Why are you guys arguing with a troll?
Alright so I picked this up during the XBL sale and thought I would give it a go seeing how much hype this game got on GAF and other sites. I finished it in 2 sittings with 1045 deaths and I have to say it is one of the worst games I have ever played. Everyone talks about the tight controls when in fact they are insanely floaty and inprecise, as well as extremely inconsistent. Sometimes jump doesn't work, sometimes you go too far when you lightly press the button or not far enough even when you are holding it down. The hitboxes on death objects are also really inconsistent, you will find that on some objects part of your body can be touching the object and you will be fine, on others there can be a clear gap and you will die, this is especially noticeable in moving objects where the range seems to be different every time. The level design is pretty terrible as well with some levels seeming to be based more on luck than skill. So do yourself a favour and don't buy this unpolished turd of a game, I regret spending the 600 points on it.
Guys, just out of interest:
Have you played through Super Meat Boy using the Analog Stick OR the Digipad?
I recently had a debate with someone arguing about how important it is that you still support the Digipad in a 2d platformer (even though the analog stick was perfect in Meat Boy), because a lot of people won't ever get used to using an analog stick in a 2d game. I'd love to know how GAF sees it.
Keyboard controls are pretty bad. Can you bind Shift/Space to other keys?
1) This is the first I've ever seen a d-pad be called a digipad.
directional padWell, what do you think d-pad stands for?
Well, what do you think d-pad stands for?
Well, what do you think d-pad stands for?
Does anyone else have a problem with the colors being different when in full screen? I'm not even sure how to fix this.
Check what color scheme your monitor is using. My projector fucked everything up (green meat boy, everything is black, etc.) until I changed it from RGB to CMYK.
Who knows. It has Steam Cloud on Windows, but not Mac which makes NO FUCKING SENSE. Seriously. And how it's gone this far without an update to add it in is really confusing.I was wondering why this game doesn't have Steam cloud support for the saves? Of all my Steam games it's probably the save file that would hurt the most to lose. I take it it's no trivial matter implementing it if they didn't do it yet.
Who knows. It has Steam Cloud on Windows, but not Mac which makes NO FUCKING SENSE. Seriously. And how it's gone this far without an update to add it in is really confusing.
Why is my Act 1 boss bugged as hell? Steam version.
I cant jump..... I sometimes am able to jump ONCE if I really, really mash the jump, but that it is it...![]()
That's the only level that's a problem though? Are you using a gamepad and/or gamepad keyboard emulator?
Why is my Act 1 boss bugged as hell? Steam version.
I cant jump..... I sometimes am able to jump ONCE if I really, really mash the jump, but that it is it...![]()
360 controller. But the thing is, that it works perfetly on every other level. Once I open the world 1 boss, I am stuck in the bloody mud, not being able to jump, only go left and right. Insane.![]()
What happens if you use the keyboard for that level?
Same. Will try it with controller unplugged tonight. Also, performance is fine.
I started working on unlocking The Kid last night. After probably 500 deaths I actually managed to beat the first level. But jesus mother of christ, I cannot pass that 3rd elevator in the second level. I don't know what it is about the timing, but the second or third spike always kills me.
So here's my question: Is there seriously no way to save warp zone progress? I mean for other people that have unlocked The Kid, did you just leave your computer on with SMB running on the pause screen for 3 weeks straight so that you didn't have to restart from the first level of the warp zone again?
Umm. It doesn't have Steam Cloud on Windows.
Also, I posted a hackish solution for putting cloud support yourself a few pages back. it involves making a dropbox account and doing some Windows magic to make SMB always save directly to your DropBox folder
My mistake. I swore it did. But still, I can't believe it doesn't. I'm going to try that DropBox thing with the Hard Links in OS X and Windows. Question, which folder on each OS do I need to link to? (I'm very familiar with using hard links and DropBox for syncing. I use it to sync my Minecraft saves and in conjunction with Hazel to organize and move downloaded files from my MacBook to my Mac mini server. /explanabrag) I've looked in Steam's Library folder and it's a horrible mess of unstandardized folders. Some games are in a standard location, others throw their files willy nilly. Horrible implementation of a sandbox. I can't locate the file SMB uses for save data.
