i just need to finish the last mystery house and I'm done. I'm not sure if I'm going to go for 5 stars right now though.
Do you need to get all 3 stars + flagpole on a single run for them to count, or does it count if say, I get the first green star on one run, second green star on the next, flagpole on the 3rd, etc?
You can do it any way you want. Second way def. counts as well
Right, I think this is a given. Shame that Nintendo don't make it plainer.Using the Wiimote Dpad to control characters in a 3D space sucks, and the fact that the game is often in an isometric viewpoint (which looks great) means that you'll often be pressing to the right and up on the Dpad at the same time - not the most comfortable position. Also, it sometimes felt like I was pushing to the right, but I was really also triggering the up direction, which made the side scroll sections, especially to the flagpole, often a "miss" for me as I would go off in the vertical direction slight and mess up my aim. My brother, who played with the Gamepad, had no such problems, and when I tried playing with the Gamepad, it was much better. Not sure if the Pro controller requires you to use the Dpad -- if it doesn't (meaning, if it lets you use the analog stick), I would go as far as to say that it's the only real way to play the game (Gamepad + Pro Controllers).
These two things (especially the Wiimote DPad issue) broke the experience for me, I'm sad to say.
Final Verdict: Playing with the Gamepad: 9/10; Playing with Wiimotes: 8/10.
Ah, cool. That'll make things a lot more manageable for some stages.
If you have to replay levels to get stars or stamps, take the opportunity to use different characters as well.. At least if you'd like every star on your save in the end![]()
I've been hitting the "random" button on most stages, so I'm pretty comfortable with everyone, but yeah I'll keep that in mind too on whatever I need to replay.
Is there any way to turn off the Mii ghosts? They're kinda fun and all but they're also kinda distracting.
I hope that Bowser keeps his theme music from this game in future Mario games and Mario spin-off games. I consider it far superior to Koopa Road from Super Mario 64, and it seems to be a lot more flexible in terms of remixing.
Superior to Bowser's Road? Superior to Bowser's Road? Is such a thing even conceivable?
I've been hitting the "random" button on most stages, so I'm pretty comfortable with everyone, but yeah I'll keep that in mind too on whatever I need to replay.
Is there any way to turn off the Mii ghosts? They're kinda fun and all but they're also kinda distracting.
Yes. Look in the digital manual.
You can turn off the mii ghosts and keep the miiverse stuff on the map.
It's in the menu somewhere i'm sure because i've got the same setup.
i really want DLC where youplay as cat bowser
You really don't need a pro controller and 3D World plays well with pretty much everything. I went with wiimote/nunchuck the whole way for all the stages that didn't require the gamepad.What is the preferred controller? I already have a Wiimote+Nunchuck and Wii Classic Controller and wondering if it's worth buying the Wii U Pro Controller.
I'm in world 7 now, and this combined with 6 has some of the best levels in the game. 3D world really starts to ramp up, both in difficulty and design, post world 3. I'm glancing at some of the posts here and it'd seem the hardest stuff is yet to come.
You know, I did make that connection on my own the other night. I kept hearing and thinking 'where have I heard that before?' until it finally hit me that it sounds exactly like a Trophy notification on PS3.Uh huh...
Seeing the wii u shots of Mario and wind waker in the console image thread made me take the leap. Ordered a wii u for ...ahem... My daughters Xmas. Just one final wee surprise for the family you understand right?..... Guys.... Right?....
Think I may have to go buy my wife another present now.
I wonder if theat the end of the final level is translated for different regions."thank you" pipe
One of the soundbites when SUPER SECRET CHARACTERdoes a long-jump sounds like she sarcastically says "Fuck off!" I can't unhear it.Rosalina
The final Mystery House inis annoying.World CrownI hate having to fail one just to start all over.
You have no idea man. Don't Look at spoilers. Just carry on playing the game. It gets brain meltingly tough towards the end. I feel like crying. Probably lose 50+ life's on particular bits lol. You haven't seen anything yet.
She also sounds like a man half the time.
I need this.i really want DLC where youplay as cat bowser