Bizarre and I can only assume knee-jerk statement from Gies. I have yet to personally play another game that lets you choose a male or female character and then on top of that gives you an option of what gender identity you prefer to be addressed as. It's as sensible and inoffensive as is conceivably possible short of just going the sackperson route again.
Oh, I thought it was a tweet.
As someone who immediately chose Atoi despite being a guy, I will admit that I thought the same thing (oh, Atoi is Iota backwards, so male is the default?). If we're being technical here, it's a minor manifestation of that Ms. Male Character thing the Women and Tropes video detailed (Atoi is Iota plus some nice hair and eyelashes). But I thought it in more of a "huh, well guess nothing's 100% perfect" way rather than a "FUCK THIS SEXIST PIECE OF TRASH" way. I don't know if Gies thought the latter either, but I really didn't think it was that big of a deal.
(Someone else mentioned upthread that Atoi is Patois minus the first and last letter, but I have no idea if that's at all intentional.)
Japanese Tearaway web commercial thingy? idk...
part 2:
Japanese Tearaway web commercial thingy? idk...
part 2:
Hahaha, not only is that a great reaction to the end, but I'm impressed at the dexterity it must have required to pull off that shot!
Btw, aren't you at MM? How come you're only just finishing this off, if you don't mind my asking?
Japanese Tearaway web commercial thingy? idk...
part 2:
While your wallet doesn't thank you, I do! Anyone that's bought Tearaway makes me happy.I really shouldn't of spent more this November but Tearaway for $30. I'll live with my choice and enjoy this amazing game.
I found that one to be the hardest too! Wendigo one was the easiest. The Tear was easier than I thought it would be.Add me to the Tearaway Platinum Club. It also doubles as my first platinum trophy ever!Of the three "don't lose your stamp" trophies, I found Between the Pages to be the hardest of the three. How about anyone else?
I am not with Mm. ^^ And I would've finished the game much earlier, but I honestly spend too much time doing costumes in the game!
I found that one to be the hardest too! Wendigo one was the easiest. The Tear was easier than I thought it would be.
Oh right, were you there for LBP then? Or am I missing some clever in-joke related to your tag?
Congrats on finishing all the same!
I made a Iota decoration for the xmas tree. Not sure if this link will work:
GF might do an Atoi one too!
I just re-wathed one of the announcement trailers, and there are a BUNCH of gameplay mechanics I did not come across in the game (tilting the screen vertically, using wind via the microphone, knocking enemies off with your voice).
Did I miss them or were they "scrapped" (see what I did thar?)
I have finally found it! It was over 2 bouncing pads but it was not visible on camera. :\Just a friendly advice to everyone.
Tearaway has a simple platinum, and since the game is awesome many would like to get the platinum, my advice to not ruin the experience is either:
1)trying to get EVERYTHING at the first run(there are a pair of levels that needs to be replayed though)
2)just enjoy the experience leaving lots of collectables to make the second playtrough fun.
Why this advice? Well because i assure you that i loved the game, but things like searching many times for just ONE confetti(Confetto? Coriander?) in a long and dark level likeis not fun at allthe cave
I have learned that both the Italian "coriandoli"(colored pieces of paper) and "confetti"(candies with almonds and chocolate in a shell of sugar) are translated in English with "confetti" lol.
I'm stuck and I need a bit of help, in The Traveler. Pardon the shitty picture. It's probably something incredibly obvious, but I'm missing what exactly to do here and I'm tired of shaking my Vita.
. 99% sure that's right.If you tilt to the right a bounce pad will appear to get up to the next level
There was an article on Polygon (amazing I know) with the MM guys and they confirmed that they've taken a lot of the microphone stuff out, because not everyone is comfortable with that in public. Plenty of tilting in the later levels though.
I was listening to the latest Rebel FM where Anthony was talking about how much he likes this game and is explaining the setup. He mentions that you're an envelope that is given life and that you have to deliver a message to the sun... When Arthur jumps in with this:
Now, I have played the start of this game and there was no default character, you choose whether you're male or female. It seems to me that Arthur is reading too much into this and is insinuating a sexist agenda where there is none.
Atoi, or à toi, means "to you" in French. This clearly has a deeper meaning to the Tearaway world than Iota, hence Iota is actually Atoi spelt backwards and the female is actually the default, or whatever the hell that means.
Great game. I finished it the other night. Had a lot of fun. Wasn't challenging in any way, but the whole paper world and everything in it was marvelous. Game length was decent and it didn't feel too short. It was full of charm and character and lots of cool moments that kept me entertained. For it's knock down price, it was fully worth the price and one of the best games this year. Certainly my fave Vita game.
It's a shame it won't have sold very well thanks to Vita sales and little marketing for the game. It deserves to have a bigger userbase to be sold to although it would be missing some of it's key gameplay features. However I'm sure they could think of other gimmicks and change it up to make it work on PS4 for instance if they decided to continue the franchise.
People keep saying this but the marketing was pretty solid in most of Europe, particularly in the UK.
Japanese Tearaway web commercial thingy? idk...
part 2:
My gf bought me this for $20, so I remember reading something about unlimited paper.
I just started the game and got 3 trophies already (not sure what level I'm on atm since I'm not in-game), how do I do the unlimited paper thing?
I want to start customizing iota.
Made a vine describing a little glitch(?) I found if you ever needed to use more of the same colored sheet when making your own decoration:
Gies, one of the least respected people in the gaming industry.
Atoi, or à toi, means "to you" in French. This clearly has a deeper meaning to the Tearaway world than Iota, hence Iota is actually Atoi spelt backwards and the female is actually the default, or whatever the hell that means.
Y'll are making me want to play this again as Atoi.I went with this, yeah. The female narrator's tinge of patois to her pronunciation of the word further reinforced this for me.
Y'll are making me want to play this again as Atoi.
The character design for Atoi is really neat; she's as equally cool as Iota, IMO. Start a new file just to check it out!![]()
I just re-wathed one of the announcement trailers, and there are a BUNCH of gameplay mechanics I did not come across in the game (tilting the screen vertically, using wind via the microphone, knocking enemies off with your voice).
Did I miss them or were they "scrapped" (see what I did thar?)
The character design for Atoi is really neat; she's as equally cool as Iota, IMO. Start a new file just to check it out!![]()