
Developer: Bluehole Studio
Publisher: En Masse Entertainment
Release Date: May 01, 2012
Rating: M
Platform: PC
For information about the European release, please visit TERA Europe.
OS: Windows XP, VISTA or 7 (Latest SP)
CPU: AMD Athlon64 3200+ or Intel Pentium 4 3.20G
Graphics Card: Radeon X1600XT or Geforce 7600GT
HDD: 30 GB
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c


Mount Tyrannas
Valley of Titans
Lake of Tears
Tempest Reach
Ascension Valley
Celestial Hills - Roleplay
TERA Server Status

The Argon Queen update was a large expansion to TERA that brings a close to the current Argon storyline, concluding with a battle against the Argon Queen herself. This update also marks the debut of Fraywind Canyon, the first TERA instanced PVP Battlegrounds and Nexus Traverse, the first TERA raid. Click HERE for a complete list of changes.

Argon Corpus
The Argon main base. Item drops in normal mode include T13 Cyasma, Discord, and Victor (PVP) sets while item drops in hard mode include T14 Bloodvision (PVP), Abyss, and Deathstrain sets. Bosses in both modes will occasionally drop the crafting recipes for the T14 Vision Maker set.

Manaya's Core
The lair of Shandra Manaya, the Argon queen. Item drops in normal mode include T14 Queen's Wrath armor. Hard mode drops include the T14 Regent set and materials for crafting the T14 Vision Maker set.

Sirjuka Gallery
Sirjuka Gallery is similar to Temple of Temerity. In this instance you must protect a crystal from monsters while earning points. Additional points and bonuses are earned for performing specific actions. Currency called Talents can be earned which are be used to purchase new advanced glyphs or glyph boxes. In addition, completing this instance rewards you with one of five tiers of reward based on your group's final score through the in-game mail system.
Raid groups consist of 20 players in groups of 5. Use them to participate in GvG, Battlegrounds, and Nexus. A raid only chat channel has been added that can be accessed by typing /ra or /i. While in a raid you will only receive 1% of gold and experience from defeating monsters, drop rates are lowered significantly, reputation points can only be earned for Agnitor, and rewards cannot be received from normal quests.

Nexus Traverse
Nexus Traverse is an extension of Nexus. It is an instanced raid dungeon with large bosses and bigger rewards. Item drops include T13 Fraywind armor, Agnitor armor, crafting recipes, and more. In order to enter the Nexus Traverse, you must be part of a raid that has successfully destroyed a Nexus. When one member has entered the instance, all other players will be summoned.
Fraywind Canyon
A new 15v15 battleground, Fraywind Canyon has been added. 'Bellicarium' reputation can be earned here and used to purchase T13 PVP gear and other items.
Class Changes
Lancers and Warriors were updated with several new abilities and now use a new resource, Resolve, to power their defensive skills instead of mana.

Outside of the F2P conversion, there have been several changes made to alleviate grind and player frustration. Some of these changes were introduced in patches prior to the launch of TERA Rising. Some highlights are listed below:
- F2P - No purchase or subscription required. The entire game is accessible and completely free to play.
- No Monthly Fee - No subscription required. You can sign up for an optional Elite membership for additional benefits.
- Crafting - All recipes in the game have been revamped and simplified. Crafting is now easy and inexpensive.
- Enchanting - Enchanting is now easier and a bonus is granted for every failed enchant to increase your odds next time.
- Rested Experience - Logging out in a town or city will allow you to build up 'rested experience' for faster leveling later.
- Class Balance - All classes have been completely rebalanced with some receiving major overhauls and glyph adjustments.
- Gear has been adjusted to better balance sets obtained via PVE versus those obtained via PVP.
- More accessible and less time consuming methods to gear up at level 60 were introduced.
Nexus has been completely revamped. Lag has been greatly reduced, it can be cleared in less than 30 minutes, and the rewards have been significantly increased. In addition, a new setting has been added to the options menu to reduce system load during Nexus called, Real Time Optimization.
Unified Theory Research Institute & Jax Trust
New NPCs have been added in Allementhiea and Cutthroat Harbor that provide daily quests for reputation. Earned credits can be used to purchase T14 enchanting fodder and T14 PVE equipment. This equipment is almost equivalent to a T14 Abyss set at +9 (minus enchanting bonuses) and can be obtained in a relatively short amount of time. This gear is good enough to complete most level 60 dungeons in the game. The PVE gear can be purchased within the first reputation level so it is relatively easy to obtain.
Valkyon Outfitters
Valkyon Outfitters is a store that contains costumes, weapon skins, masks, mounts, vouchers for class, name, and race change, and timed boosters for gold and experience. The goal is for the store to never contain any 'Pay to Win' items and to focus on providing cosmetic items, mounts, services, and time-saving conviences like the boosters.
Champions Skyring
A new 3v3 battleground, Champions Skyring has been added. 'Killing Spree' reputation can be earned here and used to purchase T14 PVP gear.

