How does it work when you chat with a girl? When do you have to press either O or R?
From my experience, ORR seems the best choice for most questions
How does it work when you chat with a girl? When do you have to press either O or R?
I think it's the most expensive Figma I've seen
And I just started to build up the relationship with her. Strea had some engrish on her chat dialog, but Sinon's engrish is on another league lol.
No nothing happens, you only get a trophy on level 5 (except for Strea) and another one if you max all of them.A pair of questions, i have reached level 5 affection with Strea, but for some reason i was expecting something, do level 5 affection unlock events or something like that?
Another thing, how do i unlock main menu locked voices?
No nothing happens, you only get a trophy on level 5 (except for Strea) and another one if you max all of them.
But I think level 5 unlocks, that you can reset their focus in battle if you want to switch roles. If you talk about battle strategy the girls will sometimes say something like "is my movement off track". A positive response sets the focus back to how they start. That's especially helpful if you want to get the different outfits.
You have to praise them during battle for specific tasks to influence them to put the focus in this direction. For example for using atk skills to influence them in a damage dealer role.Oh wait i totally forgot about outfits!
How to unlock them?
You have to praise them during battle for specific tasks to influence them to put the focus in this direction. For example for using atk skills to influence them in a damage dealer role.
Once you have the role filled enough (doesn't have to be full) you get an outfit. You can get 3 outfits for the roles (one for atk, buff and def each) and if you unlock all 3 you get a forth outfit.
If you want to train in a specific direction it can be helpful to talk about the battle strategy fist. Here is a good summary of what the girls say for each direction (post 3) The dialogue will vary but the keywords are always the same. Unfortunately the lines are completely random so it can take a while before they say the line you want.
In addition you can use the commands in battle for the roles. Use switch usually counts as atk skill, heal/skill stop are buff and guard/target please are def, use skill can count as every direction depending on the strategy and role.
If you unlock the outfits for Asuna, there is a bug that she can loose her default outfit if you switch the outfit to another one and back. I think this is patched in the new patch, but since the patch isn't out in Europe I wouldn't switch her outfit, just to be safe.
I'll keep in mind this tooYou actually get the reset parameters option at affection level 4, but yeah getting to 5 is mostly pointless outside of trophies.
The sum of ATK Support, Cooperation, Switch and Sword Skill together must reach a certain threshold. You don't have to maximize all of them. In general, as long as you praise for any kind of atk skill you will get the atk costume sooner or later.With "role filled enough" do you mean all the specializations(for example ATK Support, Cooperation, Switch) of each role or maximizing one specialization of a role is enough?
I'll keep in mind that there's a bug for Asuna![]()
So, SAO new player questions:
- Why am I refered to Kirito? Is it a standard thing?
- Being used to the straightforward combat of Soul Sacrifice, SAO combat is a bit confusing! Any tips?
- Never watched the anime, but Im a sucker for this kind of stuff, .Hack and etc! Should I watch some episodes? Maybe a short resumed video?
- Still no EU patch right?
Hey guys. To EU fans: sorry about not announcing the update "delay" earlier, it honestly just slipped past us. The date was actually always supposed to be that for EU but somehow the US date ended up in our press release. It's really an honest mistake which happens sometimes :| either way sorry! Regarding the dlc that was available but disappeared from the store: we're looking into what's happening. We are not removing it or anything.
Only 10 days to go for the patch! Thanks again for your patience, really.
So, SAO new player questions:
- Why am I refered to Kirito? Is it a standard thing?
- Being used to the straightforward combat of Soul Sacrifice, SAO combat is a bit confusing! Any tips?
- Never watched the anime, but Im a sucker for this kind of stuff, .Hack and etc! Should I watch some episodes? Maybe a short resumed video?
- Still no EU patch right?
So, SAO new player questions:
- Why am I refered to Kirito? Is it a standard thing?
- Being used to the straightforward combat of Soul Sacrifice, SAO combat is a bit confusing! Any tips?
- Never watched the anime, but Im a sucker for this kind of stuff, .Hack and etc! Should I watch some episodes? Maybe a short resumed video?
- Still no EU patch right?
With Philia in your party you can follow the Hollow Area storyline. Talk to her and she usually says where you should go next.Been mostly been doing the floors. Looked into hollow stuff. So... What am I suppose to be doing? Game doesn't really explain about hollow point, implementations, and really what i should be doing.
Is there a good guide?
