n1n9tean said:This game's title sounds like it could very well be a line straight out of Daft Punk's "Technologic."
build it, push it, pay it, get it, play it, shoot it.. supersonic!
n1n9tean said:This game's title sounds like it could very well be a line straight out of Daft Punk's "Technologic."
GrayFoxPL said:ickingfudiot, could you tell me how's online based?
P2P or US servers or Worldwide?
I'm asking because I don't know if I should buy it from us store or wait for eu. I'm from Europe. Lag to US server would make it unplayable like in most games.
ickingfudiot said:As far as the wider camera request, it's something we've considered but decided against before, we'll see. One thing you might find useful that isn't on by default (aside from disabling V-Sync, if you can stand the tearing the higher framerate helps my play a lot) is to go into your Profile Options and change the Ball Cam from "Hold" to "Toggle". Then you can just hit Triangle to go into Ball lock camera mode and not have to hold it down.
SuperSonic1305 said:I'd buy this game if the onslaught of retail games wasn't beginning.
ickingfudiot said:As far as the wider camera request, it's something we've considered but decided against before, we'll see. One thing you might find useful that isn't on by default (aside from disabling V-Sync, if you can stand the tearing the higher framerate helps my play a lot) is to go into your Profile Options and change the Ball Cam from "Hold" to "Toggle". Then you can just hit Triangle to go into Ball lock camera mode and not have to hold it down.
WiCkEd_Co said:Ok I did both changes and now play with the Ball cam about 90% of the time. It made the mini-games way more easy to do.
Online on the demo was horrible but since I have played on the full game I have had only a few bad games the rest were pretty smooth. I can't get in any 4 player game because it's set to 3 vs 3 on the menu by default and everyone just plays that. I have sat there for 10 mins and get maybe 1 or 2 then they leave. Did the youtube thing to test it out and it works pretty good.
Sandstorm mini-game made me want to break/throw my controller, I finally got it with 1 star and don't see me ever getting 5 stars on there when I go back to get all stars. Also my friends list hates you because I been on this and they keep bugging me to jump on Call of Duty with them.
Fizzle said:This game looks pretty dire. I don't understand the hype.
Xbox Live MarketplaceFizzle said:There's a demo?
Where isit?
Flunkie said:Xbox Live Marketplace
levious said:US store
try re-downloading. I didn't have any problems with the game and I've played it for at least 4 hrs since I bought it.AlphaTwo00 said:Colour me not impressed, at least with the Demo.
Crashed twice on the Front end load screen.
Crashed in the main game when I hit the PS Button.
Crashed when I tried to log online.
Spy said:NOTE: We played this game for about an hour, took a break, turned it back on only to notice my brothers save was gone. He had only unlocked one car so it didn't bother him too much but I just wanted to give you a heads up about saves possibly getting corrupted?
AlphaTwo00 said:Colour me not impressed, at least with the Demo.
Crashed twice on the Front end load screen.
Crashed in the main game when I hit the PS Button.
Crashed when I tried to log online.
Spy said:NOTE: We played this game for about an hour, took a break, turned it back on only to notice my brothers save was gone. He had only unlocked one car so it didn't bother him too much but I just wanted to give you a heads up about saves possibly getting corrupted?
DeadGzuz said:I got bored of the demo trying to knock balls into the goal. With the positive post I assume the game is far more. Why is it $15 though, lots of content?
ickingfudiot said:We're actively looking into how to improve the latency situation, there's technical limitations as I described but there are some things we can do to help I think. It's unfortunate the IGN reviewer got a few bad games it a row it sounds like and wrote us off entirely, but that's how things go I suppose. I just wish he would have tried splitscreen (really adds a lot) or talked about the replay system or some other things.. oh well!
ickingfudiot said:It's peer-to-peer in the sense that you go into matchmaking, set your preferences and search and someone ends up hosting, you don't know who, so no dedicated servers or anything like that.
Right now I have it set up so that Europe will be on a completely separate matchmaking group from America and you'd have independent stats as well. Some guys on our forum were asking if we could include a worldwide option but I'm not sure what we'll do about that.
SamBishop said:Hey dude, I'm the guy who reviewed the game for IGN. I realize I didn't really touch on the replay system, video uploading, custom soundtracks or the like, mainly because I tried to tackle them all during the preview and was a bit pressed for time in getting things up before the weekend.
