Buying a WiiU soon, and I will play this game forever.
We got any of the soundtrack uploaded to YouTube yet?
my predicament as wellSo close to buying a Wii U for this game....so close. I just wish the system was cheaper.
This right here is video games at its most basic [and amazing] form. Just looking at this image makes me want to explore every nook/cranny. It just tickles my imagination with excitement.
in other news, Patrick Klepek's review is live
5 stars
edit: I suppose I should warn you that he spoils the secret character
I don't have any friends that would play a Mario game with me anymore, sadly.So whose playing this game multiplayer and whose going solo?
I'm thinking of tackling it co-op with my wife first, and then going back solo-mode and exploring the crap out of everything. What say you, GAF?
Ditto. It's no fun for the other person if you know everything about the game already.So whose playing this game multiplayer and whose going solo?
I'm thinking of tackling it co-op with my wife first, and then going back solo-mode and exploring the crap out of everything. What say you, GAF?
So whose playing this game multiplayer and whose going solo?
I'm thinking of tackling it co-op with my wife first, and then going back solo-mode and exploring the crap out of everything. What say you, GAF?
Its so beautiful...Its the closest you can come to galaxy in HD...
I haz to haz...
oooh The wait is so hard!!!
Is there actually anyone here who doesn't know whom the secret character is yet? I mean... Nintendo has made it nigh impossible to avoid this info, unless you're on media blackout. But then you wouldn't be here.
Someone with the skills should PS the fugly 2D crowds of Forza 5 into this glorious picture:
How has no one done this for this image yet?
It is going to be better than Galaxy!
I (almost) feel bad for folks without a Wii U. Well, not really. They had a year to get on board.
Mother of God. And that runs at 60FPS?!
I still can't believe I'm going to have this game on Friday but not play it.
Fucking Zelda man.
This image, right here. If I had absolutely no interest in this game at all, and you had shown me this image, I'd have dropped whatever I was doing, bought a Wii U and this game, and never, ever, looked back.
Mother of God. And that runs at 60FPS?!
This image, right here. If I had absolutely no interest in this game at all, and you had shown me this image, I'd have dropped whatever I was doing, bought a Wii U and this game, and never, ever, looked back.
Mother of God. And that runs at 60FPS?!
It's ridiculous how fucking gorgeous this looks. It's as if Nintendo got this shit from my wildest dreams of what a Mario title could look like. A perfect example of how to use technology to enhance and extend a franchise's natural charm, rather than to change it. The complete opposite of what some assumed might become a more "gritty" mario with better hardware. No, it's more joyful, and more awesome in every fucking sense of the word. Not sure how this style can be topped.
You know whats really going to be insane? Rainbow Road 8.
With antigravity F-zero tech going, I just cant even imagine...probably will be traveling through wormholes or something.
We reeeeeeeeeeally need some new footage of that game. Hoping for a December Direct.
You know whats really going to be insane? Rainbow Road 8.
With antigravity F-zero tech going, I just cant even imagine...probably will be traveling through wormholes or something.
So whose playing this game multiplayer and whose going solo?
I'm thinking of tackling it co-op with my wife first, and then going back solo-mode and exploring the crap out of everything. What say you, GAF?
I'm doing this solo, not by choice though. I don't think I'll ever get to play this with people actually.
We reeeeeeeeeeally need some new footage of that game. Hoping for a December Direct.
oh, it will be topped. Myself and a lot of others used to think "How can Nintendo best Galaxy 2?". That game was definitive. There was absolutely nothing Nintendo could do to enhance that experience, in my opinion. Yet, here we are, in front of a game that's probably better than Galaxy 1 and 2