Still looking for a 1v1 partner to work one my sheik if anyone is interested.
At the store picking up another Amiibo as a gift. Which character is a good partner for Yoshi, Robin or Jigglypuff?
Yeeeeeesh. Man, I couldn't get anything done. Your Sheik is something else! I haven't played many Sheiks. I should try her out, hah. Good games.Oh yeah we are ok cool, coming now
Sounds good! I'll send a request and start a room.Fox! :3
I'm trying out Jigglypuff, and I've never had this much fun playing a character before. I feel so happy playing Puff, I think I'll keep at it!
Oh, I'll play you mr. OricWindstar.Just sparring, right? NNID: CRQ-L-07
Yeeeeeesh. Man, I couldn't get anything done. Your Sheik is something else! I haven't played many Sheiks. I should try her out, hah. Good games.
Oops! I'll change the rules.
That's why I'm trying to get good with her. I want to force myself to learn how to combo and chase off stage.lol, no probs.So it's true, Shiek really doesn't have a kill move...
That's why I'm trying to get good with her. I want to force myself to learn how to combo and chase off stage.
Haha, she's definitely hard to deal with, but use whoever you want. I need to practice all scenarios.I get you. I should probably switch from Puff since she's got different properties from the norm then.
Haha, she's definitely hard to deal with, but use whoever you want. I need to practice all scenarios.
Anyone want to 1v1 with me? My NNID is jollystance
i'll 1v1 you, ID in profile
Bracket 1 ranbats or 1v1 anybody?
Alright, will be on in a few minutes.I'll 1v1 you. Getting online in a sec.
Ahh man I'm just about to go to bed. (1AM here) We'll play tomorrow!Spinasaurus if you're still around I'm down for the Doc v. Doc. Perfect cause I'm sick.
ID is humblemumble77.
Ahh man I'm just about to go to bed. (1AM here) We'll play tomorrow!
NNID is WarioLand btw if you want to send a request.
Anyone wanna go at it for fun? I'm learning Puff, so yeah. NNID: CRQ-L-07
1v1? I'm down I'm still learning Doc. ID humblemumble77
Oh, it's no problem. Dinner is ready anyway for me. I should be free later, but GGs as always!Really sorry Cyberman65, I'll be afk for a bit because groceries just came back. Let's play again a bit later, if you're still available!
GGs, by the way.
Sorry about going afk in the beginning of that match, ggs, gotta do something real quick.
I can play again later if you want to though.
Much better player than me tbh
You know what I hate?
When I try to recover and the game is like "you want air slash? NOPE HERE'S A BACKSLASH LMAOOOOO"
why game
You know what I hate?
When I try to recover and the game is like "you want air slash? NOPE HERE'S A BACKSLASH LMAOOOOO"
why game
Sure thing dude, I'll add you in a sec.
Hold up dude, a friend wants to play, sorry.![]()
Question about clearing Classic with all characters 7.0 and above:
Can you just play Two Players Classic, set 1P to your main, and set 2P to another character you need to clear classic with... and essentially get credit for clearing with all characters as the 2P?
Oops if ya wanna do 1v1 I'll leave, 3 players is kinda borked anyway lol. Good fun games though, when you're done I'll play ya.
The twitch chat is toxic and has given me cancer. :/