Kei figuring out my Jumping Inhale shenanigans lol
I just tried amiibo fighters for the first time tonight. Once they hit level 50 to they keep earning items and does their AI keep learning?
Hmm, I don't think I've noticed.On omega castle siege when we were both offstage on the right side, I couldn't see anything because the castle walls covers the entire screen stupidly.
Hmm, I don't think I've noticed.
Anyway, I surrender for now. I'll get you eventually and your little yellow turd!
My ssstylish Kirby combo
I just made that up on the fly lol
...Maybe it does because I'm surprised that killed loledit: I know that Xenoblade's stage & music gave you super powers
...Maybe it does because I'm surprised that killed lol
Got about 3 games left in me before I sleep
If you're still around, I can play. NNID is dragonlife29Anyone want to play?
If you're still around, I can play. NNID is dragonlife29
GGs Kei! Bit of a laggy start at the beginning, but at least the connection got better. Fun games as usual. Lot of goofy stuff happened lol. I'd be careful about being too predictable against Shulk next time though.![]()
Uhh, what just happened that first stock? Haha
On omega castle siege when we were both offstage on the right side, I couldn't see anything because the castle walls covers the entire screen stupidly.
All righty, I think that's it for me. GGs! You're good at predicting where I'll go. Those customs make Bowser even scarier. It was side b and b that were customs? Maybe up b? Seemed faster or something.
Speaking of, did I miss something? Everyone seems to be into customs now in here.
I'll look into some farming methods for customs. I actually don't have any unlocked--at least, not for characters I play.
I don't prefer omega stages, really; I pick stages based on music. And since all the stages whose music I love are not conducive to good 1v1s by default, omega is the way to go for most of them.
I actually think smashville has pretty uninteresting music to fight to for the most part, so I never pick them.
We do that too, but it's convenient to have everything unlocked on at least some of the consoles so that I don't have to spend more time constantly repopulating the presets myself.In the long run wouldn't it have been simpler to just have a 3DS with all customs unlocked or was that not an option?
Lol, that was cools how did you record your video so clean like that? Best I could do is record it using my Ipad but the video is not clear.yeah, I got countered hard lol
as usual GGs TWILT, good that our connection got better, I'd be careful with footstools next time :'D mwhaha, again GGs dude, hopefully I'll be able to play in teams with you next time, gotta make "blond & pretty people" team someday, applies for Shulk or Link ditto team P:
and this happened in FG after I couldn't join your 2vs2 games:
FG diddy's logic - sideb, my greatest weapon... gotta love those strings/combos that couldn't be possible if people didn't screw up so badly lol
Farming customs:
With a turbo controller, it's pretty easy to unlock everything within a week. 4 days is possible if you do the tail end of it manually.
I had Turbodorf punch his way through 3 different setups for a week for our locals:
Shout-outs to 7-day return policies at Gamestop.
Lol, that was cools how did you record your video so clean like that? Best I could do is record it using my Ipad but the video is not clear.
You know what would be sweet? To have all of my Mewtwo taunts come from quotes he has in the Pokemon movies. I can only find one good for taunting, though:
"Behold my powers!"
It would be great for the one where he charges up.
I could make alterations to the other quotes to make them fit in, though...
There's nothing better than a good Falcón punch huh.Made a highlights video of some of my early For Glory escpades
Not super impressive stuff but should be mildly entertaining. I'm aware of the audio issues but I wanted the video done since it was sitting on my hard drive for awhile. Thought I'd share it anyway.
Neutral B charged to a little before max. He does more knockback and less damage at the last arm swing before fully charged.There's nothing better than a good Falcón punch huh.
Also, what has more knock back? Dk's neutral b or charged fsmash?
HuuuuuuuuhNeutral B charged to a little before max. He does more knockback and less damage at the last arm swing before fully charged.
re: unlocking stages
For unlocking Pac-Land, I have to play all the maps in Smash Tour. Is there any shortcut for this or do I have to waste hours going through games on all three maps to completion?
For unlocking Duck Hunt, what is "solo cruel smash?"
It doesn't take hours. Probably a little over 40 minutes to do all 3 smash tours. And you can leave them idle if you want. It's a trash stage though.re: unlocking stages
For unlocking Pac-Land, I have to play all the maps in Smash Tour. Is there any shortcut for this or do I have to waste hours going through games on all three maps to completion?
For unlocking Duck Hunt, what is "solo cruel smash?"
For smash tour if you don't want to play it you can just initiate it and leave it alone. The mode will basically play itself and the only times you need to be there are when there's a target blast or homerun contest event.
Farming customs:
With a turbo controller, it's pretty easy to unlock everything within a week. 4 days is possible if you do the tail end of it manually.
I had Turbodorf punch his way through 3 different setups for a week for our locals:
Shout-outs to 7-day return policies at Gamestop.
It doesn't take hours. Probably a little over 40 minutes to do all 3 smash tours. And you can leave them idle if you want. It's a trash stage though.
For duck hunt, go to solo and go to stadium. There's the múlti man mode ir. Whatever is called where you fight a bunch of mii's. There's cruel smash.
Pro tip, use Ike and aether to spike someone off the ledge.
Made a highlights video of some of my early For Glory escpades
Not super impressive stuff but should be mildly entertaining. I'm aware of the audio issues but I wanted the video done since it was sitting on my hard drive for awhile. Thought I'd share it anyway.
Also holy hell the Gamestop controller is AWFUL.