Off to work on / finish the OT.
Vita one should be here tomorrow.
I'm getting the Vita one for the JP release. It's CE as well
Looking forward to subbing to the OT
Off to work on / finish the OT.
Vita one should be here tomorrow.
I'm getting the Vita one for the JP release. It's CE as well
Looking forward to subbing to the OT![]()
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the game Parakeet. Remember, don't give it a free pass just because HF was amazing! I feel like I'm ready for the truth, whatever it might be.I hope this is awesome
At least you tried, nothing can be done about it. I'm sure you are still gonna have a great OT.Yeah after I get done with this will spend a good time with the title. Since am familiar with Macross 30, should be pretty easy to see just how much of the base code they used with the game.
My largest concern still is the loss of an actual character level system and all skill based. But will see how that is when I get time with the game.
The OT stuff most likely wont go up till a good couple of hours more. Its still bugging the shit out of me how lacking in resources there generally is. This literally might be the worst OT in terms of resource content. At least there is lots of info thanks to Gematsu, so filling that out wont be an issue...
I think it's just costumes and stuff, but hey it is free right, might as well aha! Hope you enjoy it the game is a ton of fun. Hopefully you will see why this was my 2014 Vita GOTY aha.Since it's all about Lost Song now, I've decided to start Hollow Fragment. I've redeemed the free DLC, but should I download it? Does it matter or is it just cosmetics?
I think it's just costumes and stuff, but hey it is free right, might as well aha! Hope you enjoy it the game is a ton of fun. Hopefully you will see why this was my 2014 Vita GOTY aha.
I've been grinding the dating lol and still haven't cleared Floor 76!
What is the best way to do that? Do you just keep talking to them? All you can still do is press R1, but it never goes anywhere...
Pretty much.
At Lv 5 mood take them to the inn and do "Bridal Carry" next to the stairs. When Kirito picks them up the mood will go up to Lv 6 then take her to your room (by going up the stairs).
In your room, just get close to the bed and you'll trigger the cutscene. So far I've done that with Asuna and I've gotten different conversations, but I don't know how many unique conversations per character are there.
You can bridal carry anywhere, but next to the stairs will prevent you from being seen. Being seen will reset the mood lv to 1.
So basically, just talk to each girl a kazillion tines and just press R1, get then to Lvl 5, then take them upstairs. But, make sure nobody I'd around each time or else they reset to 0? That goes for Cilica too? Does walking around holding hands help, or no?
So basically, just talk to each girl a kazillion tines and just press R1, get then to Lvl 5, then take them upstairs. But, make sure nobody I'd around each time or else they reset to 0? That goes for Cilica too? Does walking around holding hands help, or no?
Lv 5 mood.
The approval rating on the friend list is different and that is for the trophy.
Holding hands doesn't really do anything lol.
There actually is a proper flowchart for the characters "dialog" but for the most part as you mentioned it is possible to just still be successful with R1
Ugghh, This game is a different beast for sure. I'm still unsure about what to do and when and with whom to take, lol
I actually skipped that stuff since its really a waste of time unless you are going after the trophies? I dont even remember if it was trophy related lol.
There actually is a proper flowchart for the characters "dialog" but for the most part as you mentioned it is possible to just still be successful with R1
Ugghh, This game is a different beast for sure. I'm still unsure about what to do and when and with whom to take, lol
I actually skipped that stuff since its really a waste of time unless you are going after the trophies? I dont even remember if it was trophy related lol.
Yeah there us a trophy for maxing out each harem girls mood to Lvl 5 and taking them to bed; shameless for sure, especially with Cilica. ..
Once you do all of them, then thete is another silver trophy for being a harem master...
Isn't there something where you have to max out some stat on each partner to unlock costumes or something? Sure I read something about that at launch, but I've only just started playing and I can't remember what it was now.
It was probably in this thread, but it's long past the size of reasonable scanning by this point!
Yes, not really a stat but more like their battle strategy. Each one unlocks a different costume.
Attack, Defense, Buff
Start by setting their strategy up by talking to them, can't remember exactly where.
Then every time you see this pop up.
(DEF action) in this case
Praise them only for the specific action according to the costume you want to unlock.
There's other stuff you can do to raise it too like for Attack - switching and using skills when they tell you to.
The DLC included additional missions, weapons, and armor.
Raising the relationship levels is also essential to give them weapons and armor.
The dating part was very painful but you know you want the trophies!
