As far as I know, nothing's getting cut, but what do you mean by fun parts?
You know what I mean.
As far as I know, nothing's getting cut, but what do you mean by fun parts?
You know what I mean.
The friendship/relationship stuff? It's tame, there would be no reason to cut it out lol.
Really? Oh :C
Well, you can carry people and hold hands, so it's still fair to say it's the fun part of the game.
Hey guys! Community manager for Bandai Namco Games Europe here (and the author of the post). It seems we need to clarify more what we meant and we're going to do that. Trust me, it is not PR bullshit: it would be very very stupid of us to say something false about a game that anyone can check by looking at videos online. Not to mention dishonest! (which is not my style).
What we meant to say was that you can play Infinity Moment (the floor clearing part) in Hollow Fragment, and not just the Hollow Fragment part of the game (Philia/Laughing Coffin), which felt like two games for us since we never got Infinity Moment on PSP in Europe. We'll work on the way to communicate this better.
Sorry again for the confusion! Please always assume I messed up using the correct words instead of malice next time D: it's really never my intention to mislead.
Give you an idea of what combat looks like normally with partner AI which is how you will be fighting most of the time. There are other vids Ive done scattered around in the thread if you look back a page or a few. Though suggest against watching if you want to keep the experience fresh haha.
Thanks Parakeetman for the write-ups on this games. I've been lurking on this thread but your experiences with the game and the videos I've seen so far for this game solidifies my need to get this game. It practically is right up my alley of games so I'll get this.
Anyways the game will be released here in my country (Philippines) on the 29th of this month. And retailers here are now taking preorders for the game. It will have some Day 1 DLCs and a poster. I really don't know if retailers here ship abroad but if you have a relative here or knows someone here, you can buy a physical copy of the game.
Here are some more details of the game, Sorry for the FB link: Facebook link
ok thanks for the answers and i'll just have a quick peek at the vids then![]()
Namco Asia confirms these three DLCs as Day 1/First print DLC for the Region 3 version.
So...just to ask those of you who are playing the game really fun to play even if someone isn't too familiar with the SAO series? Do you find yourself just using the same commands/actions over and over in-game, or are there plenty of opportunities to mix it up for a refreshing gaming experience?
Still on the fence whether I should go ahead with my any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Namco Asia confirms these three DLCs as Day 1/First print DLC for the Region 3 version.
So...just to ask those of you who are playing the game really fun to play even if someone isn't too familiar with the SAO series? Do you find yourself just using the same commands/actions over and over in-game, or are there plenty of opportunities to mix it up for a refreshing gaming experience?
Still on the fence whether I should go ahead with my any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Made a pre-order. May 29, let's go.
Its odd that not much else has been said about the US ver yet, when more info came out bout the EU one. Wonder if they are trying to save it for the E3 since its less than a month away now.
Now If only NA got this D:
Now that I know it includes an enhanced version of the PSP game, I can't help but wonder if there are any changes made to the Infinity Moment part of the story?
Hey guys! Community manager for Bandai Namco Games Europe here (and the author of the post). It seems we need to clarify more what we meant and we're going to do that. Trust me, it is not PR bullshit: it would be very very stupid of us to say something false about a game that anyone can check by looking at videos online. Not to mention dishonest! (which is not my style).
What we meant to say was that you can play Infinity Moment (the floor clearing part) in Hollow Fragment, and not just the Hollow Fragment part of the game (Philia/Laughing Coffin), which felt like two games for us since we never got Infinity Moment on PSP in Europe. We'll work on the way to communicate this better.
Sorry again for the confusion! Please always assume I messed up using the correct words instead of malice next time D: it's really never my intention to mislead.
Hey guys! Community manager for Bandai Namco Games Europe here (and the author of the post). It seems we need to clarify more what we meant and we're going to do that. Trust me, it is not PR bullshit: it would be very very stupid of us to say something false about a game that anyone can check by looking at videos online. Not to mention dishonest! (which is not my style).
What we meant to say was that you can play Infinity Moment (the floor clearing part) in Hollow Fragment, and not just the Hollow Fragment part of the game (Philia/Laughing Coffin), which felt like two games for us since we never got Infinity Moment on PSP in Europe. We'll work on the way to communicate this better.
Sorry again for the confusion! Please always assume I messed up using the correct words instead of malice next time D: it's really never my intention to mislead.
So, you're saying that the game could be considered as the "G" version most hunting action games have, right? Like what Soul Sacrifice Delta is to Soul Sacrifice (old content with enhanced graphics and improved mechanics + some new extra content).
I think I've read somewhere else that Japan is going to get a free patch during summer. I guess we'll get it (or not) depending how well it sell. Do you have something to share about that?
Same here, I'm on the fence about the Asian version too since I ALWAYS prefer physical format, on the other hand with digital, I don't have to worry about acc change and DLC.
I also always prefer physical though I'm in the exact same boat as you here, especially since the game seems to have a sizable amount of DLC so I guess I will wait for the EU release. That in turn means however I need a 32GB memory card soon too, 8GB won't cut it![]()
Kotaku has posted an import review
Skip the 32GB and import a 64GB.
Parakeetman, I've got to say you put together a great OT. Been a lurker for a while, just got my account accepted today, thought I'd say thanks for all the footage you have shown here! I have the Asian version pre-ordered, and I absolutely can't wait to dive right into it aha!
Firstly thank you for an outstanding OP.
I absolutely can't wait to play this game, as long as there is NO FAIRY MODE.
Nearly so nearly switched off because of it, but carried on and was really glad I did!
If only I could read Japanese...
Apparently one of my local retailers posted an estimation of 70 bucks for the localized version when Vita games usually retail for 4x~5x here.
Sigh...I'm gonna get ripped off.
SAO:HF jp is gonna add that extra 30 hours worth of content (or so they claimed) soon right?
Pretty much, its the vanilla game with the Hollow Fragment content on top of that. Makes for a pretty large title actually. I was just playing again for a couple of hours once again advancing nothing in the story and just levelling / looking for loot, gathering ore (from enemy drops) for upgrading my weapons.
The large content update is in July here in Japan, though no word yet on whats going with that for the West unfortunately. Guess we will have to wait and see till E3. Hopefully if journalists have a QA session the more savvy ones will ask the very question about it.
There already was some free DLC for game 3 different things think it was 1 item pack, 1 2H Sword and the spriggarn outfit? for Kirito. More will be released but forgot what else is down the pipe, the OHP has info on that.
Edit: I wanted to say I love how you are our "import corner / reviewer" guy![]()
Oh, sorry for not answering before and thanks.
I wonder what the price will be. I think aroudn 25/$ would be the sweet spot for a DD only game.
It launched in July right? If it's on July/August I won't be able to be there day one... but hey, at least my love and money is going to NB anyway since the game I'm choosing over SAO is Tales of Xillia 2
Edit: I wanted to say I love how you are our "import corner / reviewer" guy![]()
For real! I've only gotten posting privileges yesterday but I've been visiting these forums for quite a while. I've made a lot of purchases thanks to your good judgement, just recently Demon Gaze comes to mind (another great OT of yours).
Kind of a general question, but it's something I'd like to know to make a decision if I want to buy a DD only game for Vita.
I remember, back when the Vita first launched, that load times for physical releases were faster than load times for DD release on cards. Did something change about this?
unfortunately since i only own the physical version am unable to answer that. would doubt its much of an issue or woukd hear more negative things about it online. ill see if can dig anything up later
so can you make asuna your waifu in this game?
so can you make asuna your waifu in this game?