, and that is all sorts of lame. I think I was also the only gradeschool boy with complete indifference to dinosaurs in general.
That passed, but then they gave him that voice in the N64 games. Jesus christ.
Always felt clunky to control in every game I've ever played with him, too.
Yoshi said:(I'm so cute Sixfortyfive! Give me another chance! Here, try this delicious fruit! Just kidding, I already ate it! Hee hee!)
Yoshi is the best "Mario" character! I'm always him in Mario Kart games. xD
Just play at your own pace and likings
Personally I like to play one world 100 % in each 2-3 hours sitting, I replay levels instantly to explore everything, and try out different stuff. A slow burner and completionist
Then some like to just get through it fast, beat Bowser, do post game and then go back re-exploring and finding collectables
It's also pretty fun to play with friends or family in between
Entrecôte;92296714 said:Well just got game today after getting WiiU yesterday. On third world.
Impressed with the GFX upgrade, and it is fun to play.
But it isn't really a Galaxy class game. The levels seem more linear and the scope feels smaller somehow. It is a very promising look into what the next Galaxy class game might be like though, I'm your umber one fan.
Lol, that other person sounds like me.
Anyways, I have found more or less all green stars and stamps in the first eigth worlds now, but havent found a single secret exit. Is there anyway to know where to look for them like in Super Mario World?
Try not to compare it to Galaxy so muchEntrecôte;92296714 said:Well just got game today after getting WiiU yesterday. On third world.
Impressed with the GFX upgrade, and it is fun to play.
But it isn't really a Galaxy class game. The levels seem more linear and the scope feels smaller somehow. It is a very promising look into what the next Galaxy class game might be like though, I'm your umber one fan.
World 1
World 2
World 3,4,5,6,7
World 8+
Maybe his parents have been playing and fighting over the game.This made me so sad
Maybe his parents have been playing and fighting over the game.
I'm playing through Super Mario Galaxy 2 (for the first time - don't know why I waited so long) while waiting for Super Mario 3D World to arrive... and my god, Galaxy 2 is amazing. It's gonna be difficult to top it, but I can't wait to play some 3D World.![]()
is some bull. Damn.Champion's Road
I don't think so. They are pretty inconsequential though, and I don't think you get credit for finding them either. Bit strange since recent Mario games have taken secret exits more seriously.
Probably fun easter eggs to look for like the hidden luigis, though.
What game is your avatar? Looks familiar, but cant really put my finger on it.
Maybe his parents have been playing and fighting over the game.
Or maybe they were fighting in the game...
...stealing double cherrys and other power-ups from each other
This made me really sad too![]()
So I used Noteworthy Composer to take a look at the sheet music to this midi that recreates the Hisstocrat theme.
Apparently during that "breakdown" that starts about 21 seconds into the song, if you count percussion, this song has approximately five different bass lines. There also looks to be syncopation between some of these bass lines.
I love this song so much!
It's a shame cause I found another person saying the same thing last time I played: No idea why Miiverse won't let me just copy the picture.This made me so sad
~80 hours in and 100%ed the game twice. I think it's time to shelve it for a few weeks.
So I finally got around to ordering Super Mario Galaxy 2 just now, trying to recall the exact reasons why I skipped it the first time around. I was pretty sure that I was just busy with other games and obligations at the time, and that might have been true, but the real reason just came back to me: Yoshi is on the cover. Man do I hate that character.
Looking forward to the game though.
Toad Brigade spin-off game imo.Can we get a DLC pack of nothing but Toad levels and Mystery Houses?
I don't know if I have it in me to finish this one. 60 lives later tonight and I can't even get past the sound blocks.
Can we get a DLC pack of nothing but Toad levels and Mystery Houses?
I just want to day that the lighting engine Nintendo is using here is astounding.
This game is mario 3 done in 3d. I want expecting that. It really brings back the charm, variety and design finese. I don't know how Nintendo did it but they accomplished bridging 2d and 3d mario at long last. Bravo.
You are a greater man than I.
Unless you're a woman.
Just made it to! Man, it's like combining my two favorite themes!Peepa's Fog BogChristmas and spooky shit
Usually I'm not one for super hard post-game content because, frankly, I'm not very good at videogames. Regardless, this is all quality stuff!
The last level kicks my ass. I almost feel like I should just Tanooki it.
This is the perfect game for DLC, so it totally makes sense for Nintendo to never release anything.
click the link
Change the shade of Mario's mustache, only $1.99 per palette swap!This is the perfect game for DLC, so it totally makes sense for Nintendo to never release anything.