The problem with the dating is that I got Asuna up past lvl 3, so I could do the bridal carry, I did it upstairs with nobody around as a test and it reset her mood lvl... wth?
Bridal carry is Lv 5 mood when you are talking to her.
The level in the friend list counts for the trophy.
Weird then, I gave me the option, so I tried it and got penalized. I thought you had to get the bedroom cutscene for the trophy to pop?
No, just get to lv 5 in the friend list.
The bridal carry and the bed scene just increase that bar in the friend list.
The bed scene is more like fanservice tbh.
Fastest way to increase the friendship meter is to keep them at mood level 5 and talk to them in the bedroom without the bed scene.
Gonna use that for Silica!
There's 2 meters: mood and friendship
Mood indicates bridal carry and bed scene.
Friendship indicates giving weapons, armor. Mood meter increases friendship meter over time.
Ironically, the bed scene does not increase the friend meter and resets the mood meter.
Using bridal carry and then putting her down resets the mood meter. Only use the carry right outside Agil's shop at mood meter level 5. Carry her up the stairs and should go to mood level 6 in their room.
Fastest way to increase the friendship meter is to keep them at mood level 5 and talk to them in the bedroom without the bed scene.
Ok, so I finally got there with Asuna (very innocent btw) mood level bumped up to 7 "intimate" and got the bed scene, however, no trophy... Do friendship and mood both have to be maxed for it to pop?
Friendship has to be level 5Ok, so I finally got there with Asuna (very innocent btw) mood level bumped up to 7 "intimate" and got the bed scene, however, no trophy... Do friendship and mood both have to be maxed for it to pop?
Friendship has to be level 5
Mood doesn't matter.
Uuggh, back to the grind, what's the fastest way to build that friend meter?
There's 2 meters: mood and friendship
Mood indicates bridal carry and bed scene.
Friendship indicates giving weapons, armor. Mood meter increases friendship meter over time.
Ironically, the bed scene does not increase the friend meter and resets the mood meter.
Using bridal carry and then putting her down resets the mood meter. Only use the carry right outside Agil's shop at mood meter level 5. Carry her up the stairs and should go to mood level 6 in their room.
Fastest way to increase the friendship meter is to keep them at mood level 5 and talk to them in the bedroom without the bed scene.
You can raise a heroine's affection by:
1) Praising them in battle (too slow)
2) Buying food from store, such as donut (waste of Col... we also working on the 10Mil Col Trophy)
3) Talking with the girls (grindy but fastest/cheapest way)
This little guide is going to focus on option 3. Be warned that they have FUBAR the translation so badly, that it makes Google translate looks good... so don't plan on getting any sense of enjoyment out of this... your only point to doing this is unlocking the CG and giving them DLC costume (due to a bug, hold off on giving them anything until patch 1.03 after Sep 23). You can start this process once you get to Arc Sofia (Floor 76).
How the chatting mini-game works: Your goal is to fill up the Enjoy(ment) bar, which will cause your GF's mood to go up one level (more on mood later).
1) it is basically a choose your own adventure style (either R1 or O). Usually R1 has the good option that gives affection, and O does not, but not always the case. (Please note this is timed. You have 3 sec to respond or it moves to the next one).
2) By default, you get 2 chat topics per chat segment. Depending if you select R1 or O, you might get an extra chat topic (as a follow-up question), or your wife is upset and decides to dock a chat segment from you.
3) Once your enjoyment bar is filled, you can press X and the conversation would end after the current chat segment. Very helpful to speed up the grind once you hit affection level 4.
4) You gain more chat time as your affection level goes up.
Do not worry if you cannot fill the enjoyment bar, the affection would still go up so long as it is not blank (very difficult to fill at affection level 2 as you do not have enough talk time).
The grind:
1) Invite your girl friend of choice into your party
2) You can certainly try to find a dating spot around town... but I recommend you find a bench and sit down, so your partner sits next to you. This will force her to start the conversation more often than standing/moving around to find the right spot. I recommend a bench by the fountain, you guys need to sit side by side. It doesn't work if you sit across the table at Agil's shop, for example.
3) Once you manage to raise the heroine's mood to rank 1 (Happy) by filling the full enjoyment bar once, take her back to your room (inn above Agil's shop).
4) Now sit at the bed (you can hold hands before you sit).
5) They will be spamming chat topics to talk with you... why the bed? The chat options here are more "Engrishly intimate" (It tends to give more affection points when spamming R1)
R1 or O
1) Don't even bother trying to make sense of what they say, or the mood of their response. It will never make sense due to botched translation.
