It's generally ban-worthy to discuss this stuff, so let's stop here, yes?
Ha Karsticles you sound scared. A little meta-discussion in a community thread is unlikely to get you banned
Oh, also, you didn't want to implement the "first battle on a neutral stage" thing?
That makes more sense yeah.
I think a cleaner rule is just to stick with FD or omega Palutena (for people who dislike the light) if you don't ban FD. Banning certain omega stages due to the traction/edges is pretty niche, most characters who would have issues with that sort of thing would usually prefer not to be on FD anyway (except Bowser lol. :x)
It's niche, but has its utility. Just figure out which ones you don't want to play on and make them your standard bans. While it's unlikely a GAFer would take you there, this is a legitimate concern. As Bowser, mine will generally be omega Lylat and omega Battlefield, but if I'm trying to play Puff I'll actually be counterpicking omega Lylat if the opponent doesn't ban it. It's not a bad thing, if you forget to ban 2 omegas and your opponent doesn't take you anywhere you don't want to go, who cares... but it's good to have the option.
Alright, thanks! seems like I won't be buying one then.
So you have an entertainment center with a Wii U and possibly other consoles, perhaps a Bluray player too, all of which are on Wifi, yes? If you can't get a cord over, here's what you do. It costs a little but you'll be upgrading the internet for everything in your entertainment center at once.
ethernet adapter for your Wii U
Powerline starter kit (plug one in by your router, plug the other in by your entertainment center) Both need to go straight into the wall. You can expand your home's wired connections with these, and add more points of access if you buy more.
ethernet switch (for splitting the wired connection among your Wii U and other consoles/machines that could use wired internet also)
And lastly, buy some more ethernet cords if you don't have enough spares for all this. Anything on Amazon will be fine, or you could also go to Monoprice and get a fancy Cat 6 cord or even Cat 7 for very little. Not that those would effect the speed on the Wii U, those would just be future-proofing at this point. Seems like a lot of work? About 15 minutes if you read the manuals and know which cord goes where. Seems like a ~$60ish investment? Yes it is. It's a good investment and not just for your Wii U. Personally I was very happy to get my upstairs computers off of wireless and get some snap back into my internet.