I left my PC on when I left for work so I'll have a patched game when I get home. What exactly did they fix? Is it just basically what they said in the blog post or are there patch notes?TheExodu5 said:I bitched about the lack of controller support and PC neglect, but I take it back. I've never seen such a fast response from a developer in my life. Team Meat is doing a great job of keeping the community up to date.
Props, Team Meat!
Okay so I tried jumping over his hands a few time and was missing, so I assumed you had to wall jump on the edge of the platform which is significantly harder. I watched a video and realised you could jump over. An hour wasted.Visualante said:I've been counting the frames, it's the timing I can't do. I managed to get through the three swipes okay but then the smashes seem random.Holepunch said:He's really not that hard at all. It's classic memorize pattern.
Billychu said:I left my PC on when I left for work so I'll have a patched game when I get home. What exactly did they fix? Is it just basically what they said in the blog post or are there patch notes?
Yup, these guys have been great. Valve took a month and a half to fix the heavy/pyro/soldier infinite shotgun reload glitch. Bioware release Mass Effect 1 with a 256x256 texture for Garrus' face and never fix it. Then they release Dragon Age with a memory leak that takes 8 months to fix, but causes crashes on AMDs with more than two cores. Katauri and 2K Games mess up widescreen in King's Bounty (no 16:9) and Bioshock 1/2 (no 16:10).TheExodu5 said:I assume the blog post is accurate. What matters though is that they're actively working on fixing all of the issues. Reading through hundreds of feedback e-mails and getting a patch out within less than a day is impressive. We're not left in the dark like with most developers.
Awesome. Why is it even there at all? You can't use it for anything in the game.Lyphen said:Cursor disappears when a controller is plugged in. Yay!.
I'm starting to suspect that if I put the words "widescreen" and "King's Bounty" together in the search bar that every single post returned would be yours. :lolLyphen said:Katauri and 2K Games mess up widescreen in King's Bounty (no 16:9)...
:lol All the posts that show up on Google are secretly my alts too. Russian, English, French, whatever language, it's me out there complaining.stuminus3 said:I'm starting to suspect that if I put the words "widescreen" and "King's Bounty" together in the search bar that every single post returned would be yours. :lol
I understand completely, though (I'm on a 16:9 monitor too).
@taswell Ryan Davis
aces, PETA. you paid a viral marketing company good money to make a knock-off of a truly indie game, and to what end?
How have you gotten that far in the game without running? Can you even pass the third level in the forest without the run button?perryfarrell said:I can't get the jump in Chapter 5: stage 11. Flip the switch after dealing with 2 monsters, float past the blade... but then the door has shut!!
Edit: Oh now I notice the game has a button for running >_<
Crunched said:How have you gotten that far in the game without running? Can you even pass the third level in the forest without the run button?
Lyphen said:Bioware release Mass Effect 1 with a 256x256 texture for Garrus' face and never fix it.
Holepunch said:I think I found checklist guideline way to find the bandages in worlds.
Maybe I'm going heavy on the spoiler tags, but I'm doing it!
-Every world has 4 warpzones, 3 in the light, 1 in the dark
-Every Retro Warpzone has 2 bandages in them. The character warpzone has none.
-A level can only contain one bandage at most.
-A level with a warpzone in it does not have a bandage, and vice versa.
-I believe there are 7 bandages in light world regular levels, and 7 in the dark. Need verifying
So 6 bandages in the warpzones, 7 in the light world, 7 in the dark, none on the glitch levels or boss levels or character warpzones. Without having to check levels with warpzones, it should make the hunt much easier.
Happy Hunting!
Also I got the kid. I can't believe people double dipped and are planning to do it again. I am never, ever going back there. What is wrong with you people?
Nah, that just stopped the Garrus' squad menu texture from being overwritten by the 128x128 LOD texture.Kulock said:I was surprised to read this and did a search, isn't this the fix, or are you talking about something else?
As far as I know, there's no way to have the face work in all aspects of the game. It's an incredible oversight and it keeps me from having him in my party.Kulock said:I was surprised to read this and did a search, isn't this the fix, or are you talking about something else?