2) Don't initiate the chat, wait for them to say something in a yellow bubble then talk. If you done it right, you will see the enjoyment/timer bar at the bottom. If you get the option menu (chat, disband party), etc. Choose nothing and wait for it.
3) Spam R1 by default when you are given the choice. If you get no affection gain, memorize that one so you press O the next time.
4) When enjoyment bar is full, press X to end to convo as quickly as possible.
Once you get to affection rank 5, you will get the trophy... but you are not done yet!
We still have to do the pillow talk for the CG scene, continue or next post.
The X Button:
1) It is for sitting, when you are near a chair/bench, your character will sit down. If not, he will kneel. To help trigger the conversation, move to a long bench by the park. Once you have her mood to lv1, bring her to your room at the inn. You can either sit at the sofa, or the bed (recommended). While you are at it, hold hands before you sit down.
2) End the conversation by depleting the timer bar. It still won't end right away, your chatty girl friend still need to finish the current chat segment.
Now for the pillow talk CG scene, I will quote rai2ken:
So, to trigger this bedroom scene, you need to:
-Increase the heroine's mood to level 5 (In Love)
-Go to the Inn (Agil's Shop), do not enter your room yet. [if you are already in the room, just go back downstairs, make sure the other girls are not looking and then bridal carry her]
-Perform "Bridal Carry" on the heroine (Mood changes into level 6, "Infatuation") and proceed to your room while it is active.
(NOTE: If other characters see you, the heroine will get embarrassed, cancelling the action and resetting her mood back to "Normal")
-Once you get to your room, the heroine's mood will automatically go to level 7 ("Lost"). Approach your bed and the heroine will suggest to lie down on the bed, triggering a chat event.
-Fill up the "Enjoy" bar on the chat event and a scene will occur, getting the CG.
When to grind:
Since this is one hell of a boring grind, most people want to put it off. However, make sure you are done with Strea by Floor 89 so you do not miss her CG.
There are a few ways to do this:
1) Bite the bullet and do it all on floor 76... harem king style
2) Do one girl per floor starting at 76, you are "rewarded by the CG"
3) Get everyone to rank 4... then grind to rank 5 at a later time.
Between this and the costume grind, I would actually do this first (prior to patch 1.03), and then make use of the patch's improvement to make the costume grind easier & not worry about losing costume.
Costume grind details:
Personally, I think the costume grind is more rewarding:
Asuna 4:
Liz 2:
Leafa 4:
Silica 4:
Sinon 2:
Strea 2:
Philia 2:
Bladewind Draconus
Holy text wall Parakeetman!
Thank you!
sorry for bump, but any word on US release of the new game?
Well, seeing as this has been bumped only recently, I don't feel bad about asking this:
Which role should I dedicate each of the girls to?
I finally started playing this just a while ago and, much like many mad people before, decided to tackle the affection and costume doohickery early on.
As it reduces the amount of busy-work if you get the other two costumes first, and then just get them trained on the one you actually want them to keep last, I'd like to hear some recommendations on what the preferred/recommended role for each girl would be.
Also, lol at the "translations" for the chat up moments. And the implications of the pillow talk being just innocent intimacy when Strea and Leafa are talking about their boobs and asses and "being gentle" etc when doing the flirty-talks in Kiritos lovebox.
Well, seeing as this has been bumped only recently, I don't feel bad about asking this:
Which role should I dedicate each of the girls to?
I finally started playing this just a while ago and, much like many mad people before, decided to tackle the affection and costume doohickery early on.
As it reduces the amount of busy-work if you get the other two costumes first, and then just get them trained on the one you actually want them to keep last, I'd like to hear some recommendations on what the preferred/recommended role for each girl would be.
Also, lol at the "translations" for the chat up moments. And the implications of the pillow talk being just innocent intimacy when Strea and Leafa are talking about their boobs and asses and "being gentle" etc when doing the flirty-talks in Kiritos lovebox.
A local Best Buy has Hollow Fragment as the demo game for the Vita. Is this a good or bad sign?
So i just bought this... Does this game start off super easy?
So i just bought this... Does this game start off super easy?
Lol, Baaz, this game is the reason I had to watch SAO in the first place 2 months ago and I've barely played it and only watched anime since. Although, trying to pimp up the ladies is easy, because you can spam R1 and O without looking....