Honestly it's just practice and sitting there until you get it done, nothing but endurance and pure Gonzo adrenaline.
The whole idea behind it being a three level set is to do it one sitting. My advice on Kid2 would be don't over think the movements to avoid the spikes, just time a rhythm in your mind and you'll eventually get it. You'll never beat it if you "think" about it, as strange as that sounds.
After saying this anybody notice the 2 new achievements? Talk about the Kid's warpzone being hard!
After beating 2 though, it's like being on the last level of Contra and your mom telling you it's time for school. It's like "FUCK YOU I'M ON THE LAST LEVEL OF CONTRA, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS?!"
God damn shit I never want to see those fucking levels again. From watching videos I assumed 3 would be the easiest, but it was just as hard, if not harder, than the others.
After beating 2 though, it's like being on the last level of Contra and your mom telling you it's time for school. It's like "FUCK YOU I'M ON THE LAST LEVEL OF CONTRA, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS?!"
Edit: What are those 2 new achievements talking about? How do you unlock those levels?
Just curious, are people hacking achievements in this game? Looking at the leaderboards and lots of people get like 5 or 6 trophies at a time, or get all the "complete X world without dying" trophies within 3 minutes of each other.
Their basically Super Meat World levels, it's a set of 5 of them...all much harder than the Kid's warpzone.
You can find them listed under "levels" in Super Meat World under these names:
Lump of Coal
Fruit cake
Good luck!
Using the above path as a starting point I found it. For some weird reason they put the save files INSIDE the Application Bundle. Inside the "common/super meat boy" folder is an app named "" which has the save files inside the "/Contents/MacOS/UserData" folder contained within.I honsetly have no idea in Mac. On Windows it's
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy\userdata
if you have a 64-bit operating system. If you have a 32-bit operating system, it's
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\super meat boy\userdata
+- Games
+- Saves
+- DLC
Using the above path as a starting point I found it. For some weird reason they put the save files INSIDE the Application Bundle. Inside the "common/super meat boy" folder is an app named "" which has the save files inside the "/Contents/MacOS/UserData" folder contained within.
/Users/jasoco/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/super meat boy/
I assume I could put a SymLink inside the application package, but I'm wondering how Steam updates Mac apps. Will it replace just the binary inside the package? I assume so since it is able to update an app without removing its save files, but still. I'll give it a shot and report my findings. I just need to Google how to make a symlink on Windows.
Personally if I were Valve, I would have used a more organized structure for its service.
Not the jumbled disorganized mess they currently use. Especially if the save files were cross-platform compatible. They could have made all games Steam Sync from the get go by implementing a DropBox style Save Folder syncing algorithm.Code:Steam +- Games +- Saves +- DLC
Took a look at them and jesus. One of the last two, can't remember if it was Socks or Fruitcake, seemed doable and I almost beat it, but some are pretty outrageous.
In any case, how did you even find out about these levels and that these are part of the Kids Xmas level pack? Was there an announcement somewhere?
Also, this is the first time I've gone into Super Meat World. What an atrocious UI, I can't believe for a game that is so otherwise polished, they let this garbage dump of a UI make it in the game.
Already got it with MKLINK in the Command Prompt program. It works perfectly. I tested the game on both sides and it synced them back with no problems.Not sure how it works on Mac, but on Windows, every game is responsible for its own internal directory structure, including save format. So what you're seeing may be a Valve thing, and it may be a Team Meat thing. Not sure.
Edit: To make a link on windows, I described the process in the previous post on a previous page. You need a utility called "junction". Anyway just go back a few pages and it has links and complete instructions.