Crucible of Flame
A new timed dungeon with a leaderboard and rankings. The Crucible of Flame has two stages with multiple rounds in each. This dungeon is designed to test the best of the best and is considered one of TERA's most challenging dungeons ever. T13 gear is required for entry. This dungeon can only be attempted once daily (twice for Elite members).
Faction based PVP, Consul politics, and pets! Click HERE to read more.

TERA is F2P with no restrictions as of February 5th. No purchase or subscription required! Visit for more information. TERA's primary source of income will be from store purchases through the Valkyon Outfitters and optional Elite memberships.
Elite Membership
Monthly: $14.99

Anyone that purchased and registered TERA prior to the 'TERA Rising' F2P conversion was awarded Founder status. Founders have special icons that appear next to their name and a unique 'Founder' title, they get an exclusive Argon Hybrid Warhorse mount, have priority over other players in server queues, and get the maximum number of character slots, inventory slots, and bank slots. Founders also receive a one-time free EMP credit on their account.
The game is no longer being sold by the publisher but you may be able to find remaining copies at retail. If you find and register a retail copy, you will activate Founder status on your account. Once these copies are sold, this will no longer be available.

Ages ago, in a realm torn apart by war and strife, Arun and Shara chose to flee and start new lives. Using their immense power, they shaped a new universe and turned their backs on the constant struggles of the old one. They set aside their implements of war. Shara flung a ring into the sky and it burned brightly and illuminated their world. Arun and Shara laid down to rest and began to dream. Their tears formed the seas and their bodies became the continents. Their breath created the winds and their minds dreamed up all manner of creatures and plants. From the heart of each titan came a spring that became the Fountain of Shara and Fountain of Arun. These fountains were the rawest source of primal power in their new world.
The first argon invasion took the world by surprise. Otherworldly and powerful, the motives behind the argon attack remain unclear. Destroying or reshaping everything in their path, they aren't interested in resources, vengeance, or any other tangible motive. Their cold, inexorable advance was stopped only at great cost and by unifying the races of the world. Though the world endures other troubles, a wary eye is kept on the argons as they reshape Northern Shara into a nightmarish, alien landscape. Small units of argons have been seen far south of their "borders," and some within the federation believe the argons are positioning themselves for a final, fatal strike, while the allied races are distracted by internal and external conflicts.

