Direct feed screenshots of ALO on Gematsu. So hyped, Namco gimme dat engrish version please and thank you, I'm more than willing to import again. I'm part of the problem guys, yes I know, but I just loved the heck out of HF.
Direct feed screenshots of ALO on Gematsu. So hyped, Namco gimme dat engrish version please and thank you, I'm more than willing to import again. I'm part of the problem guys, yes I know, but I just loved the heck out of HF.
Direct feed screenshots of ALO on Gematsu. So hyped, Namco gimme dat engrish version please and thank you, I'm more than willing to import again. I'm part of the problem guys, yes I know, but I just loved the heck out of HF.
Should I watch the anime first before playing the game
I could see the Vita version looking like this, if anything at a lower res. I mean the shots look great, but they don't look like something that the Vita can't do.
if you read the OT you would know the answer to that question.
Direct feed screenshots of ALO on Gematsu. So hyped, Namco gimme dat engrish version please and thank you, I'm more than willing to import again. I'm part of the problem guys, yes I know, but I just loved the heck out of HF. actually been thinking about how Id like to make a game like that says Futami.
If we were to make a game like that where you, yourself, and not Kirito, would be in there making friends with Asuna and the othersputting that into a story would be difficult, elaborates Kawahara.
In that case, wed have to make an original heroine as well. However, I think that playing a game like that would also be fun.
Futami then explains that SAO is about the story of Kirito and friends, so its important to have the right depictions for those who like Kirito and Asuna, along with their relationship with the other characters.
“Lost Song is a title for consoles, so making it into something that can easily be played by players is its premise. However, this title is not an RPG, and focuses on the action [instead], so I believe it will be a perfect fit to enjoy the world of ALO.”
Cross posting this from the PS TV thread since it's relevant.:
It's not looking good that Sword Art Online will ever be patched for PS TV compatibility in America.
Just received this email on Facebook from Namco Bandai Games:
"Sword art online teams worked hard on the free DLC and the huge patch we released lately but the compatibility with PS TV is not scheduled to be added. Sorry"
A little upsetting, I want to play this on the big screen so my only option is to import the Asian English language version.
Many of you are already playing this on the Vita, however, we'd appreciate it if you could send a message to Namco Bandai as well and request that they do schedule this. I'd love to support the US version, but as is, I won't buy it if I can't play it on my PS TV.
Sounds like it's going to be quite different.Did they say something similar about the previous games as well or will this not even be the same genre as HF?
Thats a goddamned shame considering how it works perfectly fine on the PSVTV here in Japan. With the halfassed clown job they did with the Western version cant imagine there was much work involved seriously. Seeing how it was just the Asian text ported over for the most part.
I could see the Vita version looking like this, if anything at a lower res. I mean the shots look great, but they don't look like something that the Vita can't do.
Apparently later that day the US digital game started working for people. Not sure if Sony just added it to the whitelist or what, but very interesting considering the timing of that note that a few other people and I received from Bamco.
As I see it the big change in gfx between HF and LS (except for cleaner geometry) are more advanced shaders and as I understand it shaders are one of the things that the ps3 does much better than the Vita, so I hope that you are right but I don´t think you are.
I finally got around (and the funds) to pick this up on PlayStation TV. I haven't started it, but any tips/suggestions before I do?
hang around in aincrad till you figure out what you are doing with combat and skills as its easier.
from there start the adventure in the hollow area just knoe that enemies are much stronger than the ones in aincrad so be sure to always check enemy levels before fighting.
also if your partner dies its game over so keep an eye on them also
I've made a new community to talk about Monster Hunter/PSO styled games like SAO: Hollow Fragment located here, and I would love it if y'all popped in.
What do you think of the rumor that SAO:LS will have full on character creator?
expect this post of yours to be deleted. thats twice now you go spamming your own OT into others.
expect this post of yours to be deleted. thats twice now you go spamming your own OT into others.
Sounds like it was Google Translated.."Ah, right, the English translations in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment werent that good, huh? Actually, theres a reason for that, but its not something that I can talk about," Futami said to us.
Sounds like it was Google Translated..
Glad we're getting a better translation now. Might actually import the Asian version.
The health bars and map not being closer to the corners of the screen bugs me more than it should.Well then.. no Kirito in sight here.
Oh that is a pretty looking game right there. Still getting it for the Vita instead lol.
As long as it looks and runs better than HF, I'm not gonna be mad. I mean, it doesn't even need to look as good as that screen you posted but I'd be very happy if it looked like that.Worries me that they still haven't shown any Vita screens.(?) I think
Additionally, Bandai Namco revealed a limited edition for the PS Vita version of the game. For 9,980 yen, it will include a special box, special Blu-ray disc, soundtrack CD, special booklet, and 12 clear posters. The standard edition of the game will cost 7,120 yen on PlayStation 3 and 6,170 yen on PS Vita.
More stuff, Vita LE
Nice this time am only going to order one. Since I still have 2 LEs from HF left over lol.
Hey guys a question, if i clear floor 100 the game ends definitively or like certain open world games it lets me continue after the ending, or to be clearer, should i finish the Hollow Area and all the secondary tasks before clearing floor 100?
I know there's ng+, but i don't want to play it again, i have too much backlog![]()
Beat the hollow area first. Then go clear the tower. And you should be able to continue after.
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, which launched for PS Vita in Japan in April and in North America and Europe in August, sold 400,000 units worldwide.
Bandai Namco has released the first set of direct-feed screenshots of Sword Art Online: Lost Song.
The images showcase the world of ALfheim Online—or more specifically, Svart ALfheim, an new continent made up of several floating islands on which the game is set. The first island is called Vorklinde, floating grassland where you’ll find windmills and other large structures.
You’ll also see the game’s 360-degree flight action battles. Players wil be able to fight freely in aerial battles just like the TV anime. You can fight on the ground, as well, and the transition between sky and ground battles is said to be “seamless.” In dungeons, ground-based battles are prevalent.
Also shown are parties and playable characters. Players can bring two other characters of their choosing into battle with them. And Kirito doesn’t have to be among them. Lost Song gives you the option to choose which character you play as. Characters shown in the screenshots include Kirito, Leafa, Asuna, Silica, and Lisbeth.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.