Does anyone know how limited the EU LE is? I pre-ordered mine two weeks ago on, then they sold out, a Dutch store got it for less, so I pre-ordered again, but it sold out in a couple of days (again). Because of how fast this seems to be selling out I'm doubting whether or not to keep my Amazon pre-order, I don't want to cancel only to find out the other store didn't get anything.
I also really don't like how us Europeans are getting the vastly inferiour LE again. Differences are getting bigger too, Ni no Kuni and Xillia were just lacking a hardcover (and a coin), this one is missing a steelbook, two discs, artbook
and a hardcover. I should be glad bamco is finally releasing their shit here, but instead I'm still feeling ignored

Still buying it though, because I'm an idiot.