Yeah, they seem to be pretty broke right now. I haven't gotten any as well, and I completed all my Merasmissions last year.4 days and my Merasmissions still don't work.
Correct me if I'm wrong but access to them is free right? So, why don't I have access to them yet? This is goddamn ridiculous.
Yeah, they seem to be pretty broke right now. I haven't gotten any as well, and I completed all my Merasmissions last year.
When choosing a class to disguise? The only thing that might work is the compact disguise option in "Advanced options". I know there's no specific way to map certain buttons to certain classes, but that might work.Anyone know how to change the key binds when choosing a class to disguise as? I'm a lefty and want to change the spy disguise keys so they are more convenient.
Anyone know how to change the key binds when choosing a class to disguise as? I'm a lefty and want to change the spy disguise keys so they are more convenient.
bind [KEY] "disguise X Y"
bind b "disguise 7 -2"
bind f "disguise 1 -1"
I guess we'll finally find out whether TF2 has a toxic community or not.
Of what's left of it.
Hero of SFM The Winglet has posted his Saxxy entry, Timeless Thief. Definitely worth a watch.
It makes me sad that despite how much work the TF2 community puts into stuff Valve themselves don't seem to care much about TF2 anymore.
Months of playing Overwatch has actually made me appreciate TF2 more; Overwatch is fun but it is a pretty casual game.
Via the Steam store and HLDS:
Rumor has it:
- Fixed a bug related to using the Dead Ringer while carrying the flag
- Fixed some Strange map filters displaying the wrong map names in their descriptions
- Updated the localization files
- sigsegv__ (a responsible bug hunter) shared some details about the Dead Ringer bug that was fixed
- Legacy low-level quickplay parts appear to have been removed. Like it or not, casual is here to stay:
- Size is ~10 MB
sigsegv said:This was a gameplay exploit where, while carrying the flag, the Dead Ringer would not function properly, in such a manner that you could repeatedly hit alt-fire to prime the DR, and you would get the 75% damage reduction from each hit you'd take, but you would not lose any of your cloak meter, nor drop the flag, nor activate the feign-death sequence itself. Very, very broken.Fixed a bug related to using the Dead Ringer while carrying the flag
It was discovered and brought to my attention by ZOAG, who did an excellent job coming up with a detailed description, bug-reproduction steps, and a video comparison; I helped tracked down the exact faulty code change in the October 1, 2015 update that caused the bug to start happening.
Congrats, man! Jumping is by far my favorite thing about TF2 so it's always cool to see other people into it.In other news, I finally finished my first jump map! It was jump_home_v2, and was overall pretty fun aside from this horrible wall-pogo course at the end (I got so frustrated I wound up changing the gravity so I could skip it). I actually learned more from jumping straight into a jump map than I did from Jump Academy courses, interestingly.
Congrats, man! Jumping is by far my favorite thing about TF2 so it's always cool to see other people into it.And while I appreciate what Jump Academy's trying to do, yeah... just playing maps (and figuring out how to do jumps in addition to the mechanical skills) is the best way to learn for sure.
I just played through home_v2 (+bonus) and it is pretty fun. Way tougher than the first map I completed (some old dumb thing like rj_rocketeer or adventure, haha).
I'm with you on wallpogo sucking - it's one of things you just have to grind out in order to pass certain jumps and it never becomes more interesting. :X
You working through any other maps right now? This is a pretty good resource if you're looking for other maps in each tier to play.
If you live in a place unlucky enough to have seasons, the weather's probably starting to turn into what meteorologists call "garbage," and like all of us, you're starting to think about a nice vacation to the tropics. And if you're also like us, you then start remembering how all those places have filthy water and enormous spiders and those weird little fish that crawl up youranyway, the point is you're going nowhere.
So instead, were bringing the tropics to you, with a new tropical jungle-themed map we're working on! And we'd love the talented folks in the Workshop to join us!
For those of you already developing for existing community themes, good news: There's a lot you've already developed that we think will fit in perfectly with the tropical theme.
For the rest of you Workshop creators, consider this a call to action for all things tropical over the next few months: particles, maps, items and anything else. If you've got something tropical in mind, get cracking, because we'd love to see it. Don't forget to upvote your favorites in the Workshop!
Does that mean Mayann is a go?
From an email Valve has sent out some months ago:
"The plan is for Valve to consider suggestions for themed-updates from the community. If there is a theme we think would be interesting to pursue, we'll create a blog post announcing the theme and inviting the entire community to participate. The blog post will outline the theme, timeline, and how the revenue will be shared. There won't be official community team leaders for the themed-updates like there have been in the past. Just like anything that ships from the Workshop, items will be selected based on the community's input."
This was due to problems that existed in the management of previous community updates, so Valve has stopped picking community-specific updates and started chosing themes instead, giving people more freedom.
Sort of, this update will use a similar theme as the Mayann update but probably wont actually be the Mayann update. Apparently the drama behind the scenes of the Invasion update (where people were fighting over how much of a cut they would get for the update, forcing Valve to put their foot down at tell everyone you need to agree to this cut or your item isn't getting in) soured them on doing something like Invasion or End of the Line again.
This is why we can't have nice things.
That's such a shame and I'm sad it endangered Frontline. I was really looking forward to Frontline, but I guess that means now its unlikelier than ever we'll see that get a full-fledged update soon.
big fan of the matchmaking improvements and the autobalance
I have to say I'm impressed by Valve. Despite skipping making their own Halloween map again this year we got a Christmas update with the least amount of gameplay changing content ever. The improvements to matchmaking are nice but I certainly expected a lot more from this update.
I was hoping for a reason to boot up TF2 again, but this wasn't it. I never played TF2 for the Valve servers casual or otherwise, unless they were for missions, which at the very least were interesting. Pretty much all of the community servers are dead.
This update felt pretty uninspired at best. There's nothing creative about the new festives, they're just regular skins with lights. Festive Scottish Resistance? Maybe after their years of collecting "weapon usage data" they would know no one actually uses that except for the rare occasion in MvM. Half the new cosmetics are beanies. Competitive Matchmaking has a weird nonsensical revolving door of maps. Badlands and Granary are back but Foundry and Snakewater are gone. Why?? What purpose does limiting and changing the map selections even serve at this point?
Was gonna make it but honestly thought no one would care.Is a new TF comic threadworthy? Feels threadworthy.
That was a solid issue. Curious to see what the end game is, both for the comic and, possibly, the game.