they are calling it a large update so basically with that in mind id imagine its a huge patch
In my mind that's what I think too. But patches usually don't add much content rather than fix it. The way this might work, hope not, is the patch will affect everything stat wise (level caps, difficulties, bugs, etc.) AND allow for the access of a piece of DLC which will include those 3 bosses and new areas.
Good point, as I have mentioned before, this is really my first time with an MMO-like (pseudo-MMO they call this one?) so I am not too familiar with how things work in terms of that. I sure hope that you are right. That is, if we HK owners even get it at all. If we get it, no way would the west version not get it either.
Probably not, since the is in english and all. And that's a good question, I could see it selling as much or even more than the japanese version because of the import imagine you guys would get it too. though not at the same time as japan. im curious as to how much the asian version sold
I'm honestly running out of reasons to not get a vita. Guess I should start saving money now.
At Dengeki magazine Bamco guy said the Vita version went better than expected. They'll shoot for the sequel (didn't say about much, let alone the platform. Seems like they've just started the entire plan).
Well Parakeet I was thinking earlier, if we are to go with the release date in Japan, which was in late April, followed by the HK version a month later, I think it's more realistic to keep that 1 month gap in mind in terms of when this patch is gonna drop on our side (again IF it drops).
And yes, this game truly is amazing, never would I have guessed that I would end up liking a licensed title as much as I do. I would say this game has so far been the highlight of my year in terms of gaming, might sound silly, but it's true. Haven't enjoyed a game this much because of it's mechanics rather than story in a good while.
Log Horizon would have to be more VN oriented I think, since that show is more about "political" moves, rather than skill moves. It's there too, but it is much more story heavy.Its too bad Log Horizon is under the Kadokawa umbrella as I think the team behind the SAO game could do it some justice.
Its most likely because the game doesnt do the general insulting hand holding a lot of other titles do these days and its a test of your skills vs the game and how well do you make do with the mechanics.
Log Horizon would have to be more VN oriented I think, since that show is more about "political" moves, rather than skill moves. It's there too, but it is much more story heavy.
And I totally agree. In the hollow area specially, the game is open to you from the moment you drop there, and it doesn't really tell you where you should go/doesn't limit your options of where and how you get there.
That would be pretty cool actually. I would buy that, specially if it was done by the team that made hollow fragment. The idea of having your own character interact with the characters of the show would be pretty damn neat.
Someone pls make this happen LOL. With series like Mahouka or even Rail Wars (announced today) getting a game this year, idk how this has got nothing coming for it.It would be the best way to design the game to explain why its more exploring / combat focused. In the sense that you are doing a lot of missions for the main characters in the story. The behind the scenes team that is supporting the actions of the main line characters. Best way to fit in an original story since with a setting like that you pretty much have free reigns to do what you want with the scenario and extra characters.
Someone pls make this happen LOL. With series like Mahouka or even Rail Wars (announced today) getting a game this year, idk how this has got nothing coming for it.
Maybe once season 2 starts this fall we will get an announcement of some sort.
I was talking about the Log Horizon series, Parakeet and I were conjecturing about a game for that seriesDidn't GGO start like a few days ago? Like I seen the first episode and all...
Oh OK, my mistake. I thought you meant GGO when you said second season.I was talking about the Log Horizon series, Parakeet and I were conjecturing about a game for that series![]()
No no, that already started (and might I say I liked the episode quite a lot. Everything looked great)Oh OK, my mistake. I thought you meant GGO when you said second season.
This game will work on the playstation tv correct? If so.....I'm going to be so busy later this year. I know his one starts halfway through but is there a first game that got released in Northern America? Would be awesome to play as Kirito from day 1 the servers when everything went to hell. If not whatever I've read the novels and am hoping they at least go to mothers Rosario because that's where stuff gets really intense and shocking.
At work. Can't do meme shit.
"We can't have a female character in Hollow Fragment. But we'll get that GGO tarp character model. So I got that going for me which is nice"
Well the Japanese one did at least, that's how Parakeet recorded his footage.
I... Did not understand either lol.
I... Did not understand either lol.
LOL yeah that makes sense, I mean... a GGO tarp? Kirito goes camping this season ahaha!pretty sure he meant Trap in reference to Kirito's avatar for GGO.
Great, can't wait to get the patch too. Still got a ways to go till I actually can access the content, but knowing that it's there will be reassuring. I don't want this game to end, it's crack LOL.was right about the expansion being a patch got it downloaded but dont think there will be much time to check it put yet
No problem on PSV TV, I play the DL version of the game on both my PSV and PSV TV, with my save file shared by PS+, on JP PSN, logged game time > 110 hours.
so guys I have a question about ordering from Play-Aisa : my order left the facility at 16 June , and because I choose "free shipping" the estimate delivery date will be around 3 weeks !!
the problem is that now 14 July and I haven't received my game yet !!
is that normally happen ? should I be worry ? and what should I do ?
so guys I have a question about ordering from Play-Aisa : my order left the facility at 16 June , and because I choose "free shipping" the estimate delivery date will be around 3 weeks !!
the problem is that now 14 July and I haven't received my game yet !!
is that normally happen ? should I be worry ? and what should I do ?
so guys I have a question about ordering from Play-Aisa : my order left the facility at 16 June , and because I choose "free shipping" the estimate delivery date will be around 3 weeks !!
the problem is that now 14 July and I haven't received my game yet !!
is that normally happen ? should I be worry ? and what should I do ?