Weird. Like I said I ordered from there and I got this reversible cover :I bought the Asian version from Play-Asia. That's the same box art I got, and it isn't reversible.

Weird. Like I said I ordered from there and I got this reversible cover :I bought the Asian version from Play-Asia. That's the same box art I got, and it isn't reversible.
The box art is a bit different on the Playasia page
Notably the huge SAO text.
Weird. Like I said I ordered from there and I got this reversible cover :
Weird. Like I said I ordered from there and I got this reversible cover :
I'll edit this comment after taking a pic of the physical cart.
Honestly, if I hadn't gotten it from a reputable source, I would've assumed it was a bootleg copy. May still be for that matter. The quality of the insert and cart label look/feel cheap.
Looks nice, I want it too if I'm ordering from there!
edit: did you get the Limited Edition? According to siliconera reversible cover seems to be one of the perks of LE.
Have you contacted P-A why some get the reversible cover, do 2 versions of the Chinese/English Asia version exist?
The one without the reversible cover is meant for Taiwan/HK markets which is why the logo is in Chinese. The one with the reversible cover is for South East Asia markets where English is one of the major languages. I assume that the reversible cover perk is because SEA regions never had the official release of the Limited Edition for this game (it was for Taiwan and HK only) so it was done to make up for it.
They both are the same game though (they share the same catalog code: VLAS-38052) just different boxart.
I'm going to take a guess and say that it's possible that one of PlayAsia's stock shipment was from SEA regions..which is why some are getting the reversible cover and others are not.
I'll edit this comment after taking a pic of the physical cart.
Edit: Here's my copy. Shown are the reversible covers. Pardon the grainy pics, taken from a Vita.
I did not, no. Maybe it was a first print kind of bonus? I did order it on launch.
I did not, no. Maybe it was a first print kind of bonus? I did order it on launch.
I haven't contacted PA either. I preordered though, so I would have gotten in or any first run perks if that were the case. Awful English translation aside, I'm really enjoying the game.
Translation is hit or miss really, but fully understandable. I find it to be worse during the small talks that the characters have on the field. During the story segments, it's actually OK, which is where it matters.
But is everything English? The screens on the P-A product page show English and Chinese text mixed.
I have the SEA region copy. Everything is in English. Fully voiced during cutscenes from what I see so far.
How's the english? Bad? Acceptable?
How's the english? Bad? Acceptable?
I have the SEA region copy. Everything is in English. Fully voiced during cutscenes from what I see so far. Electronic Manual, a certain leaflet manual included in the package and the voucher for the DLCs.
To clarify the "fully voiced" part, it's in Japanese voice but with subs. But everything in-game is in English.Good. It's rather confusing because the description and screens at P-A make it seem like the game has mixed English and Chinese text.
I'd say the English is really bad throughout. One of the best recurring errors is referring to dungeon exploration as "penetrations." ie "let's continue on with the penetrations." Or "Asuna is really good with the penetrations."
" Asuna's favorite skill: Penetration"
Among other gems ahaha!
I heard :'(it will be when i play this game solely as a dating sim
:'(shame she wont really be in GGO
So.....,any word on NA?
Each time I see this bumped I get excited, stop teasing ne!
I heard :'(but if they do two arcs again I heard that on the next one she is actually the protagonist
So.....,any word on NA?
Each time I see this bumped I get excited, stop teasing ne!
FOLLOW THIS LINK AT YOUR OWN RISK (no spoilers really, just arc synopsis but still)please dont play games with my heart
FOLLOW THIS LINK AT YOUR OWN RISK (no spoilers really, just arc synopsis but still)
Looks like I might of gotten it wrong. After arc 3, Phantom Bullet (aka GGO) it'sProject Alicization, not Mother's Rosario, which is Asuna's arc. That one seems to just be a side story from ALO.
please dont play games with my heart
Nothing. There is a developer rep that stops by here every once in a while...
Man this game is crack. I got myself Wolfenstein, instead of playing it I'm wondering when I should stop so I can go grind my Scimitar LOL. I play something else, the same happens. When I play, all I want to play is SAO. This game is my backlog's worst enemy.
Damn Parakeet the more we talk the more you teach me about this game, where do you pull this info from? I love coming here, you give me more and more "toys" to play with ahaha! I really should be giving Hate more importance.
This game really can be as deep as you want it to be. I never took things as far as you have, for me my skills are something that I just activate all at the same time ( atk+, def+, etc. all buffed up LOL), and those types of skills I never unlocked because I never really understood what they were for. After your explanation though thhey really do seem invaluable, specially if you are faced with something that you really shouldn't be up against.
Yes SP really is indispensable in this game. Keeping a constant flow of it and burst, or else your looking at your battles drag on and on.
And I feel you, I just got out of midterms, have a week break now to catch up with all me gaming.SAO is gonna get a lot of love. I hope that the patch also drops for the Asian Version at the same time as the JP. Not that I will be able yo access the content because of my levels most likely, but knowing that its there will only get me more hyped aha.
Do you know if this is a patch or DLC? Cuz if it is DLC I'm gonna have to go through the whole drag of switching accounts and stuff...Im looking forward to dragging Argo around with me, since love her voice lol. Though shes another dagger user. D: That makes 3 already.
So the July date that they gave us for EU got changed to ''coming this summer'' Hopefully this doesnt mean late august..
So the July date that they gave us for EU got changed to ''coming this summer'' Hopefully this doesnt mean late august..
I need this game on the PC + Oculus so I can finally be together with my beloved Lisbeth!!!
Anyway, can't wait to get this on my Vita!
The game's director has expressed interest in developing it for the PS4, maybe they can use Project Morpheus for it.