So only praise her when I see the icon for ATK skill right? I see her doing her sword skilks but no icon ever pops D:
Had the same issue with Asuna.
Just gotta watch for the icon I guess and it should become more frequent.
So only praise her when I see the icon for ATK skill right? I see her doing her sword skilks but no icon ever pops D:
Command her to do a skill, if the icon is ATK Skill then praise it yeah. There should always be an icon when she does a Sword Skill unless you've given her tactics (For whatever reason when you give specific tactics like Attack more, then the icon will only show if it's an ATK Skill). If it's Def or Buff then don't. Don't forget to praise Switching as well (Make sure you have aggro before switching).So only praise her when I see the icon for ATK skill right? I see her doing her sword skilks but no icon ever pops D:
Command her to do a skill, if the icon is ATK Skill then praise it yeah. There should always be an icon when she does a Sword Skill unless you've given her tactics (For whatever reason when you give specific tactics like Attack more, then the icon will only show if it's an ATK Skill). If it's Def or Buff then don't. Don't forget to praise Switching as well (Make sure you have aggro before switching).
Also make sure to nurture the stat you want to keep LAST. Otherwise you'll have to repeat yourself. I wanted Strea to be offensive so I did the Attack outfit last so I could just keep her like that.
Once you get the hang of it and work out exactly what's required then it's pretty easy. Sometimes it only takes around 15 minutes, Strea's Attack was strangely hard to raise for me and took closer to an hour probably.
You can freely switch between outfits but not stats. You will be resetting your stats after getting each outfit except of course the last one.Whaat. You can't freely switch. ARGH. Tell me this now why don't you. XD Gotta refocus on other stats XD She's like lvl99 now too
Wow, I'm nearing the 14th episode in the anime. I just finished watching the episode whereappears. I feelYuihas completely flip-flopped in terms of personality. In the first few episodes, no one wants to group with her and she's completely clueless AND estranged from everyone. When did she turn into this super affectionate, lovey-dovey Kirito fan? One minute she's like, "Psh, wateverr." and the next she'sAsunastripping in the living room.
Is it just a case of them abbreviating events from the novels?
You can freely switch between outfits but not stats. You will be resetting your stats after getting each outfit except of course the last one.
You can just go up to the bed and "Rest" at any time but that isn't going to increase your friendship level asfaik. You need to do the whole process of talking until mood 5, bridal carry, bed scene over and over again to increase friendship level.
Watch Havian's video on how to get the bed scene if that's confusing:
By doing what they ask in battle, but it's slow to go up. You only need raise one parameter to max and another to somewhere between half way and max (Seems to vary for me, sometimes it's half sometimes it's max or just before max) so I would just ignore Cooperation and focus on Sword Skill and Switch since these are the easiest to raise forcefully.Hrm, how do you raise cooperation?
daaamn if you agree with your relationship not needing any special places and such to improve it Asuna has this mischievous giggle/laugh that is just toooo cute.
i want to hear it again and again...
Did anyone make sense of what the girls are actually talking about with "legendary place" "legendary bench" and "legendary table" or are they all mistranslations of the same thing?
That might be the extra area that you can take them to when the large content update patch is released.
From what I've seen it's random snippets in Japanese too.hmm ok, but what is it? a bench a table or a place lol? and do those conversations actually make sense in japanese or are they also more like random snippets? Sometimes it seems like the sentences are supposed to be connected but I can't make sense of the engrish..
Pina is so damn annoying when trying to interact with Silica.
From what I've seen it's random snippets in Japanese too.
meh too bad then, but at least they could have translated the questions we have to respond to into actual questions..
Hahaha seriously? 99% of the time I just hit R over and over again and it works out fine lol.its all random shit in japanese regardless, though whats funny is there is an actual flow chart in the game guidebook showing exactly what all the right answers are.
Hahaha seriously? 99% of the time I just hit R over and over again and it works out fine lol.
Is Silica more sensitive to other people or something? So many messed up bridal carry attempts. Only ever had 1 before this.
Damn, even more than Silica? She's been a pain in the ass so far lol. I think Strea was the easiest so far, she didn't seem to care what I said.The one who actually its the easiest to mess up the conversation stuff with is Yui.
It is kind of weird that Silica talks about her body (Chest, Butt, Waistline) more than any of the other girls...
considering she doesnt really have any of those it makes perfect sense. lol
Doesn't matter. I still picked her to sleep with first. Silica for raifu.
its all random shit in japanese regardless, though whats funny is there is an actual flow chart in the game guidebook showing exactly what all the right answers are.
Is there some sort of hints and tips without it being too spoilery? Just started yesterday and i am in the " i have no idea what i am doing " phase. Doesn't help with the whole O and X thing being reverse and i am canceling out of everything constantly.
