Yeah, I actually believe they are going to do a good job this time around, seeing that people's eyes will be on them. I'm pretty darn sure that they know that they sold their Asian version copy to a lot of importers, and seeing people make jokes about "penetrations" and whatever wasn't what they were aiming for.
Regardless, I have my copy preordered with one day shipping just like I did with Hollow Fragment, so you can expect a report on it as soon as it gets to me.
And that makes sense from a sales point of view, it would be a shame of they didn't include the option. I won't be buying both copies, but I am all for more variety, and whatever can sell more and get people's interest in the game series makes me happy.
And I hope that these guys absolutely knock us out of the park with their take on SAO, I know that I have been taking one step forward, two steps back in terms of how optimistic I am, so I am hoping to eat crow and get a fantastic game that not only is fun, but also outdoes Hollow Fragment (it'll be hard though
