Not sure if this was in the Vita version since I never messed with ad-hoc but, you can actually trade in the multiplayer lobby :0 (not my image)
Can change your avatar at any time via the desk in your room at the inn in the town after the tutorial mission. Found it by total mistake, lol.So how's the female avatar handled? I made one and only got to do the initial tutorial before stopping. Might just start over as Male because it seems to be designed around that
I should have taken a screen shot but I got bitter after trying to find a way around it for a half an hour and left. Once you start in the training down the path where you take the bull out on the exit you can no longer follow the first south fork there it a big yellow circle with the a symbol in it blocking your way and the characters don't eve react to it. It just blocks the path.
No NM's other then the one you were supposed to kill for the mission and only one chest which had gil in it
Can change your avatar at any time via the desk in your room at the inn in the town after the tutorial mission. Found it by total mistake, lol.
You're stuck with the coat but you can change any of the attributes you had originally.
Man that sucks. Wonder why they added that.
The coat is just the armor graphic, which changes when you get new pieces of armor.
Well yeah, if length isn't a problem then it's alright.
Just have to watch out for the miss-able trophies, some of those can be difficult to get.
for example, you have to get all last-hit bonuses from the floor bosses. (You have to be the last person to hit the boss)
If you don't get the last hit, you'll have to close the game out so it won't auto save and do the boss battle again.
I wish the online quest structure was like Monster Hunter... I mean, this game's online counterpart is structured around what MH built and made popular. It's just really awkward how you have to keep teleporting to one area to find a specific spot where your current quest is supposed to be. You end up running into battles that are way above your level. They should just be able to drop you in the vicinity of the quest, or at least just one area away from it. Guess I'll just get used to it.
Interesting. Takes for the info. I'll be picking this up and joining you all soon.Well yeah, if length isn't a problem then it's alright.
Just have to watch out for the miss-able trophies, some of those can be difficult to get.
for example, you have to get all last-hit bonuses from the floor bosses. (You have to be the last person to hit the boss)
If you don't get the last hit, you'll have to close the game out so it won't auto save and do the boss battle again.
Just gotta learn the ins and outs of the game, I'll be sure to get there eventually and deal with the nuisances of the online structure.
Here's some 1080p/60fps online co-op that I got to record earlier, beat up on some goblins:
Is dual-wield the way to go? How are the katanas and spears in the game?
I wish they made a better effort with the textures.
They seriously couldn't swap out like those blurred grass ground textures for some better ones the PS4 could easily handle?
Battle system and the whole mysterious game area stuff is interesting so far. Does take a little to wrap your head around the battle system though. All in all its fun, but can't wait to challenge MP quests more than anything.
Asked before, but there is voicechat online right? Also how do you risk switch / congrats / combo attack with people online? Doesn't work like npcs I assume.
So I loaded my Vita save file. I got to keep my skills level, money and all but have to start from the start again? My girls's affection level also got reset?
Does anyone have any more screenshots of the new translation? The ones a few pages back are good, just looking for a few more. Will probably dive in on this version digitally when it drops in the EU, I enjoyed the Vita version but it got forgotten when a few other titles came out. Newer, better translated version would pull me in.
Does the frame rate still plummet if a lot of NPCs are on screen? I had an instance on one of the areas where about 20 NPCs ended up bundled in a corner somehow and the frame rate hit the ground.
The frame rate in the city goes down quite a lot in some areas.
Wow even on the PS4? That's ridiculous for this game. Probably not gonna double dip. I enjoyed it on the Vita but there was just way too much grind involved for everything. All the grinding wore me out so much I never even completed the game.The frame rate in the city goes down quite a lot in some areas.
Which part?In this video the framerate doesn't look too hot at all.
Wait, really?
Which part?
Can't really tell at the moment since my phone doesn't show 60fps on youtube but, fps shouldn't really be dropping in that tutorial boss at all.
Must just be the video itself then. Game has been running pretty smooth for me, that boss included.yeah, at the tutorial boss. Doesn't look that smooth to my eyes.
Must just be the video itself then. Game has been running pretty smooth for me, that boss included.
Only time the framerate drops is in town when there are a lot of NPCs or occasionally when there are a lot of enemies. Not sure why they didn't fix the drops in towns when it was such a problem for the Vita as well..
Makes me wonder how Lost Song will run since they've added more enemies and vegetation to the PS4 ver of that game.
Those don't carry over sadlyCan anyone who imported their Vita save file confirm if implement levels carry over?
Those don't carry over sadly
Should I check this out if I hated the characters/story/writing of SAO but liked the premise and world? I'm in the market for a jrpg and $20 isn't that much.
I look forward to when people do the last couple of side quests in AincradEspecially if they were my level when they complete them (around 118 - 120 iirc)
For the record, you don't need to grind too much (to complete the story of either area), you start at level 100 and I beat Hollow Area at around level 117 - 118 and Aincrad at around 123ish.
You may even grind unintentionally when you start either doing lots of MP (alone or with actual people) or when you want to start challenging things way above your level. One of my favourite things was looking for new challenges
edit: I was 125 when I fought the hidden boss at the very end (just found an old pic from the JP VIta release) who you can face if you remember to complete the Hollow Area and them make the obvious choice right after the final boss![]()
They're night and day, for what its worth I enjoyed toukiden kiwami's story mode and beat it but would put that game behind this one easily.. this game has this calculated cohesion that keeps you wanring to perfect your style of play.. there is something fulfilling about going toe to toe with an enemy that is 40 levels above your level that puts fire in your blood.Which is better? This or Toukiden Kiwami?
On the Vita when you asked Lisbeth to make you a weapon, you just gave her some stones and she created something random.
Weapon crafting has been improved greatly
On the Vita when you asked Lisbeth to make you a weapon, you just gave her some stones and she created something random.
Here though you can actually raise the weapon's stats and rarity by using materials and stones.
I was even way lower for the final hidden boss lol... You should grind weapons in this game, not levels. Skills are way more important.![]()
So I bought the game off the USPSN store cause I'm impatient... it looks sooo good. <3 Much better than the Vita version visually.
TIP: Go to 1H Swords Skill in the Skill Tree. There you should see "Searching". click on it, use skill point and then learn "Gain EXP" and "Crime Servant"
First increases your EXP gain, second transfers EXP to partner making it easier to level them up. Both useful skills and the ones I usually learn first.
Damn you, I'm so tempted to do the same xD However I'm not sure if we gonna get any kind of DLC, and I'm also planning on getting Lost Song later this year.
Here's a question for those who finished the Vita version, or just got way far in: are there visible headgear pieces? Like helmets maybe? I'm loving smashing stuff with the 2h Axe right now, at the moment using the Gale set, but I can't help but feel like a nice armored helmet would make this even more badass.
I'm asking because I noticed that accessories normally don't do anything, but putting on a necklace makes the character "blink" in a way that only visual changes do, so I'm hoping that there's actual helmets or hats.