Head of Vengarl
Downloading Overwatch now! Add me TF2 fam:
"Added a new Demo Support feature to auto-record matches"
Man I could've used that years ago when I was making all those dumb videos of the GAF server!
Added a new Demo Support feature to auto-record matches
Can be configured via the Adv. Options menu
Automatically records .dem files of your matches (or can be set to Manual) and puts them into the specified folder
Logs killstreaks and bookmarks to a master _events.txt file in the same folder as the recordings so the events can be easily reviewed
Logs killstreaks and bookmarks for each specific .dem file to .json file that has the same name as the .dem file (see the ds_mark command below)
Supports the following console commands:
ds_record: manually start a recording
ds_stop: manually stop recording
ds_mark [comment]: bookmark the current demo tick count for future reference. The [comment] is an optional descriptor you may include.
ds_status: report the current recording status
Security fixes (thanks to Diodine for these reports)
Fixed an exploit related to the Heavy's gloves and blocking the payload cart
Fixed energy weapons not reloading when using cl_autoreload
Fixed the team-win dialog not being displayed for SourceTV clients
Updated several hats to fix the Sniper not removing the hats while taunting
Added UGC tournament medals for Highlander Seasons 17 and 18, 6v6 Seasons 19 and 20, and 4v4 Seasons 6 and 7
Updated models/materials for The Dead Head, The Scoped Spartan, The Patriot's Pouches, The Sub Zero Suit, Fear Monger, Co-Pilot, Tough Stuff Muffs, The Toowoomba Tunic, Weight Room Warmer, The Bootie Time, and The Big Elfin Deal
Updated The Federal Casemaker to hide the Scout's headphones
Updated the localization files
You know how some voice actors look nothing like the voices they do? That's not the case here.
After four years of hiatus, the genius behind the Oscar-winning classic Gravelpit in a Nutshell has returned to bring us . . . Snowy Coast in a Nutshell.
Obviously it's a stepping stone toward adding Play of the Game to TF2."Added a new Demo Support feature to auto-record matches"
Man I could've used that years ago when I was making all those dumb videos of the GAF server!
Obviously it's a stepping stone toward adding Play of the Game to TF2.
It will still consistently be won by Bastion.
Can anyone recommend me a good performance tweaking guide? I'm talking low-poly models, non-filtered textures, the whole shebang. Most of what I'm finding is years old and I'm assuming now outdated.
You can give b4nny's congif a shot:
Do I just dump all of these files into the appropriate TF2 folder?
If anyone cares about Passtime the developers of it announced a new map coming soon on the official community group. It's called District and it's using the Kong King art style.
It's been quite some time since Passtime has gotten an update so I would expect it will get a pretty major update, or maybe move out of beta soon.
I feel like I've seen this map before...was this on the Jank?
Unzip it and stick it in your Custom folder.
Why can't you throw bonk for damage?
The next update is gonna be neato.
TF2 Major Update June 14th, 2016
- Added 2 brand new hats, "The Skullcap" and "The Capskull"
- Added 3 new cases, none of them containing strange quickiebomb launcher or iron bomber
- Added new feature to ranked beta that causes people to crash even more for some reason
- Fixed bug that we swear we fixed 4 patches ago but it keeps coming back
- Lowered everyone's FPS by at least 20. If your FPS didn't drop by at least 20, or didn't drop at all, please see steam support
Balance Changes:
- Flamethrower now damages pyro instead of the enemy
- Airblast now costs 200 ammo on all flamethrowers
- All flamethrower max ammo count reduced from 200 to 199
- equipping the flare gun, axtinguisher, or reserve shooter will instantly kill yourself
- Powerjack removed from the game (after pro player feedback we came to the conclusion that moving a tiny bit faster on a class that desperately needs mobility to be any bit useful, was way too overpowered)
- Health reduced from 125 to 25. Just 25
- 0.5 second delay has been added between scoping in and being able to shoot
- Upon headshotting a demoman, soldier or scout, the damage is instantly reflected back onto sniper
- Revolvers no longer deal damage
- Headshotting with a non-Ambassador revolver will heal the enemy for the amount it would've dealt
- After pro player feedback we have chosen to remove backstabbing as a mechanic from the game, due to complaints of it not involving rocket jumping or playing scout. From now on landing a backstab instead makes a scattergun noise and launches spy in the air with the same velocity as a rocket jump
- Minigun inaccuracy increased by 60%
- Base damage reduced by 30%. (Don't worry, if by somehow you manage to hit someone at this point, you will only have to wait 15 seconds while spun up to go back to normal damage!)
- Sandvich removed from the game (We deemed it too confusing for new players who didn't know how to eat the food)
- Having any building up will mark the Engineer permanently with minicrit damage, until no buildings are on the field.
- Scouts, Demomen, and Soldiers can now one hit kill any building just by looking at it
- level 2 and 3 sentry gun damage reduced by 50% against scouts
- Tide Turner no longer grants minicrits on a successful charge attack, instead heals the opponent and damages yourself
- Mediguns no longer heal classes that aren't Scout, Soldier, or Demoman
Next update will include 11 more classes and everyone gets an Australium Power Move (TM).
"Death rains from above, maggot!"Next update will include 11 more classes and everyone gets an Australium Power Move (TM).
My guess is that they weren't ever seriously considering a 10 class and that box in L4D implying a 10th class was coming soon was just a joke, but you never know with Valve.I wonder if Valve will ever talk about what they were thinking of doing for a tenth class (if, indeed, they ever did think of making a tenth class). Obviously the weapons kinda took over and replaced that idea, but that doesn't stop me from being curious.
4-Team Invitational LAN Tourney this weekend at Dreamhack Summer:
Should be a good watch. :3
I just got back from a lunch with part of the TF Team.
I wasn't told many specifics at all (I have no idea what the next major update will contain), and I won't share anything I WAS told, but I will say that following my conversation with them, I have a lot more respect for their judgement and vision for TF2. The way they identify problems impressed me.
Again -- I have no real, specific information, but I'm excited.
I don't want to get too specific -- basically, we talked about some of the current problems TF2 has, and it seems like the problems they knew about were absolutely spot-on. That said, I can't promise that any of the problems that YOU care about are, or are not, known/agreed upon by Valve, nor can I promise that you'll agree or disagree with any of their solutions (I don't actually know what their solutions are, either)
They do monitor the community a lot. They read community discussions and they watch Twitch.
Some encouraging posts from Geel, the owner of Scrap.tf about the TF2 team:
I'm honestly tired of hearing about this theoretical update and how it great it will probably be. Shit or get off the pot.