ThanksThe sum of ATK Support, Cooperation, Switch and Sword Skill together must reach a certain threshold. You don't have to maximize all of them. In general, as long as you praise for any kind of atk skill you will get the atk costume sooner or later.
So, SAO new player questions:
- Why am I refered to Kirito? Is it a standard thing?
- Being used to the straightforward combat of Soul Sacrifice, SAO combat is a bit confusing! Any tips?
- Never watched the anime, but Im a sucker for this kind of stuff, .Hack and etc! Should I watch some episodes? Maybe a short resumed video?
- Still no EU patch right?
Using burst attacks boosts the damage of the following attack, so you can stack multiple burst attacks and finish with a sword skill, that does more damage than just using the sword skill alone.this is what i do during fights:
-if i have enough SP then i press L or R + one face button for a skill(especially if a heroine is asking for it)
-if don't have enough SP i let Kirito attack.
honestly i don't care about Burst attack and risk lol
So I don't own a Vita but I want this game so I'm going to be buying one.
But since I live in Australia do I just need to buy an Aussie Vita and then import the english version of this game?
I know nothing about Vita.
Will USA version work for me?
Or do I need to buy a USA vita and then USA copy of this game?
Yes. If you already have a PSN account (PS3/PS4) you can use it on the Vita as well. If you don't have one, you can create one for any region you want. The region of your PSN account solely depends on the address you choose when you create the account.Oh ok so just buy an Australian Vita and then buy it off the marketplace then?
Is the franerate tweaked in the update? I notice a lot of fps drops with 2 or more mobs on screen!
You know, I thought I was going crazy as I noticed the same thing after the patch. In town especially, if there are more than a few people (which there always is in most zones there) it skips around like crazy. Good to know I am not the only one that noticed, and it is unfortunate as I just do not remember it being like that before the update.
So what weapon types are dope? I can kinda guess dual swords might be good due to stats buffs on both.
Are any of the AI commands that are set on LR dpad worth using? Haven't seen any usage... might set buffs there.
Scimmys are pretty good, and the skill tree for them leads into katanas.
And the only AI command I use is heal when they're low on health, you could probably set them to whatever you want.
yeah been leveling that up currently. I can't seem to find a good AOE sword skill for that weapon though.
Is there any strategy on leveling up weapons? not really getting a grasp on what gives me more points in a specific weapon, is it monster level?
Got this game today and it seems pretty complex.........
So you start the game already on the 76th (that right?) floor?
Do you still clear all the 1-100 floors in this game?
I did what most here suggested early on. I would chat by the fountain or in my room until they hit bridal carry level, I would then leave my room, carry them back in and chat in bed... it feels so strange typing that all out. It does. That didn't take too long to get everyone to 5.Hay guys. Just have a few questions on the game
- What is the best way to max out the relationship meters for the heroines? Want to get the trophies for that but it seems to be something that will take a while to do X(. If it means anything, everyone besides Strea is Level 3-4 for that....
- Is there a good spot for grinding for Skill Points? I get that I need to use weapons to get the points (and I have a large amount of high-stat weapons to use) and I got most of them at level 2-4 but just wondering where are the best spots to farm the points; even though I got a majority of the passive/non-combat skills, I want to get all of them XD.
You just want to focus on praising them when they use skills and (pressing up on the d-pad) when you see the text for the outfit you are trying to raise points for pop up aove their name (BUFF, ATTACK, DEFENSE). In addition to that, other actions raise other parts of each graph. Praising for a successful Switch will raise the Attack grid. Skill Moves together raises Attack. Having them Stun a monster, and then praising it when they do raises DEFENSE, and so on.- I know their is a guide in the OP about this, but what is the best way to unlock the bonus armors for he heroines? I read it and still am sorta confused by it :l..... Any help would be really nice.
I did what most here suggested early on. I would chat by the fountain or in my room until they hit bridal carry level, I would then leave my room, carry them back in and chat in bed... it feels so strange typing that all out. It does. That didn't take too long to get everyone to 5.
I had the best luck doing this:
To level a weapon fast, wear any gear that decreases attack interval (usually called Mirage stuff), equip Celerity as your passive, and use some attack speed skills. I had these I think:
Speed Master - Decreases ATK (lv 2 Rapier)
Brave Storm - raises ATK Speed/DBL ATK (lv 2 Rapier - 8pts)
Sword Dancer - increases ATK Speed/Sword Skill Speed (lv 2 Rapier - 8pts)
Head to Verdant Street of the Offering, and go south a map into Tunnel from Outer World. There are level 140~ beholder monsters there that have a lot of HP and easily avoidable attacks. Let your auto-attack spam on them with all the buffs on and you'll be 1000 mastery in no time. I leveled pretty damn quickly there.