Not all the games I played were bad, but with a P2P system where someone's upstream is shit, it definitely made some of the games unplayable -- or in the case of one of the games, felt like it was basically playing itself, since I think the actual position of the car and what was reported on the screen were vastly different, so not only was there lag, but it felt like I was racing around a track made of invisible geometry. It was trippy, sure, but it was also a ranked game, which meant I either quit out and notched it as a loss, or just drive around like a moron for the rest of the game. Dedicated servers, at least for ranked games, would have helped, I think, but I realize Psyonix isn't made of money.
I do want to make it clear that I didn't hate the game, but I did feel like the difference between seeing what you guys could do and what I could do after playing the game for hours straight was massive. I could hardly get a shot lined up properly, much less leap into the air, rotate perfectly and hit the ball into the goal at just the right angle. Some of you guys there, though, can do that, and it looks amazing. I just don't think I have the dexterity or patience to get that good.
The game is worth checking out for sure, which is why I'm so glad you guys made a demo, but I think it's just a bit too technical for me, and my biggest fear was that all the frustration of just trying to get to the ball or line up a shot will be compounded by the people that do play it like crazy and get as good as you Psyonix guys, and then newcomers are just going to be that much more pissed that they can't knock in shots from across the arena.
Some of the mini-games were pretty sweet, though.
GrayFoxPL said:Thanks.
Played the demo and it was pretty sweet. Online was cool but God, so short.
Please make the matchmaking worldwide. Don't restrain the options.
Don't know why but I was sure main mode of this game was racing. There's no race mode in it right?
ickingfudiot said:It's cool, thanks for taking the time to come here and say all that, makes us feel a bit betterIt's actually surprised me how quickly a lot of the guys we're playing online have picked it up, but you have to review for a really wide audience so it's a fair criticism.
Out of curiosity - do you guys have any policy on evaluating games after patches, like if we were able to smooth out the net play further and put in some checks to prevent dial up guys from hosting more effectively, would that merit a revisiting of the score? I've seen it done with MMOs before, but didn't know if IGN ever did anything like that.
Dedicated servers would be ideal, as you say, but we're self publishing and just don't have the resources. We're discussing the practicality of letting users with good connections host dedicated servers and also looking into a server browser to sit alongside the matching system so you could better gauge a server's latency and maybe find games a bit more easily.
It's unfortunate, we thought we'd hit on a good balance of controllability and server sync but even on the consumer grade connections we tested it was never as bad as some of these guys that are ending up hosting. It's something we're actively looking into. That said, it really has been a minority of the games we've played, but I did run into a really laggy 1v1 ranked match earlier and it killed my desire to play for awhile, so I know where you're coming from.
Speevy said:This might be a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway. Is this game a PSN exclusive?
SamBishop said:If I remember right, the policy is to not change the score unless something drastic happens with the patch, and as you said, it's usually limited to something like an MMO where the entire game can change with a patch. Should you guys kick out something to fix the netcode stuff, I'll push hard to bump it up. Again, I hope nobody there on the team took the review too hard. I honestly do hate giving games bad scores because that's someone's life they've put into the product, and I know this is you guys' first self-published title. If and when things get patched, please do drop me a line and I'll let the guys know what's up.
I will say that the majority of games I played were relatively lag-free and worked just fine, though I think that a server browser with a connection status indicator or even a way to rate the server would go miles toward alleviating some of the headaches while playing the game online. It's just that the quarter or so of the games I did play were so frustrating or bad that it dragged everything else down.
Gilgamesh said:Title is slightly better than Massive Action Game.
androvsky said:I'm pretty sure it's a problem with my PS3 (US 60 GB), but I can't play the game at all, the demo locks up at the loading screen every time. Yes, I redownloaded it, tried it on multiple accounts. The only other game I have any trouble with is Fatal Inertia (demo also), which behaves exactly the same way (except there I at least get to see the pilot zipping up before it freezes, yay). Sometimes both games will update at about one frame per minute (including old PS button menu and in-game XMB), if I take the time to exit the game the system just reboots. With Fatal Inertia, the problem persisted across several firmware updates also.
It's not purely an Unreal Engine issue, as I've played UE FPS demos before (most recently Bioshock), but is it coincidence it happens on Unreal-engine games with a full version available for download through the PS Store? I play a lot of PSN games/demos, no other problems aside from these two.
I'm not big on multiplayer games, but I wanted to at least give it a try thanks to the PS Nation podcast, and your enthusiasm here.
ickingfudiot said:The car unlocks are bound to the PS3/PSN account you're playing under, so if you changed local accounts between sessions you wouldn't see the unlock you had. It's possible the save data was corrupted somehow but haven't heard any other reports of that.
You have posted the holy grail of action racing. That is quite the bold statement.levious said:ok really, this game is good...
don't let this game go ignored!!