BTW is it true you canCos that would never work in real life.burn the logyou need kindling to get some flames going before you can add so thick wood
Yes.Why wouldn't you at least try before burning the photo?
Some lazy writing in this episode
killing off Omid, Omid and Christas child, and the dog in such stupid ways.
It's pretty lame that they killed off pretty much every main character from season one. All that wasted character development. can't wait till season 3 and all the season 2 cast is dead.
And after playing through season one and seeing how choices didn't matter as much as we thought. I'd bet that no matter who you save at the end of ep.1, the other one will die soon as well.
Some lazy writing in this episode
killing off Omid, Omid and Christas child, and the dog in such stupid ways.
It's pretty lame that they killed off pretty much every main character from season one. All that wasted character development. can't wait till season 3 and all the season 2 cast is dead.
And after playing through season one and seeing how choices didn't matter as much as we thought. I'd bet that no matter who you save at the end of ep.1, the other one will die soon as well.
The four most likely people that Clementine was referring to in that episode 2 preview were Kenny, Lilly, Ben, or Christa. Hoping for Kenny or Christa.
It can't be Ben since I dropped that motherfucker to his death. I doubt TellTale would include a character who could be certainly dead in a person's playthrough.
Oh, so it's a zombie game.
Most of them died during that season as it was. A total of one character from then is tangibly dead this episode. I'm finding it hilarious Omid is the tipping point for you in that you just now come to the realization they're actually dying.
Don't panic if you don't see your old saves pop up at first people; start a new game and press play, AFTER that it asks if you want to use a Season 1 save. Don't search the entire menu for it like I did.![]()
Thank you for this. I was going insane trying to find out how to import them.
You're welcome, me too. It seems way more convenient to just add an 'import' menu option, but I figure Telltale just didn't realize people might freak out a little if they don't see their old saves before they actually start the first episode.
The four most likely people that Clementine was referring to in that episode 2 preview were Kenny, Lilly, Ben, or Christa. Hoping for Kenny or Christa.
Finished up the first episode and I have to say, that was one hell of a ride for such a short chapter. I clocked in at about 95mins and it didn't at all feel that short. It felt dense and satisfying.
I really hope we don't have to wait more than a month for the next episode. I don't think I can hold out too long after that preview they showed.
I saved teenage Kenny because the other guy looked bitten, but knowing Telltale it might turn out to be a scratch from a rock or something. Also, was that guy in the episode 2 preview the guy from the prison bus in 400 days? Because on my save he's the only one who stays at the camp. Everyone else left. Aside from that, the only other two things that my save seems to have affected are Clementine saying that they're smarter than the zombies, her description of Lee, and the fact that she starts acting weird every time one of the characters mentions chopping off a hand.
I get it's a zombie game, I just don't know why being a zombie game excuses certain criticisms.
Omid dying within the first 5 minutes of the episode is incredibly stupid. Whats the point of keeping him around through season one if he's going to die so fast. One of the biggest surprises in season one was that Christa was pregnant. But no, the child died before it was born because there's pregnant character in the new group that fills that role. I was looking forward to seeing how Omid and Christa took care of a newborn child in the post-zombie world. There was potential there. And it definitely was a better option than getting rid of both characters so suddenly. And if Christa is going to be the survivor and I'm supposed to care about finding her, then she should have gotten more attention than she did. I mean, why do I care about finding her again? What made her unique? At least Omid was funny. The dog continuing to attack you instead of going for the food and hiding isn't a big deal. More of an annoying nitpick. They wanted to do that whole kill the pet thing even though the dog could have played an interesting role later in the season.
And the choice of who to save is pretty much a guarantee that the other person will also die soon no matter who you pick. The biggest complaint I have of season one isn't that your choices don't change the overall flow of the game (it would be impossible to do that); it's that it stumbled multiple times getting everyone in the same spots at certain points in the game. In season one, saving Doug or Carly was a huge deal. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed when Doug was given just a few lines of dialogue before getting killed in the exact same way Carly would have been killed had I saved her. Picking who to save just isn't much of a shock moment anymore when you know whoever you save is going to receive minimal character development and die before episode 3 ends.
Make no mistake however, this season looks like it's going to be great. But I can't help but be disappointed by some shortcomings.
does the "recap" or whatever also show your decisions from 400 days
does the "recap" or whatever also show your decisions from 400 days
Is the Season Pass seriously not up on PSN yet? The hell are they waiting for?
Was about to buy it then saw this. WTF.