Dice said:And now I will interpret the language of level design. A message from Team Meat:
This level doesn't scare me anymore!
Dice said:And now I will interpret the language of level design. A message from Team Meat:
winnarps said:My wrist.My fucking wrist.Years and years of masturbation have not prepared me for playing this game on keyboard.
:lolBackfoggen said:
Snowballo said:Any special offer for X360?
SnakeXs said:*looks at thread title*
Sgt.Pepper said:Wallach is amazing. How the hell does he get 7.78 in 2-8 and 7.45 in 2-15? :lol
Still, very impressive records. It motivates me to go for my highest record so I don't end up raging. :lolWallach said:Fueled by rage and practice. Mostly rage.
That's mostly all I enjoy about the game though, doing levels fast. I don't know if I'll ever bother with the bandages and stuff.
An-Det said:Fucking hell, The Kid level 2 is damn impossible. The first was difficult but doable, the second I just can't get. The third elevator (going down) is evil, I can't get the timing for it at all.
I wish I had taken note of how many deaths I had before starting The Kid, because it's going to be really high after I'm done.
Wallach said:I died more times on that exact elevator thing than anything else in those levels. Literally the first and only time I got past it I cleared the level.
Sgt.Pepper said:That bandage in 2-18. That has to be impossible with Meat Boy. I mean, what?
The fucking truth. I don't rage though, well not against the game anyways. I always feel like a moron when I keep fucking up something I know I can do.salva said:I'm about to break the fucking controller. Darkworld levels are just raping hard.
Naw, it's very possible. Just have to be really patient with the lasers and then the rest is pie.Sgt.Pepper said:That bandage in 2-18. That has to be impossible with Meat Boy. I mean, what?
I exclusively use Meat Boy and The Kid :lol. He definitely makes some specific levels much easier.W Hudson said:OK so I finally got to the Kid's warp zone, thanks to this thread I was familiar with its exceedingly high degree of difficulty, but my question is just how useful is he as a character? If you really need him I will likely go ahead and complete his level now, if not I will probably wait until later. Gave it about 10 attempts, could only get about 1/2 through the first level. Seems like a bitch to do.
salva said:How do you unlock the kid?
salva said:How do you unlock the kid?
darkpaladinmfc said:I exclusively use Meat Boy and The Kid :lol. He definitely makes some specific levels much easier.
W Hudson said:OK so I finally got to the Kid's warp zone, thanks to this thread I was familiar with its exceedingly high degree of difficulty, but my question is just how useful is he as a character? If you really need him I will likely go ahead and complete his level now, if not I will probably wait until later. Gave it about 10 attempts, could only get about 1/2 through the first level. Seems like a bitch to do.
salva said:How do you unlock the kid?
Chavelo said:I got a request... can anyone who plays SMB with an arcade stick post their impressions? Wanna see if there's any pros and cons between a stick and an Xbox 360 pad. :-3
not really. The spikes don't shoot out of the wallsAppleMIX said:Well the I wanna be the guy levels certainly live up to its pedigree.
Oh god can you imagine if you got to the end of the first stage and a spike/apple/zangief flew out of nowhere and killed you?GaimeGuy said:not really. The spikes don't shoot out of the walls
I have a feeling that the patch which adds the levels being designed by Michael O'Reilly might incorporate some of of these "features" :lolCohsae said:Oh god can you imagine if you got to the end of the first stage and a spike/apple/zangief flew out of nowhere and killed you?
Broken controllers everywhere.
Fireblend said:Loving this game so much :lol 100%'d The Hospital yesterday and now I'm at 92% with The Salt Factory, I think I'm missing some bandages and a warp zone(?).
Edit: wait, I'm pretty sure The Salt Factory should be 100% (got all As, all bandages)... why is it stuck on 96%?
Hate to admit it, but I might even prefer the The Kid to Meat Boy, which would make him my favorite character in the game. He's a bit slow compared to Meaty, but god DAMN is his double jump useful! A godsend for grabbing bandages. A miracle in any level with a lot of hazards. In short, definitely worth the agonizing effort to unlock. And I say this as an unworthy cur who took 8+ hours to do it.W Hudson said:Thanks for the response. Although I was hoping to get a bunch of "he's useless" responses so I could just go back later.![]()
I'm condemned to at least one more run to repay the friend who spent a long time trying (and for all that effort, failing) to get me through The Kid's second and third levels. I tell you, those three labyrinths of torment encapsulate some of the best gameplay to be found anywhere. Absurdly unforgiving, but brilliant. There's nothing like that "in the zone" feeling you get after spending twenty minutes or so in a state of heightened concentration trying to clear one of The Kid's levels.darkpaladinmfc said:I feel lucky for getting The Kid in about an hour. Maybe in 10 years or something I'll try again :lol.
You can buy it through said:So is this game still on sale on XBLA? I don't have my Xbox connected to the Internet because it's really difficult for me to do so (far away from a router and don't feel like running a cable through my house) but I really want this game. And with the cancellation of the WiiWare version (crosses fingers for retail), I guess I have to get this on XBLA.
Couple questions though:
1. Does this game use the 360 control stick or the D-pad (or both) for movement? I don't like the D-pad on the 360, but I was wondering if using the control stick is comfortable.
2. I could potentially also get it on Steam, but I have a Mac. Yes, I know that a Mac version is coming so that's good and all, but I don't know how to connect a, say, PS controller to a Mac. I'm not asking on advice on how to do it, I just want to know if it's difficult or not. I just don't want to play with the keyboard for a platformer.
3. Yes, I was hoping to use the Classic Controller for this game![]()
That's because the 360 pad has one of the worst dpads in existence. SMB works really well with a Saturn pad!Princess Skittles said:You can buy it through
The game works better on the analog stick, same as N+ did.
Mind blown! I always wondered why the LED's on my PC synced DS3 would never shut off whenever I accidentally turned it on while booted into OS X, and now I know why. Thanks!Popstar said: