Got it, played a bit of it, quick impressions:
-The game seems to be Tekken 6 with TTT2 Heihachi and no rage system.
-The character models are noticeably better than TK6 PSP, but some animation is still missing (bounce

-Backgrounds feel empty and lack animation. There also appears to be less stages than TK6, however some are hidden. There's also new stages and BGM tracks.
-Sound quality seems pretty good (without headphones). Nice and loud.
-Controls work well enough, however you have to set the L and R buttons and touch panels for EVERY CHARACTER. I can understand the touch panel customization, but for L/R this makes no sense.
-The game runs at a rock-solid 60FPS, even with 3D on. Impressive.
-Character customization is gone. You can only alter character colors. No third outfits either. Lame.
-Although people have said the modes feel "bare bones," I kind of disagree. You get Survival, Quick Battle (essentially an endless arcade mode), Versus (online and local), and Practice. For Tekken, what feels missing is story mode with endings. Guess they figured the shitty movie was enough.
-From what I tried, online play is pretty good. Yes, you can have awful, lag-filled matches, but you can also have incredibly-smooth bouts with minimal lag. When I played against opponents with good connection, the online play easily topped SSF4 and DOA Dimensions. Yet I'm reading that people think it sucks. Odd.
-You cannot select a character when playing ranked matches online. Whoever you set as your main in your profile is your character. This is incredibly stupid and very annoying. FWITW BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend on Vita is similar when playing ranked matches online, however you can at least select the one character you want to stick with first.
Get this game if you want to have some good portable Tekken online action on the go. Avoid if you need meaty single player content/customization.