1. The game is home. Finally.
2. I chose captain falcon. Excited.
3. I was running around but i eventually did a short hop out of the run...
4. He passed from going fast as lighning on the group to almost stationary on the air.
5. RIP
I knew that thats was going to happen. Still, i couldnt belive how drastically falcons speed/momentum disappeared. I still cant believe that thats how the physic work. You are making games for nintendo Sakurai. You play a nintendo platformer and they have awesome physics. You go to smash and this happens.
So far, I've taken for granted that people prefer "normal" (like in mario games) physics!? Its that the case??
Yeah, this is one of the major things that bugs me about the movement in this game. It feels super off with almost every character whenever you jump after a run. : (