NiceWe're doing it tomorrow!
I hope it will be 29,99 o.o. But I guess this won't happen
(if I look at other digital Bandai Namco games for the Vita.).
NiceWe're doing it tomorrow!
I hope it will be 29,99 o.o. But I guess this won't happen(if I look at other digital Bandai Namco games for the Vita.).
We're doing it tomorrow!
so a couple questions, I read the OP but didn't see any answers
do you play as Kirito or anyone on the character list, or can you make your own character?
Also is this game mulitplayer?
You play as Kirito all references to your player will be voiced as Kirito. You can change the appearance of your character but not gender.
Multiplayer is ad-hoc only with 3 other players.
ok thanks. would have liked to create my own character but whatever still looks fun
Took 3 hours of constant retries and different builds and thinking outside of the box, but thanks to a little strategic skill management I was finally able to beat the lvl 180 side quest boss on floor. I am lvl 123 and Sinon, my heroine of choice, 117. So we were pretty under leveled. Needless to say, it was fucking awesome.94
Its great to see a bunch of new folks enjoying the game and livin the dream lol.
Keep it up and looks like there will be even more of you maniacs soon seeing how others are starting to purchase the import copies too.
All of this has got to be due to the second season going live breathing interest back into the series itself.
Nice work. I look forward to the challenge. I'm using a mix of Sinon and Asuna.
I aim to clear 3 floors tonight and sit on 80 for a bit while I enjoy some more hollow area content.
Back when I started playing it was just a few of us, now I go to my lectures, come back home and I see that there's a whole new page of comments to read, it's awesome.
And GGO is friggen dope, so I could see that being one of the reasons.
I like Sinon not only cuz she plays a SPOILERS Daggerbut because her personality is almost like her own from the show. All the other girls only think about Kirito. She keeps her cool, and doesn't go crazy love struck whenever she has an event with him. She feels the least "fan servicey" to me.and bow rogue combo
Im sad that Argo is another dagger user. Would have been nice if she used a katana just for the hell of it lol. Or had her own unique type of weapon like our friend. Since way too many dagger users in the game. D:Sinon and her bow
Or if she had a weapon type of her own. Only Klein rocks the Katana, or if you are me, Kirito as wellKatana's make the world go round people, bleed AOE skills, with high AGI and Dodge, no enemies can stop you (aside from stuff in higher levels than you of course).
Or if she had a weapon type of her own. Only Klein rocks the Katana, or if you are me, Kirito as wellKatana's make the world go round people, bleed AOE skills, with high AGI and Dodge, no enemies can stop you (aside from stuff in higher levels than you of course).
Took 3 hours of constant retries and different builds and thinking outside of the box, but thanks to a little strategic skill management I was finally able to beat the lvl 180 side quest boss on floor. I am lvl 123 and Sinon, my heroine of choice, 117. So we were pretty under leveled. Needless to say, it was fucking awesome.94
haha I agree with the lack of fan service with sinon and it is good, not that i properly noticed till you just pointed it out.
I think i will end up dual wielding because i am that type of guy. Can you level Shields at all or are they just an add on to using a 1 hander?
For sinon, does she use alater on? or is that just in her skillsetbow(didn't think there were ranged weapons in SAO but cool if they adapted that in from GGO)
haha I agree with the lack of fan service with sinon and it is good, not that i properly noticed till you just pointed it out.
I think i will end up dual wielding because i am that type of guy. Can you level Shields at all or are they just an add on to using a 1 hander?
For sinon, does she use alater on? or is that just in her skillsetbow(didn't think there were ranged weapons in SAO but cool if they adapted that in from GGO)
Its a damned shame since the katana when used right can do some serious damage due to the bleeding = risk raised = higher damage taken
Yeah, the 180 side quest bosses were tough, the. Ultimately Eclipse helped me alot though with the boss which I spoiler tagged, I had to run away a lot and heal during his longer animations (so fast, made it hard to parry at times when I didn't know when he would attack and when he did, it was very quick)spider one was the worst due to poison
Funnily enough the fight that I was talking about was that same one that you just mentioned. Goddamned thing put up a good fight, toughest one I've had so far, for sure.
Toughest monster I've fought in the game. I died more to him than I have to anyone.
Hell, I came so close to beating him several times before I won. Think a Dungeon/Raid where you get the boss to the last sliver of health.
BAM, dead. Hurt so much![]()
I've only just gotten through the very first area after the intro.
In the endless dungeon video you activate skills from your list without equipping them, I'm guessing its Triangle to use? I don't have the game with me right now.
Toughest monster I've fought in the game. I died more to him than I have to anyone.
Hell, I came so close to beating him several times before I won. Think a Dungeon/Raid where you get the boss to the last sliver of health.
BAM, dead. Hurt so much![]()
Thats the main skill window its brought up with LT + RT
Oh right thanks.
When would I get access to the endless dungeon?
When I still had time to play I would always run in and out of zones to save my progress / loot I gained lol
Haha, this was one boss that was literally outside the city zone so I didn't have any loot to lose. Just 2 bars of enemy health that takes an age to go down haha.
Despite that, the feeling of accomplishment when I did win was AWESOME
By far this game has one of the best combat systems ever and really does give you the sense of its all you win or lose. they seriously need to reboot the .Hack series using this engine / system.
Have they fixed the framerate issues in some areas and the special attack animations which looked weird and slow?
Have they fixed the framerate issues in some areas and the special attack animations which looked weird and slow?
Wait, so attacks don't look weird-weak now? Interesting! Are there any post-patch gameplay videos?
I bought a retail copy and sold it after a few days.Quite frankly if u own the game ur better off downloading it and trying it out. There's just so many things, both big and small that got changed that you will notice right away as you play.
I bought a retail copy and sold it after a few days.
I bought a retail copy and sold it after a few days.
Only slowdown I get really is when I come out of Agil's and there is a lot of people there (more than in either of the other areas in town)
Besides that, I don't see too many FPS drops, at least nothing major anyway.
great to see you watching out for all the EU fans here with the constant updates. thank you for the continued pisting in the OT![]()
All I can ask really is please don't charge extra for Canadian's.
I do my best! But sometimes I just can't give info until I'm allowed to, I hope fans realize that if I could tell you everything I totally would.
I'm the European CM! I'll have info for the European price but not the other countries.
Which will be: 39.99 euros.
Fine with me. And now I just need a time machine to play it. (and Xillia 2 like two days later ^^")
And yeah, thanks a lot for all the updates in here.
I'm the European CM! I'll have info for the European price but not the other countries.
Which will be: 39.99 euros. Sounds like a fair price to me but, you know, people are never happy
No new info concerning the patch, but I promise your patience will be rewarded soon! (disclaimer: this is not confirmation of getting or not getting it).
EDIT: so sorry for that double post...