There's been a couple times I've used the white tanooki suit to assist with getting all the collectibles in a level. Will those still count towards 100% completion or do I need to go run them without that suit at least once to unlock the final world?
So I would need to run them again to unlock the final world?The only thing that doesn't count if you used the white suit, is your clear time for that level. You didn't 'officially' clear it. You will see a blank space in the level list. The other stuff (stars, stamps, golden flags) is yours and counts.
So I would need to run them again to unlock the final world?
I also just beat Champion's Road (with Luigi), the next one will be with Peach.
All in all, I found it much easier than The Perfect Run, but also not quite as good. The Perfect Run really was perfect.
Surprisingly the part of Champion's Run that gave me the most problems was wall-jumping/bouncing on the piranha plants. Not once did I have trouble with that during the game, but now I do all of a sudden.
Never died on the boost platforms.
EDIT: Now with all of them. Peach was easiest, I'd say. Finally enough of that level. Now on to the final mystery house.
Finally got past that one this past weekend after playing the entire game co-op. Onlyremains.Mystery House Marathon
Currently at 2080 lives lost but I know damn well that most of those were us just killing each other off, but at least 500+ fromChampion's Road
Just got to World 5, the imagination, variety and humour in this is outstanding.
I think it's probably even better than the Galaxy games..
No, only the stamps located in the levels are required.Are the character stampsalso required to unlock(main playable characters)?world crown
If so that'd be cruel.
I finally unlocked the.I also managed to get 10 stars in the final mystery house.Does anyone have any tips to get past the beep block section oncrown worldI keep on dying in this section. I'm using the 5th character that you have to unlock.champion's road.
my friends were not down at all to play this game with me. all they ever want to play is cod/nhl/forza and they said mario looks like weak shit. but after smoking a couple j's and playing a few levels they were hooked, and my faith in humanity was restored.
Reduced inhibitions for the win.Humanity just needs to be inebriated to come to its senses apparently.
but after smoking a couple j's and playing a few levels they were hooked
Question that has probably been asked before, but... how can you tell which levels have been beaten by which characters? Like if I was going to go back to previous levels and beat them all with each character, how can I tell who has already done it? You'd think it would be in the menu showing all your stars/flagpole/stamps, but it wasn't. I beat the main game last night and am currently working on the bonus worlds.
Question that has probably been asked before, but... how can you tell which levels have been beaten by which characters? Like if I was going to go back to previous levels and beat them all with each character, how can I tell who has already done it? You'd think it would be in the menu showing all your stars/flagpole/stamps, but it wasn't. I beat the main game last night and am currently working on the bonus worlds.
I think you can only see it after you've unlocked World Crown. There's info that pops up when you approach a stage or something of the like.
Im pretty sure the game records every level youve played through with each character by that point too.
I think you can only see it after you've unlocked World Crown. There's info that pops up when you approach a stage or something of the like.
Im pretty sure the game records every level youve played through with each character by that point too.
It will look like this in the status menu. All shall be revealed.
Oh thanks, both of you! I thought it would be on that screen, lol. I wonder why they don't just have that information available from the get-go (I guess because that would reveal there was a 5th unlockable character? I dunno). I don't see why you need to wait until Crown World, but whatevers, no biggy. Do you have to beat every stage with every single character to get all the stamps? Even the "bonus" character you unlock?
Beating all stages with all characters only gives you shiny stars, I believe. Nothing you "need" to do.
Beating all stages with all characters only gives you shiny stars, I believe. Nothing you "need" to do.
Probably to help steer people toward what they actually need to do to unlock Crown World (all flags, stars, stamps) and not risk burning them out trying to play everything with all characters.wonder why they don't just have that information available from the get-go (I guess because that would reveal there was a 5th unlockable character? I dunno). I don't see why you need to wait until Crown World, but whatevers, no biggy.
Probably to help steer people toward what they actually need to do to unlock Crown World (all flags, stars, stamps) and not risk burning them out trying to play everything with all characters.
Ah yeah, that's probably part of it. I actually didn't even know you had to get all of those things to unlock Crown World until today reading this thread, lol. I'm glad I was already in the process of doing that as I played.
It's how you're supposed to PLAY. THE. GAME.
The shiny stars only stay shiny as long as you never wear the white Tanooki suit for the entirety of a level.
Yeah, but you'd be surprised how many people just speed through the levels and ignore things like that.Plus, getting the golden flag pole can be tricky sometimes! I still need to back and get some of them. Of course, it's easy if you have a spare cat suit, lol.
Nope, you only get those main character stamps if you beat entire the game with each character. Crazy I know. Something I will definitely do eventually. Nice replayability there.
The shiny stars only stay shiny as long as you never wear the white Tanooki suit for the entirety of a level.
Yeah, but you'd be surprised how many people just speed through the levels and ignore things like that.Plus, getting the golden flag pole can be tricky sometimes! I still need to back and get some of them. Of course, it's easy if you have a spare cat suit, lol.
So if I used the white Tanooki suit for a level, can I never get a shiny star, even if I repeat it and beat it without the suit?
So if I used the white Tanooki suit for a level, can I never get a shiny star, even if I repeat it and beat it without the suit?
What I tend to do is break the levels up into small chunks so I dont stress out over trying to 100% in one go. I just did the return to Shadow Play Alley level where you only have 100 seconds on the clock. Made sure I got the two easy stars and gold pole, then jumped right back in for the first star and bam. Sure its different for the time crunch levels, but breaking them into pieces for collectible hunting helps you not tear your hair out.
Game reviewer mentality. See credits roll, move on to next hot topic game!
I am wondering about this as well. The friend I was playing with recently wanted to see what the suit looked like and did, so he got one and then died immediately by falling off a ledge, lol. Will that affect anything? We didn't beat the level when he had the suit on or anything. I even think I reset the level after that (not sure).
The samurai house levels just wouldn't be the same minus Pad support. Opening the doors manually using the right stick wouldn't be as quick and possibly sluggish. I love my Paddywacker.
Pic I just took. Dat angled shot.