Sigh, I can't seem to enjoy fighting bigger monsters, but I think I'm doing something wrong.
Do we know about the voice options for the western versions? (Japanese, English, or dual?)
Anyone have any advice gear-wise/skill wise?
Hollow Fragment 5th part kicking my butt.2nd encounter in the map area with that poison spewing queen
Can't help but feel I might be a bit underleveled at lvl 118...which weapons do you guys usually go for? I really want to try Great Sword, but the lowered acc makes it a pain to use whenever the 100% hit skill is on cooldown.
To use the lingo, it's a remaster, "definitive" version of that PSP game. Slightly upscaled graphics, improve user interface, more options for you to interact more with your "waifus" of choice. Hollow Fragment is this additional sprawling area with its self contained story that is added to it.
So the PSP game=clear floors, Hollow Fragment=additional area you can go to for higher level monsters/more gears etc. They are both accessed from the central teleport stone.
Got my review copy. Pretty excited to try this out and give my impressions.
Got my review copy. Pretty excited to try this out and give my impressions. are costume conditions filled? Just have them fill out the ATT/DEF/BUFF to a minimum of maximum two categories e.g Buff-> Stun+Sword Skill usage category?
> DO NOT SPAM GOOD! Your goal is to nurture the AI, not only to raise specific stats but to also make those specific actions that you say "Nice" to happen with more occurrence, what you are telling her now when you say "nice" all the time is that every action that she makes is good! That's bad!!! Before you get into any battles, talk to her and change her fighting style to ATK, BUFF, or DEF. From there, let's say you choose to pursue attack. Use the Heroine command wheel and ask her to perform skills (for example) in your fights. After doing so if you see "Atk Skill" on the bottom left, you will want to say "Nice"! By doing this you will be telling the AI "this is exactly what I want you to do when I ask you to perform a skill". If you are nurturing attack you don't want to say nice to anything else but that. Not only will this make the parameter that you chose level up faster, since you are focusing on it, it'll unlock that particular costume faster as well!
Wait, so it's bad to press ""Great" whenever I have a chance? So far it's been helping me a lot. I never run out of SP during boss fights.
Wait, so it's bad to press ""Great" whenever I have a chance? So far it's been helping me a lot. I never run out of SP during boss fights.
Wait, so it's bad to press ""Great" whenever I have a chance? So far it's been helping me a lot. I never run out of SP during boss fights.
To use the lingo, it's a remaster, "definitive" version of that PSP game. Slightly upscaled graphics, improve user interface, more options for you to interact more with your "waifus" of choice. Hollow Fragment is this additional sprawling area with its self contained story that is added to it.
So the PSP game=clear floors, Hollow Fragment=additional area you can go to for higher level monsters/more gears etc. They are both accessed from the central teleport stone.
So, should I play the PSP game first? I wasn't planning on even touching it, but the way you describe it, it seems like they should be played in order.
Also, are we even sure that this is actually releasing next week in NA? There is literally no mention of it anywhere...nothing on the PS Blog, etc. I'm starting to become skeptical.
Let us know how the English translation is compared to the Asian version if you can. That's what bothered me the most about the import copy.
Digital only in NA? File size?
I'm intrigued.
Digital only in NA? File size?
I'm intrigued.
Allocate 3.5gigs with patch and DLC.
It was 3 gigs without patch.
Oof. Big one.
It was 3 gigs without patch.
what is in the patch anyway
Hey guys! Sorry I'm like super busy with Gamescom BUT I wanted to share the good news with you: YES (finallly) we are getting the patch! And we'll have free DLC on launch day (and more DLC to come). Here's the quote from the press release:
"For fans who will want even more Sword Art Online excitement, a major update will be available after launch on September 24th to extend the already-thrilling and plentiful Sword Art Online experience. This free update will raise the level cap from 200 to 250 and provide an estimated 30 hours of additional gameplay including 50 new Hollow missions and heroine quests, new bosses, weapons, armor, areas and more!"
225+ hours, still playing the 2nd play through, so many things left to do if you keep playing.
Still at level 149, not all hollow areas at rank 3, still have a lot of implement untouched, not all missions unlocked, not all characters unlocked, not all costumes unlocked, not all CG unlocked ...
edit: And OSS, you really need it, it is very handy.
I'm surprised by how gamey this game really is. I thought it'd be a cheap cash in but there is some really cool stuff in this game and a lot of stuff to do. Granted when you boil down to it, you're just doing the same thing over but a lot of the auxiliary stuff is neat and how it all meshes is really well done.
If we are to be overly technical, isn't that what videogames are about? Doing the same thing over and over![]()
Btw, having cleared the Hollow Fragment story mode (finally...I died once at the end and was beyond pissed for a while) and all of the heroine HF quests, now there's thisadditional pink icon quests called "request for kirito or something? I cleared most of Sinon's, since hers was mostly getting involved with Hollow missions where you have to kill things...and now she's asking me to go to this garden to rest. I tried checking the lover to rest area, where I got the bird eggs she needed from...but it wasn't there
Any idea where's the location?
Also, after the 1.03 patch, gosh, the Hollow Fragment area is so much easier to navigate now. In vanilla build it was mostly bumping around till you got to the correct map. Really loving the change. Text still doesn't look all that fixed from that July update. I'm still getting assault and penetrations.
There's a way to switch equipments for allies, right?
Gotta get their friendship level high enough if its armor you want to switch. dont remember if you get the old shit back though. dont think so.
I assume I just give weapons for weapons then, right?
Are quests repeatable? I'm wondering how cautious I have to be as I start playing in a few days, other than trying to avoid anyone dying of course.
Hollow Area ones yes. Main story ones no.
Hollow Area quests seem to reset by time. No idea how long the reset timer is though.
Thanks Parekeetman! Ugh. Give me the game Grace Chen.
Yeah pretty much and if its better what they have they will equip it. Be careful not to give em something that you only can get once though. Unless you dont really care about giving it away.
Do not quote me on this, it might of been just me, but post patch I have noticed that at least for the armor that you give them, if you switch it to something else, you get the one that you gave her first back, if what she had equipped was originally given to her by you.
Do not quote me on this, it might of been just me, but post patch I have noticed that at least for the armor that you give them, if you switch it to something else, you get the one that you gave her first back, if what she had equipped was originally given to her by you.
It will be a little frustrating for reviewers not having the recent patch with all the updates. Hopefully that is mentioned in there somehow, really want this to do well.
It will be a little frustrating for reviewers not having the recent patch with all the updates. Hopefully that is mentioned in there somehow, really want this to do well.