You try installing new video drivers? Not sure whether it would help or not. I don't think you should be having problems running the game well unless your PC is super old.Blu_LED said:I have to play in 1024x600 just to get a good frame-rate. Really odd that this game is straining my system so much.
check supermeatboy.com and lower your settings? (-lowdetail)Blu_LED said:I have to play in 1024x600 just to get a good frame-rate. Really odd that this game is straining my system so much.
Rash said:The game certainly is ridiculously hardcore, and I do think it maybe takes things too far sometimes.
I enjoy a good challenge but I can only be so masochistic. With the later levels of Super Meat Boy (though mostly in the dark world), that good mix of pleasure and pain eventually does tip in favor of pain and it makes the experience a bit less enjoyable, in my opinion. I like to 100% my games, or at least get as close as possible, but doing so with SMB may prove to be beyond my means, at least in a reasonable amount of time. Truly, only a small part of the SMB-playing populace will have the skill, but more importantly, the patience to die thousands upon thousands of times in order to fully complete the game. Finishing it all is certainly possible, but my god, Team Meat only wants the most dedicated of hardcore, hours-on-end gamers to reach the plateau.
Nedjoe said:It's 11 bandages for the light world, 9 in the darkworld and i'm pretty sure there is at least one bandage in a level with a warpzone. Also there was a level on the xbox that had two bandages in it but I think that may have been a mistake since it only counted one.
duckroll said:So I didn't pre-order this for 9.99 because I played the Meat Boy flash game and didn't like it. That was probably a mistake. Now the game is 14.99 on Steam. I've been debating between buying it now, and waiting until the Holiday sale where it will probably be on sale again. But then I started thinking. If I buy this for 14.99, rather than at a sale price, does the team get MORE money from that one sale? Because I kinda already feel bad for the 5 buck Indie Story Pack I bought being so fucking cheap. Thoughts?
duckroll said:If I buy this for 14.99, rather than at a sale price, does the team get MORE money from that one sale? Because I kinda already feel bad for the 5 buck Indie Story Pack I bought being so fucking cheap. Thoughts?
If they get say 60% of $15 now, they'd still get that percentage of a likely $5 or $7.50 in a holiday sale. So the devs definitely get more money if you buy it now instead of on sale.duckroll said:So I didn't pre-order this for 9.99 because I played the Meat Boy flash game and didn't like it. That was probably a mistake. Now the game is 14.99 on Steam. I've been debating between buying it now, and waiting until the Holiday sale where it will probably be on sale again. But then I started thinking. If I buy this for 14.99, rather than at a sale price, does the team get MORE money from that one sale? Because I kinda already feel bad for the 5 buck Indie Story Pack I bought being so fucking cheap. Thoughts?
vocab said:Also, I unlocked English, the replacement for teh internets. How do I access it?
duckroll said:Okay thanks. I think I'll grab it then.![]()
Excellent.duckroll said:Okay thanks. I think I'll grab it then.![]()
EviLore said:I got a notification that I had unlocked teh internets when I was playing yesterday. Was that a bug?
So basically I just type in -fullscreen -my resolution -lowdetail? I don't really understand why that option can't be in the settings.Nabs said:check supermeatboy.com and lower your settings? (-lowdetail)
duckroll said:Okay thanks. I think I'll grab it then.![]()
TheExodu5 said:I assume the blog post is accurate. What matters though is that they're actively working on fixing all of the issues. Reading through hundreds of feedback e-mails and getting a patch out within less than a day is impressive. We're not left in the dark like with most developers.
Lyphen said:Headcrab is fun, but really messes up my speed runs.![]()
Holepunch said:I got the same thing. I guess now you unlock English!
I really wonder how much effort went into this port to have things like that left in, bosses left out and a third of the PC exclusive characters broken. I mean I'm glad they're patching it but how did this happen in the first place?
charlequin said:Or the 360 version, which is still waiting for the first title update. :lol
It's not really that old of a computer. Here are the specs.Helmholtz said:You try installing new video drivers? Not sure whether it would help or not. I don't think you should be having problems running the game well unless your PC is super old.
Anyway, I'm having a blast with this game. I've been trying to A+ every level, and so far I've been able to, but I've just started Hell and it seems like it won't be an easy feat. Some of the bandages are so fucking hard to get too![]()
Awesome. I don't see why you wouldn't like it...unless you hate dying a lotduckroll said:Okay thanks. I think I'll grab it then.![]()