I just got killed by a lv 115 thing in that first mission thing with the minotaur...
what is the advantage of being in risk 5 or is it all bad
what is the advantage of being in risk 5 or is it all bad
Watching the first 10 min of the YouTube first impression video, wow. The translation is bad to the point of distractionespecially given how much I enjoyed the anime, it makes me sad that the dialog is so bad.
I'm not very far in, but I haven't seen anything glaringly bad(Actually the dialogue is all coherent so far, I get the impression that'll change though).
The problem about the localization issue is that it's not a game coming from a very small publisher, like the UFO Interactive and Elminage Original issue (which they later fixed), but it's a big publisher like Bandai Namco with a high-profile anime game.
The DLC isn't all that free lol, gotta buy it in game and it's like 1million D:
I just finished that first tutorial mission or whatever and now I'm back in the town. Did I miss the chance to get the story recap by mistake or is it further in?
I'm not fussed about dubs, prefer Japanese voices anyway since I can understand most spoken Japanese. That said it blows my mind that niche duds like Mind Zero and Conception 2 got pretty great localizations (Considering) while this got treated so half heartedly as far as script translation is concerned even when it's a hugely popular property.Yeah. Also hard to believe that mind=zero can get a proper dub and this can't.Yeah, I know a lot of people prefer japenese with subs, but damn I hate it personally.
Yeah. Also hard to believe that mind=zero can get a proper dub and this can't.Yeah, I know a lot of people prefer japenese with subs, but damn I hate it personally.
I believe you may not have missed it yet. A bit more happens in town and then you get an option to 'Play Recap?' or something like that. That is what you are watching for.
Can I purchase teleport crystals anywhere? I'm hesitant to use them so far but I'd like to if they aren't rare or anything.
Partner with Asuna.
You can access her inventory and use the teleport crystal she have over there.
It auto-refill (correct me if I'm wrong) everytime you go back to the central hub.
When a bigger company gets a smaller game, chances are they'll treat it badly. When a smaller company gets a smaller game, they just treat it the way they treat every other game.
I just finished that first tutorial mission or whatever and now I'm back in the town. Did I miss the chance to get the story recap by mistake or is it further in?
Partner with Asuna.
You can access her inventory and use the teleport crystal she have over there.
It auto-refill (correct me if I'm wrong) everytime you go back to the central hub.
ALSO WARNING: Bandai Namco used a pivotal point of Hollow Fragment story arc in their launch trailer for Sword Art Online:HF.
DId you finish talking when you got back to town? if not, keep doing it. You should auto go to the Inn, where there is talking and then the recap option followed by starting in the Inn where you can then look around Arc Sofia
edit: woops, I didn't realize I replied so late to this lol
Thanks, I got to it. I just assumed it would be earlier for some reason haha. Loved hearing the OP from SAO again though. I like what I've played so far, although the combat will take some getting used to.
So, is this worth $40? I really love SAO but I dunno how I feel about grindfests with little plot
seems like you already decided for yourself there so might as well back out now.
Sorry if I'm asking a dumb question, but there is really no pause button?
Souls series Hardcore mode confirmed.
dont recall one, then again just like souls never needed one. if you are on your vita cant you just put it into sleep mode as a pseudo pause? lol
If you love SAO I think it's pretty safe to say you will enjoy this.So, is this worth $40? I really love SAO but I dunno how I feel about grindfests with little plot
its funny i never checked it considering i played on the psv tv most of the time.That's what I was doing, using the sleep mode, but I guess no pause simulates the MMO feeling better.
Is it really a grindfest with little plot? Also can someone point me to a review?
Finally got the Content Manager to update so I took some pics
Is it really a grindfest with little plot? Also can someone point me to a review?
dont recall one, then again just like souls never needed one. if you are on your vita cant you just put it into sleep mode as a pseudo pause? lol
Sorry if I'm asking a dumb question, but there is really no pause button?
Souls series Hardcore mode confirmed.
Or you can use the PS button...
Oh and I made a SAO theme for PSV last year, posted in the PSV wallpaper mega thread. If you guys want to use it:
I can change to icons if you want something different. Thought I didn't make a lockscreen.