A tip for anyone looking for good swords:
In the Graveyar of the Royal (I think that's what it's called in the asian version? Playing JP version so not sure) Hollow Area which is between Hollow Area 4 and 5, there is a boss called Absolute Blader, high level.
Go Multiplayer with some AI folks and defeat it, a door opens up with two chests after that. One is a randomly powerful Sword. (I got Insane Blade and Saber Vermillion? or something, セイブバーミリオン

which I went back twice just for. Equiped them both after upgrading them both to X3
No regrets haha, very good Swords.
It's going to be weird when I get the ENG version without the awesome stuff in this update. Seriously, Hollow Map and Implement stuff alone is much better than in the base version.