TERA is the first AAA MMO to feature a complete action combat system. Dubbed "True Action Combat", the system uses a free targeting and location based damage system with customizable combos and skill chains. Most classes have a dodge, escape, or block that allows them to avoid enemy attacks in real time. The game eliminates the need for tab targeting or holding down right click to move.
- F2P - No purchase or subscription required. The game is completely free to play.
- Politics - Compete for the political position of Vanarch or Consul. Collect taxes, control NPCs, zone settings, and more.
- Guilds - Fully functional guild system with member ranks, permissions, and guild bank.
- GvG - Guild Vs Guild large scale PVP combat. Guilds can enter GvG competition in lieu of popular vote for the Vanarchy campaign.
- PVP - Open world PVP through the use of an Outlaw system. This is available on PVP servers only.
- Duels and Deathmatch - Timed 1v1 duels, 5v5 deathmatch, and 10v10 deathmatch with optional wagers.
- Battlegrounds - 15v15 or 3v3 organized team combat.
- Nexus - Close Nexus portals with a large raid party and then enter the Nexus Traverse dungeon with your raid to fight challenging bosses for better rewards.
- Daily Quests - Quests from special NPCs can be completed daily to earn reputation and rewards.
- BAMs - Big Ass Monsters. These are gigantic challenging zone bosses that roam the open world and dungeons.
- Dungeons - Challenging dungeons with varying degrees of difficulty. Hard Mode dungeons offer the most challenging experiences and the best rewards.
- Matchmaking - Automated cross-server matchmaking tool for dungeons, battlegrounds, and other content.
- Enchanting - Special weapons and armor can be enchanted to increase base stats and unlock bonuses.
- Glyphs - A unique system that enhances existing abilities for your class. Advanced glyphs can be obtained from special dungeons.
- Valkyon Outfitters - Store containing primarily cosmetic items, mounts, and time-saving boosters purchased with EMP that is bought with real currency.
- Achievements - Gameplay achievements that grant player titles and rewards.
- Controller support

Ranked 15v15 and 3v3 organized team combat. Battlegrounds features a ranked leaderboard with individual statistic tracking. The objective is to eliminate the other team or eliminate the team and score bonus points by securing objectives and defeating BAMs. You can earn reputation credits by competing in each Battlegrounds that can be used to purchase new gear and items.

Fraywind Canyon
Fraywind Canyon is the first structured PVP battleground in TERA. In Fraywind Canyon you can compete in 15v15 matches with a pre-made party of 15 against other pre-made parties of 15 or you can use the matchmaking system to queue alone or with a party of up to five players. The cross-server matchmaking tool will automatically pair you with and against other players based on a ranking system.

Champions' Skyring
Champions' Skyring is a more intimate and competitive form of organized PVP featuring 3v3 combat. Each team is only allowed one healer. The goal of Champion's Skyring is simple - Eliminate the enemy team. Each round has a six-minute time limit. If the round ends due to time, the team with more surviving members wins. If there’s an equal number of survivors on each team, the round is a tie. You’ll see the wins, losses, and ties tallied near the top of the screen. If you see your team’s color, it’s a win. Gray means a tie, and the other team’s color means a loss.
The PvP tab of your profile has your individual rating for Champions’ Skyring, which updates almost instantly. Seasonal leaders can earn achievements and win exclusive prizes! At the end of each battle, you earn Killing Spree points that you can spend on epic weapons and armor once your Killing Spree rating reaches thresholds of 1200 for armor and 2000 for weapons.

You can click on each image for a detailed description and complete list of abilities.

You can click on each image for a detailed description and complete list of abilities.

Penny Arcade (@cwgabriel):

RPGFan - 92/100
Gaming Trend - 91/100
ZTGameDomain - 8.5/10
Gaming Age - B+
GameTrailers - 8.4/10
Cheat Code Central - 4.2/5
Game Revolution - 4/5
G4TV - 80/100 - 7.7/10
GameSpot - 7.5/10
The Escapist - 3.5/5
Eurogamer Italy [EU] - 80/100

TERA - Launch Trailer
TERA - Island of Dawn: Opening Gameplay Experience
TERA - Beginnings: Launch Cinematic
TERA - True Action Combat
TERA - Argon Invasion: Gilgash
TERA - Dungeon Series: Saleron's Skygarden
TERA - Dungeon Series: Temple of Temerity
TERA - Dungeon Series: Akasha's Hideout
TERA - Dungeon Series: Temple of Dagon
TERA - Flythrough Series: Tor Exsul
TERA - Flythrough Series: Fyrmount
TERA - Flythrough Series: Feral Valley
TERA - Race Series: Aman
TERA - Race Series: Baraka
TERA - Race Series: Castanic
TERA - Race Series: Elin
TERA - Race Series: High Elf
TERA - Race Series: Human
TERA - Race Series: Popori
TERA - Political System

TERA - A Whole New Game (Disney Parody)
TERA - X-mas Party Rock!
TERA - Elin dance

Bluehole Studio
En Masse Entertainment
TERA Europe