So there was no episode 5 preview? lol.
Would give way too much away. Glad they didn't.
I feel super bad about [stuff]
Beat it. Thought it was good, but I wish the episodes were more self-contained like Season 1.
Did anyone get to see Kenny's exposed eye? They made it sound like that was a possibility. If so, how is it? Will infection be an issue next episode?
I did toodamn, I just got spoiled. Serves me right for browsing this thread I suppose.
... you say and still quote it essentially giving the post more publicity and repeating it?
You should put a spoiler tag.
I'm having the same problem at the moment...I did toothanks TadThuggish
Is this not out on 360 yet? It says "download now" but it won't let me access it in the Xbox menu.
I'm having the same problem at the moment...![]()
Just finished it. What a chapter, didn't expect that ending.
I may be harsh but felt glad when Sarah died. What a burden she was. Does she survive if you let Clem save her?; also, this may get some dislike, but I was kinda disappointed Kenny didn't kick the bucket. Poor guy is too broken.
I honestly disliked her more than Ben. Ben at least was trying to be helpful at points and redeemed himself a bit before he finally died, but Sarah was just broken. There was no hope for her at all. Plus I didn't want to risk Jane dying.
The worst part is that technically it's all her dad's fault. If he wasn't so overprotective and made her come to terms with the reality of the apocalypse she probably wouldn't have died.
I honestly disliked her more than Ben. Ben at least was trying to be helpful at points and redeemed himself a bit before he finally died, but Sarah was just broken. There was no hope for her at all. Plus I didn't want to risk Jane dying.
The worst part is that technically it's all her dad's fault. If he wasn't so overprotective and made her come to terms with the reality of the apocalypse she probably wouldn't have died.
About how long is this episode? I'm tempted to start it up now but I think I'll wait until after work tomorrow instead so I can do it all in one sitting.
omfg, I cannot get this stupid tent open. yes, I know this is stupid. not to steal the medicines from Arvo, he still says that I stole from him at the last part not to steal the medicines from Arvo, he still says that I stole from him at the last part
Apparently Jane stole them instead. If you mention her, he gets paranoid and asks where she is.
Technicallyshe stole his gun
This was just a poorly done episodefirst off considering how pro Keny I was throughout the whole thing, his crassness towards a child like Clem seems just stupid, when I decided to cut the arm off him being mad at me is unjustified and nonsensical, I mean come on how long has this shit been going on can't he get over it already, even if you can then don't blame it on a fucking child like moron.
Technicallyshe stole his gun
The Kenny thingis kinda understandable in that Clem didn't just chop off Sarita's arm, she did it while they were right among a fuckload of zombies. She screamed in pain and shock, and was eaten before she even had time to react. It really wasn't a good idea in hindsight. The best course of action would've been to get out of there first and then chop off the arm.
Kenny does it if you don't.
I kind of regrettedletting him do it, though. I'm worried people will give him shit for it when it was the right thing to do.
Click and drag the flap to the side, then hit W to move forward into the opening.
Faith in: irreparably shattered.Luke