The official Chinese press release said that the Asian version is going to include English and Chinese translation. I am confused how people seems to assume that subtitles would be english and menus in chinese only. Why would any company do that? People seems to make assumptions because of the few screenshots that were on the site that obviously were taken when the game is set to Chinese. Now that the US version is confirmed it's pretty clear that both Asian and US version is going to share the same translation. Also Demon's Souls, Ragnarok Odyssey, Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, Aquanaut's Holiday and Hakuna Matata/Africa were were released in Asia months before USA/EU and I haven't heard that these included some unfinished translation.
Because subtitles do not = localization when it comes to terminology that has to do with game development. As I have explained god knows how many times now in relation to this topic. Subtitles in this situation refer to text that is overlaid on video displaying whatever is being said, this does not carry over to things such as menus, descriptions and which brings us to our next point. Localization would mean that all text of said language has been translated within the game.
Also I wouldnt assume that they share the same translations either.
Another quick question, how about the areas/monsters and the town hub? They did rehash everything that was in IM? I was hoping for a brand redesign for the town hub or at least a bigger expansion of it.
The areas are still pretty much the same from IM, along with the town. At least it looks a bit more alive now.
After clearing the 76th floor I can say you guys waiting for the English version is in for a treat. Aside from some slowdowns, it plays perfectly and the customication you can do with your build is great. There's a thin line between going Burst damage and parrying, evading attacks so there's strategy involved too along with taking stun, buff/debuffs to take into account.
The battle system just grows on me. There's a thin line between going Burst damage and parrying, evading attacks so there's strategy involved too. I loved PSO2, Xenoblade etc and I can say people who liked those kind of games will love this.
The game has several Visual Novel style scenes that may last for quite a bit. Some story, some comical skitches. They have also assigned voices to the other NPCs you can partner up with
I cannot say how much I love this game already, it's frightening.
Glad to hear you are enjoying the title. Xenoblade know thats a good way of putting it. Ive been busy in the hollow area leveling folks up. Lisbeth is almost lv 98 now I think. But dear god can you get lost in here as a lot of the zones connect. D:
Some footage of running around in the starting town for the first time, so includes some of the 2d dialog sequences with lisbeth & argo I think it was.

*Currently ULing footage of me "lost" in the hollow area / leveling lisbeth and upping my 1hs skills.
Lost in the Hollow Area + leveling Lisbeth. Shes currently lv 101 in my data now.
Am having a blast ignoring the story currently and just leveling characters / finding loot.

Dear god though almost died so many times due to these enemies that can make you bleed + poison. Its insane how fast your life drains away. Its why am using the sword + shield combo due to the defensive skills that add life back / add def.
Hollow Area / Leveling Lisbeth / Found NPCs fighting / Combat with Lv 120+ Named Monster (NM)
This was a pretty crazy fight as you can see a lot of attacks missing. Thankfully we managed to keep him contained with stun locks basically so he didnt get to attack all that much till the end of the fight. Great stuff though, love fights like this. This game really does give you the MMO feel with the combat though. Plus all the management of skills / stats / SP usage and such good times. Would imagine running around the hollow area with friends would be crazy fun. Got a new 1HS from a chest here which was behind the boss. Found actually 2 1HS in this particular area.
I most likely wont be advancing in the game for a while as I spend more time in the Hollow Area. Might see about leveling Strea next.