Also is there a way to see where am i supposed to go in the map? I got the first quest from philia and it says go there but the map itself doesn't actually show which of the exits to go to.
Is there some sort of hints and tips without it being too spoilery? Just started yesterday and i am in the " i have no idea what i am doing " phase. Doesn't help with the whole O and X thing being reverse and i am canceling out of everything constantly.
It's in the Op post under the FAQ
its all random shit in japanese regardless, though whats funny is there is an actual flow chart in the game guidebook showing exactly what all the right answers are.
Hrm, how do you raise cooperation?
I just finished Silica's attack one so here you go. I had to get two stats to the line for this one. That's not always the case and I believe it's because the other 2 were so low. This is exactly how it was after the battle it unlocked. Took me adages go this one. Around 1 hour since she refused to use attack skills for the start since her beginning graph is really leaning towards support. I am very methodical about nurturing stats for the costumes and I only focus really heavily on two parameters every time (Switch and Sword Skill for ATK, Threat and Cover for Def and Stun and Skill for Buff) to make it quicker and easier.Can someone maybe show me a screenshot of the stat screen at the point that you have unlocked a new costume for a girl? I got Purple haired homegirl to max affection level (THAT TOOK A LOT OF BED TIME) then went out in the field and FINALLY the icons started to move around. I got her into ATTK mode and figured out how to start getting it to fill in. At this point the attack area of the chart is almost completely red. It it is a giant red square with maybe 2 very small borders around it. I would think at this point that costume would be unlocked, but even after entering town it is not. Any help is appreciated!
Edit: I just saw in a post that I may still not be "past the grey line." I would still appreciate a visual if anyone can show me one!
I just finished Silica's attack one so here you go. I had to get two stats to the line for this one. That's not always the case and I believe it's because the other 2 were so low. This is exactly how it was after the battle it unlocked. Took me adages go this one. Around 1 hour since she refused to use attack skills for the start since her beginning graph is really leaning towards support. I am very methodical about nurturing stats for the costumes and I only focus really heavily on two parameters every time (Switch and Sword Skill for ATK, Threat and Cover for Def and Stun and Skill for Buff) to make it quicker and easier.
That doesn't sound right, it should have unlocked then.I will have to check when i get home, but I have what you have but in ALL 4 categories and it still is not unlocked as far as I can tell. There is a small chance that there is a TINY amount of grey left but it would have to be the exact same for each area cause mine is a perfect diamond. Wish I had my vita with me at work.
Talk to them then Character do you check which role your partner has in combat? like if she was set in ATK, Support etc...
ill add it to the OT when am behind a pc.
odd thing is; i feel like if i could edit it I could easily turn it into something sensible :'(
Thanks mang.
That doesn't sound right, it should have unlocked then.
Talk to them then Character Information.
Nope, usually only 1 maxed and another half way or close to maxed. It is very likely that you just need to raise one a bit more so it hits max.I hope it is not a bug or something. I spent forever doing it. Am really hoping that its just that one of the parameters has not touched that grey line for some reason and when it does it will work. Seeing your graph makes me cry because I thought you had to have all 4 parameters maxed, lol. How very frustrating.
Nope, usually only 1 maxed and another half way or close to maxed. It is very likely that you just need to raise one a bit more so it hits max.
I thought I was hot shit going Solo Multiplayer with a complete harem to level them up and I grinded my OSS implement to 500, only to find out that IT DOES NOT AUTOSAVE WHEN STAGE TRANSITIONING IN MULTIPLAYER.
I repeat:
1 hour of grinding wasted, damn.
Question for the pros: What does SUPER ARMOR mean on an attack skill? I only purchased one Rapier attack skill so far and this one I chose had that beside the symbol and stars.
I thought I was hot shit going Solo Multiplayer with a complete harem to level them up and I grinded my OSS implement to 500, only to find out that IT DOES NOT AUTOSAVE WHEN STAGE TRANSITIONING IN MULTIPLAYER.
I repeat:
1 hour of grinding wasted, damn.
Question for the pros: What does SUPER ARMOR mean on an attack skill? I only purchased one Rapier attack skill so far and this one I chose had that beside the symbol and stars.
It doesn't save but you don't lose your progress. I've died during multiplayer, and when I respawned, I had all my earned levels, nothing was lost.
Super Armor refers to the skill not being able to be interrupted by the enemy.
Talk to them then Character Information.
Leaving Leafa and Lisbeth till tomorrow since it's like midnight here haha.
Oh man this was SO much easier to get than her Attack one. Took around 15 minutes of dashing around ordering skills as opposed to waiting for her to do them lol. Buff should be easy as well. Then only Leafa and Lis left until I have all at rank 5 and all outfits (Except Philia of course)! Note that none of the paramaters are max here. Weird, I guess it averages out the whole stat or something.