Dice said:7.81.... bitch.![]()
Haunted said:Makes levels like the glitch worlds with their 3 lives -> return to map -> enter glitch world -> click through 3 screens bullshit all the more puzzling in comparison.
There are no legit times (5.62 impossible) with Super Meat Boy for the character icon. Thus, I think I have #1 in the world for SMB time. ^_^Toma said:(Crazy. We are 28, 31 and 35 in world ranking. That makes which legit ranking? 5th, 8th and 12th? Not bad.)
Dice said:There are no legit times (5.62 impossible) with Super Meat Boy for the character icon. Thus, I think I have #1 in the world for SMB time. ^_^
Edit: And I definitely kept trying for better than 7.81 but couldn't get it. Now my hand is cramping like crazy because of the shitty ergonomics of the 360 controller for playing in this specific way. It would be sooooo much better if I could use the Y & B buttons. Team Meat please patch in custom button mapping.
Kntj said:This game is surprisingly demanding on pc. Barely works on my laptop and meat boy randomly goes through a wall and dies, wtf. I have it on xbla though and it's propably my GOTYPlayed The Kid levels yesterday, took me 2-3 hours in total.
mokeyjoe said:Really? Works great on my netbook, and that's about as low as you can go.
Haunted said:![]()
Just sayin'.
Kntj said:hmm. Is there some setting other than resolution that I didn't notice?
7.61sDice said:7.81.... bitch.![]()
Holepunch said:7.61s
Sorry to interrupt your guy's Meat-a-thon but that level's record belongs to Naija. I mean I guess if you don't like winning you can keep playing Meat Boy, but us real pros play with a little fish girl.
Dice said:7.81.... bitch.![]()
Different characters should have different leaderboards. Be more fun that way, IMO. I could use the character I like and still compete on the same level as someone using a clearly superior character!Holepunch said:7.61s
Sorry to interrupt your guy's Meat-a-thon but that level's record belongs to Naija. I mean I guess if you don't like winning you can keep playing Meat Boy, but us real pros play with a little fish girl.
When a game only uses the directions left and right, the 360 dpad is perfectly fine.CaptainAhab said:For a game that talks trash about how much better gamepads are every time you start it up SMB has pretty lousy gamepad support. I'm using xpadder right now because it's easier than editing the config file to get my Saturn pad working. Also, without any gamepad plugged in I still get 360 button prompts.
Also also, it's bizarre to see the 360 controller with it's jacked up d-pad held up as the gold standard for 2d platformers.
Except its much quicker to whip the analog stick left to right than to tap the D-pad in a direction when it had a chance of "arcing" its way from left to right, taking more time to switch directions. In the heat of SMB platforming, I would rather not take that risk.Beezy said:When a game only uses the directions left and right, the 360 dpad is perfectly fine.
Killthee said:
You have tiny thumbs or something? I slide my thumb from left to right, I don't tap anything. I never lift my thumb off the dpad while playing this game. I used the analog when I first got the game and the dpad is much quicker the way I use it. I A+'d the whole game this way.enzo_gt said:Except its much quicker to whip the analog stick left to right than to tap the D-pad in a direction when it had a chance of "arcing" its way from left to right, taking more time to switch directions. In the heat of SMB platforming, I would rather not take that risk.
Nope. Even sliding the 360 D-pad can be horrendous, best way to describe the 360 D-pad is unpredictable, because most of the time, it is. Maybe I'm just still feeling the hurt caused from playing 2D fighters with the D-pad, hoping it'd get better.Beezy said:You have tiny thumbs or something? I slide my thumb from left to right, I don't tap anything. I never lift my thumb off the dpad while playing this game. I used the analog when I first got the game and the dpad is much quicker the way I use it. I A+'d the whole game this way.
Haunted said:http://i.imgur.com/X8sTc.png[IMG][/QUOTE]
[b]THEN[/b]!? Goddamn. They need to fix that.
Also, how do I go about getting the bandage for 4-8x?
Beezy said:When a game only uses the directions left and right, the 360 dpad is perfectly fine.
You would think that, but it feels terrible with a keyboard imo.ArjanN said:When a game only uses the directions left and right with a separate jump button, a pad isn't even really any better than keyboard controls anyway.
I think I'll just use the superior controlling method as Team Meat intended.syllogism said:100% with the keyboard, you better work on your keyboard skills
Beezy said:You would think that, but it feels terrible with a keyboard imo.
I think I'll just use the superior controlling method as Team Meat intended.
Just because I CAN do it with an inferior control scheme doesn't mean I SHOULD.syllogism said:100% with the keyboard, you better work on your keyboard skills
Now I wish I still had mine. Legendary games require such things.fresquito said:This game is devilish (no news here). I'm very glad I bought it. However, I'm thoinking about using my arcade stick instead of the regular Xbox360 pad. Just for the sake of it! :lol
Dice said:1) Just woke up and my hand ain't right. I'm going to have to find a better way to play this game until they fix the crappy controller layout. Also going to take a break from it until my hand feels normal again.
2) Different characters really should have different leaderboards. Competition needs standardized parameters.
3) Inconsistency between displayed time and leaderboard time? Can we get confirmation on this? I've just been playing until I get something that feels faster then backing out to the map to see what it was, but if there is inconsistency that kinda spoils competition for me. I'd hate to think that I actually did beat my best time last night and ruined my hand doing so but it didn't register correctly.
Dice said:2) Different characters really should have different leaderboards. Competition needs standardized parameters.
3) Inconsistency between displayed time and leaderboard time? Can we get confirmation on this? I've just been playing until I get something that feels faster then backing out to the map to see what it was, but if there is inconsistency that kinda spoils competition for me. I'd hate to think that I actually did beat my best time last night and ruined my hand doing so but it didn't register correctly.
4) Team Meat, why make us watch the entire replay or back out to see what we got? The time we got should be clearly displayed during the kidnapping animation before the replay.
5) I like how it seems they had no idea just how fucking serious we'd get. :lol
Dude, edit the button configFireblend said:So I got this from a friend yesterday and just 100%'d World 1. Feels good, I love how rewarding this game is. The keyboard layout totally sucks (my hands ache), I wish I was home so I could use my gamepad, but I'll have to get used to it until februrary, ouch.
Edit: in case anyone wants to add me on steam, my id is Fireblend, same as here.![]()
Seriously? I looked around some forums and they didn't mention this could be done. Now I feel like an idiot for not looking there like with any other game in the first place. :lol thanks.GaimeGuy said:Dude, edit the button config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\super meat boy\buttonmap.cfg (or wherever your steam folder is located)
Pro tips:dygiT said:I want to see how the hell you guys are doing 2-8 in >8 seconds. I could have got somewhere in the 8s but I screwed up one of my jumps badly.
Call your bank?farnham said:anyone having problems paying on steam
i had problems with my credit card AND my paypal account
they just wont let me pay them money
i had no problems paying stuff with my credit card up until this moment. also paypal does not work either. and steam doesnt tell me what the problem isGaimeGuy said:Call your bank?