You just want to focus on praising them when they use skills and (pressing up on the d-pad) when you see the text for the outfit you are trying to raise points for pop up aove their name (BUFF, ATTACK, DEFENSE). In addition to that, other actions raise other parts of each graph. Praising for a successful Switch will raise the Attack grid. Skill Moves together raises Attack. Having them Stun a monster, and then praising it when they do raises DEFENSE, and so on.
In ADDITION to doing that, it is important to know that once you get an outfit, it helps to reset their grids back to default. Starting from that point will take far less time than trying to take a totally depleted Attack Grid (after grinding a DEF or BUFF outfit) up enough to get the outfit. To do that, you must first have a level 5 relationship, and you must talk to them "Talk about Battle" and look for a comment they make about being "off track". The first option is basically always "don't change what you are doing" while the second is always "ok, yeah, change to that". So when they finally ask if they are off track, choose the second response option, telling them they are, and thus resetting their grids to their default positions.
Hope that actually clears some things up and doesn't make it more confusing...
dont really get Just Attacks and Burst Attacks. I mean i get the timing, but whats the pros?
whats the point of burst attacks?
Aww, the outfits are really not that bad RK128. If you party with someone, talk to them, choose Character Info > Confirm Character info (assuming you have the new patch) you will see something like this -
I am currently working on Philia's Attack outfit, so I only praise her when I see "ATK Action" pop up (see below), I usually wait a second and then press up on the D-pad to praise her.
That will push the attack grid outwards (SOOOOOO SLOWLY) down towards "Sword Skill". The other attack actions I mentioned, successfully praising a switch or stunning/doing a sword skill when she asks me to will push the grid in those directions in Attack. Generally once you hit that gray edge on two axes (looking like I will hit "Cooperation" and "ATK support" before anything else) you usually have the outfit. At that point I will talk to her and choose 'Character info' > 'About unique armor' and hope that I finally see 'Change to Attack Armor' as an option.
If I did, and I still needed another armor set, I would then talk to her about battle over and over until the 'off track' option appears and reset her grids to their default postion. (PS, Philia isn't the best example for this because she is hard to get to Relationship Rank 5 until later... as she won't leave the GD Hollow Area yet, so no bridal carry.
I'm just gonna assume you know how to do just attacks, so i won't bother with explaining the details of how to pull one off.
Basically Burst attacks are attacks that use up the burst gauge (like dodging) and do more (significantly more) damage than regular attacks. You don't get MP from them though and i don't think attack speed buffs affect them (at least not as much).
Just attacks are burst attacks handled with specific timing that do even more damage. But they also lower/ keep your burst gauge high. If you use your burst attack, your risk will increase, causing your burst gauge to low and as a result your MP to lessen in recovery time (higher burst gauge= faster MP regen). if you use a just attack, your Risk lowers, often by 1 or if you get lucky and chain a couple, you may even clear your risk.
Hope this helps.
I'm in theand can't figure out what to do in the area. There's an explanation point over it in the Hollow Map.Tunnel to Dream of Gold Ore
Using burst attacks boosts the damage of the following attack, so you can stack multiple burst attacks and finish with a sword skill, that does more damage than just using the sword skill alone.
Always use burst attacks and switch when the risk bar is full. That's more efficient![]()
Maybe i'm doing something wrong, but i'm looking at damages and i don't see big improvements using busrt attacks.I'm just gonna assume you know how to do just attacks, so i won't bother with explaining the details of how to pull one off.
Basically Burst attacks are attacks that use up the burst gauge (like dodging) and do more (significantly more) damage than regular attacks. You don't get MP from them though and i don't think attack speed buffs affect them (at least not as much).
Just attacks are burst attacks handled with specific timing that do even more damage. But they also lower/ keep your burst gauge high. If you use your burst attack, your risk will increase, causing your burst gauge to low and as a result your MP to lessen in recovery time (higher burst gauge= faster MP regen). if you use a just attack, your Risk lowers, often by 1 or if you get lucky and chain a couple, you may even clear your risk.
Hope this helps.